
CRank: 5Score: 152480

No. It was never about how many exclusives...they never promised a set number. What they promised was a set time frame of a year or two. Its called a transitional period. Some of these games now look like they're a little further out than initially thought which is putting them outside of that timeframe.

This should at least make the fanboys happy though since they were the ones so concerned about being "held back."

1408d ago 7 agree18 disagreeView comment

All those links revolve around one meme...nothing connected to the actual show which was actually a good show...other than the CGI which I dont like one bit.

1408d ago 7 agree63 disagreeView comment


No...they are a site that simply reports wrong numbers PERIOD. Not just for Microsoft, for ALL.

1408d ago 4 agree21 disagreeView comment

Got to make it about Microsoft even when they have nothing to do with it...🤷🏾‍♂️

1408d ago 17 agree76 disagreeView comment

With the Xbox showcase or Halo Infinite?

1408d ago 0 agree30 disagreeView comment

"Darkborn37d ago(Edited 37d ago )
@timotim enjoy your games looking inferior on Xbox while having the more powerful console. Even if Xbox went all out and tried to out do Sony, they can't. Their studios just aren't near sonys level at all. Plus they want to develop games for all Xbox consoles to include the OG Xbox one. That's gonna severely make those games look like crap. To me, that's anti consumer. If I buy a new box, it better look better and play better. By...

1408d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Link me to this quote of mine.

1408d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

That was a real highlight for me as a member. The fact that EVERY game that was shown is coming to XGP #DayOne...EVERY GAME SHOWN...that just goes to show you how far the service has come. Some people think its going to take a long time for AAAs to reach the service...after yesterday, they are already arriving with more frequency. Stellar move.

1408d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ill say it one more time for you since you dont seem to understand...

ANY GAME in this next generation that ships with a 30fps ONLY option has failed...period. You can have a 30fps option, but if you dont have a 60fps option to go along with it then it is a FAIL.

You thought I would sing a different tune because its Xbox??? No! I'm going to kindly ask the devs to consider a performance mode option instead of resort to console war bull💩...some...

1408d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I agree...but just barely imo. What they failed to do however was demonstrate games running on SX to the masses, and since it was a SX event, then it was a fail. They only had a better show than Sony imo because of the games announced, especially from a first party perspective...but the vast majority of those games came with CGI and very little gameplay.

1408d ago 1 agree60 disagreeView comment

Ive said that on this site plenty of times. And yes, Im sticking to that claim. Why would the news of this game change that???

Take note fellow gamer...

Bloober, I appreciate the love you showing Xbox gamers and the game does look fantastic and creepy in a great way. Please consider also creating a 60FPS or performance option to go along with the 30fps option you already have for those of us that wish to take advantage of higher refresh rate TVs and monit...

1408d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Like I said...Halo to me is the biggest game for not only the SX but Xbox's entire ecosystem in modern times. With the budget the game has, a new engine, a 5 year dev cycle and the worlds most powerful platforms in SX and PC to realize their vision...a lot is riding on this game. Me being a fan of Xbox is not going to change that. As big of fan as I am of Xbox, I'm an even bigger fan of Halo! It matters to me how this game turns out. I just cant understand it because the first two tra...

1408d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Obsidian Gone be a problem next gen!!!

1409d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even if it is...thats no excuse. 343 was the ones saying that the absence of E3 stole their chance at glory so to speak...what I saw today did not resemble anything glorious at all. Fun, yes...but nothing outstanding.

1409d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

That stuff should have been on display in today's demo!

1409d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Believe me when I tell you...and I'm the last person that wanted to say this...but no, it wasnt. The first two trailers for the game were so much on point that I cant understand where they went wrong with this one. Those first two trailers were so mysterious...they spoke to the world, the universe, the lore of the franchise...without firing a single weapon or seeing a single enemy. Today's gameplay demo started off with an in-game cinematic which put the pilot in a bitchy, almost jarr...

1409d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow...no words.

1409d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment

Games announced were great
Diversity was great
Halo Infinite's gameplay looks very fun, although its visuals look incomplete
Game Pass support is kicking major ass
Games running at 4k/60fps which is amazing

Where was the GAMEPLAY though Xbox!?!?

We made that quite clear after the last event. We made that quite clear after the PS5 event...you needed to show GAMEPLAY on SX...didnt have to be whole levels...even a few...

1409d ago 3 agree20 disagreeView comment

I'm disappointed in this event. I didnt just want to see trailer after trailer. Other than Halo Infinite (which I need to see the 4K stream of), I saw no other gameplay demos...something we were very clear we wanted after their last event. I give this show a 6 out of 10.

1409d ago 26 agree4 disagreeView comment

For anyone that wants to watch the official Xbox link...

1409d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment