Rumors...what are they good for?


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The only problem with this argument is that ND already stated they are working on a new single-player experience.

364d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really can't believe you'll are making that comparison. When you buy 10 independent studios individually it does not mean you will own the rights to all the IPs unless it is stated in the contract. There are many examples of this so please go do your research (Sony/Bungie). If you purchase a publisher, you are purchasing the license to the studios if owned by the publisher and any related IPs. Some Publishers have a contract of service with some companies and depending on the contra...

514d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

It is about inflation, things are more expensive nowadays. A perfect example is the cost of food. I use to buy chicken wings for about 10$ for about 14 wings, now with inflation, it costs about 20$ now depending on the store I go to. And it isn't just food, everything has increased, Clothes, shows, electronics, etc.

644d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said. It's sad how entitled people have become. Both companies offer fair services. GP won't be that price forever. Remember people, they tried to change it a few back, and complaints forced them to keep it as is but again that will not last.

794d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wholeheartedly agree with your comment but there are a few things that are missed when trying to really assess this situation. The first thing is that it's way too early to make a judgment on which practice works best. We don't know if MS strategy is the proper solution going forward or the process Sony and in perspective, Nintendo is using. Overall I still think this comes down to the publishers and whether or not they will recoup their funds from providing to said game. That free ...

1065d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

I saw that as well and was hoping someone would point that out. To me, it sounds like they are making Sony out to be the bad guy when it's really out of their hands. There is a reason why MLB selected Sony to make this game the official MLB game and they have their reasonings to add it to GP. If there is someone to blame, MLB is the culprit, but honestly, no one did anything wrong here.

1152d ago 25 agree4 disagreeView comment

This was one game EA got right.

1215d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment


1215d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I honestly believe both. Especially by the fanbase, on both sides :). I saw many times one would over hype or one accepting reality.

1284d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't watch him anymore...too much flub. I love the antics and such but the clickbate material is too much. I hate how he takes every rumor regardless if its false and runs with it. If you want to be entertained by all means go for it, but if you want good content, please look somewhere else. Also I hate how his fans never discuss what he says, just use his punchline through in every chat. Rich tomorrow....... Let's get into it!...ugh

1296d ago 34 agree7 disagreeView comment

Yeah but is this really a report? seems like they wanted to be first. Two reports? One we already knew about because of his own actions. This isn't anything to report. I still hope that all these failures from MS to Sony are just isolated instances.

1297d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That is something to think about. QR works well with digital games, but how will it work with physical games. Mainly because, some need games require you to still use the disk though the content is still installed on the HDD. So how will it work?

1302d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because they have the cards, where you can start anywhere in a game, I assume this is their version of quick resume.

1302d ago 21 agree19 disagreeView comment


Its the architecture not the game itself that is built to take advantage. I assume once they are optimized on the XBSX/XBSS then we will see even more faster times. But as I stated before, I rather see New Gen games working on these systems to compare rather than old generation games. This video didn't show me anything.

1303d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Yeah but at the same time these are last generation games and if I am not mistaken only one company built their arcitecture to allow them to take advantage. But I do get what you are saying!

In all honesty, I want to see the results when a 9th generation game is put to test, such as AC: Valhalla!!!

1303d ago 14 agree27 disagreeView comment

based on your opinion...? Because other outlets that reviewed the same game haven't said that.

1303d ago 27 agree7 disagreeView comment


I know; They act as though the DualSense is trash because of all its features and they have yet to even try it.

1309d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

That's a horrible rebuttal only because most of us have yet to use the DualSense. We don't know how this pad will fill in our hands but we are writing it off as something we shouldn't use... yeah I call BS. Especially since most game reporters have praised the DualSense. and the adaptive triggers aren't the only thing that's added to this device. The haptic feedback has gotten a lot of praises as well. So your comment of saying why you can't use the DS4, is a horrible ...

1309d ago 17 agree21 disagreeView comment

Holy Sh!t!!!! damn that was way faster than i expected.

1310d ago 28 agree1 disagreeView comment

idk I dont think this is right. The read speed needs to be at least 5.5 MB/s. And this is only 5 MB/s. The site they link to has many more like this. I think people need to wait until we get the official list.

1316d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment