CRank: 5Score: 3890

I was personally never going to sue them for the PSN outage so that's fine by me. I don't see how Sony is responsible for the actions of a bunch of pimply-faced teenagers who want to feel rebellious.

4643d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whoever wrote that article can't write properly.

4644d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Final Fantasy 7... right... fucking stupidity. Will the nerds ever get over that average-at-best game?

4687d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

What a dumb kid. Seriously.

I wonder what that kid will do when he's faced with a someone who says 'I am not a pedophile who wants to rape you.'

4821d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My penis uses 100% of my wife's pussy.

4868d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

I agree that the game was pretty awful. I bought it because of the hype but I ended up hating it immensely. The story is not as good as they say and the gameplay, or lack thereof, removed anything redeeming the game could have had. Get over it, Heavy Rain is not very good.

4900d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I, for one, absolutely loved Bionic Commando. I played and finished it at the near-impossible Commando mode, THAT'S how much I loved the game. I think its lack of success was the result of people being too lazy to play hard games, not any business decision.

4901d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

I still think that the best thing Microsoft can do IS not buy anyone. The reason being that the only thing Microsoft will do with the developer is kill it like they did every other first-party studio they had or drive them into wanting to be independent again. My strategy, if I worked for Microsoft and had pull, would be to sell the Xbox as part of the PC. The same way that they sell 'Designed for Windows 7' PC's, sell the Xbox experience on PC's. Have minimal requirements tha...

4945d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't be surprised to see Apple buy them if they really are for sale. If Apple indeed wants to get into the console industry as everyone believes they do, they would have to buy either EA or 2k to be taken seriously. EA brings them a sports franchise on top of proven developers whereas 2k also brings them big-name series. If 2k is for sale, they'll be able to be taken seriously for considerably less money than a purchase of EA would require.

4960d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hi, former 360 fanboy, now PS3 player. All I have to say to this article is the following:

AWESOME graphics don't make up for a boring game. Killzone 2 was dull. I don't care about the critics, it was just dull. Resistance 2 was my favourite FPS and Halo 3 was a lot of fun but Killzone 2 was just overrated because of its graphics.

5005d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Looks absolutely incredible. FIFA 11 is looking more or less like the same old stuff but PES is a huge improvement. I have to admit that FIFA's gameface and single-player accomplishments had me hooked last year though.

5009d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I moved over to the PS3 out of curiosity on February 24th, 2009 and stuck to it for a while. I sort of regained my interest in the 360 when the new 360 came out and was thinking that I should make it my main console when they suddenly decided to raise the price of Xbox Live. Now, this controller seemed interest ... until I saw the price.

I'm not sure what Microsoft's problem is but their objective seems to be to alienate whatever fanbase they have left.

5023d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

As much as I like trophies and achievements, I agree with you. Every time I get less than 50%, I tell myself that the developer really didn't want me to play the game just once. However, I never bother going further. The only games in which I actually TRY to get over 50% are sports games. Those are my true passion.

5062d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I totally agree with his assessment. If Microsoft wanted for Natal to succeed, it would have to be on their next system and already integrated, not an add-on. Add-ons never work.

5119d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

While I still think that OS X is the greatest OS on the market, the gap between Windows and OS X is so small now that there's no great reason to buy an Apple anymore. It used to be that a much more powerful PC for less than a Mac still didn't seem like a good deal. However, with the introduction of Windows 7, choosing a Mac over a PC seems idiotic.

This isn't Windows XP vs. Mac OS X anymore. It's great vs. great. Why pay 1400$ for greatness when you can get it on a better machine...

5148d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The best RPG the Xbox 360 got (other than Fallout 3 or Oblivion) happened to be Lost Odyssey. Why they paid Square for atrocities like Infinite Undiscovery is beyond me.

5183d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's probably a lot more to this story. Everything the moderator said was uncensored but we never get to see what the player in question did or said. Very very subjective stuff and I will not support this at all.

5214d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Legends of Wrestlemania was a pretty easy platinum... it's also the only one that I have. I'd love to have the time to play a game twice to get a platinum but I would rather play more games than the same one over and over.

5236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I said many, not all.

5259d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PC gaming has a lot working against it the way I see it. The fact that many games still demand that you buy not one but two expensive video cards just to be able to play at a decent framerate is atrocious. For one thing, every PC nowadays SHOULD come with a decent video card and games SHOULD make the experience interesting for people with those decent video cards (and exceptional for those willing to pay more). The market would thus be larger. Instead, people don't want to buy not because it ...

5259d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment