Boing Boing


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xdev tweeted see you tomorrow, I forgot what game they working on, they are a mobile support studio, who go around helping other studios, kinda like an area manager, they are known to have recently started work on their own game, as their expanding,

but after helping on stellar blade, its anyones guess as to what they have to do with tomorrows show

3d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Got to get those subs in, before GTA6 drops

Cos then, no one is buying any other game
It will take 75% of the game spend per household, I reckon

Could be last year of cod dominating Xmas sales periods.

We haven’t seen a gta for 10 years and somehow gta5 stays in the charts.

It’s almost unfathomable what will happen to game use / spend / engagement on other games when it hits

4d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeh big game, do you know the name of the lead character. Or team of lead characters. I don’t

4d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Spawn (as well as master chief) are the only characters I associate with Xbox. Are there more I can’t remember?

4d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

you may have a point, but, ITS A DIGITAL SHIP DOH'.

if it were a real ship, or car, with value, that you can sell on after, yes, but a digital ship gets my goat.

4d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

some kind of sick joke, there are people starving and there are others, spending $46,000, on a digital ship.

4d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

ahhh sheeeee*t, I seem to have lost editing privilege on it too, so hope mods can change it for us!!

4d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


yes apparently thats true, according to Tim Henderson, (one of the biggest leakers) he's obvs got friends who are developers or similar.

4d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel if they were going to increase price, they would have announced new tier at the same time, as thats only fair, otherwise you are trying to attract people with this new offering, at a price they have in their heads already, only to find them self on the sign-up landing page at a higher price, this would almost, almost classed as false advertising,

then again, this is microsoft were talking about

4d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

it appears it is day one. congratulations to gamepass subscribers, you finally are able to claw back $60 worth in value. after 4 months though, you'd have been better of buying it, (thus, owning a physical disk you can sell on)

4d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"It would be nice if you post the source of the analysis video of the PS5 version you saw to back up your claims.'

no I just quoted from the very article we are commenting on, these were digital foundry's words, saying xbox isn't perfect, but on the ps5 version, it doesn't see the issue manifest.

4d ago 19 agree7 disagreeView comment

I can tell you. As per Tim Henderson (the notorious leaker of game news).

48% of PlayStation+ customers, play on ps4, ( they have not upgraded yet) thus, leaving them behind, would loose them too much money, that’s literally the reason

4d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Is it tho’

4d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

yes it is!, however I do hope they have a GT8 ready soon, because 7 its a cross gen, so there's more to be extracted for sure,

5d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know that thing called google. (Or DuckDuckGo, depending on preference 😏)

Have a go at it sometime. It’s good

5d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I did note that the Xbox frame-gen implementation is not perfect. There appear to be intermediate freezing issues when there's a camera cut during cinematics, but while a bit annoying, it does not intrude on gameplay (a quick look at PS5 doesn't see this issue manifest)

Xbox Can’t catch a break recently

5d ago 22 agree11 disagreeView comment

Well it’s like films, they don’t care how many millions to make cos’ they get their money back within 2 days on the box office

The problem comes, they when the film is crap and flops

So as long as they keep producing 9/10 games, they can spend what they like and always make it back + profits

5d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article is a bout a week premature, lets see the showcase / state of play, then talk

6d ago 26 agree26 disagreeView comment

Kids love dinos

6d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Digital foundry recently said ps5 ports are holding back Xbox

You can’t really take them as gospel anymore

6d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment