I will lay waste to this world.


CRank: 5Score: 11580

I'm past the point of caring anymore. I just take what I want and really don't give a fuck. I buy very little on PC, and while I have Switch I buy mostly used, again very little.

1d 18h ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Torrent, play, smile, 😁 then give Sony this 🖕

2d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not the torrent of GoW Ragnarok🤣 The scene groups remove all that bullshit so you can just play the game in peace.

2d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who cares about the leak, it didn't hurt anything. Everytime there is a leak with games, companies go nuts and get pissed, man what dumb asses. Like for example GTV 6, the leak made people even more hyped for it. The only time I can understand is if your actual game got leaked way ahead of relase on a torrent site, that is something you can't stop once it's out to download.

2d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't rent I torrent to keep, if they take them down that's ok I don't care I have them LOL. I do buy PC games but very little as I want full control which is why I torrent to keep them in my collection, and I do not give a fuck what the devs or publishers want. I never did never will.

4d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is another reason to torrent, to keep and own your games, and give them to anyone you want later on. Nothing stopping the person from giving someone else full control of their account user, password, email, etc etc.

4d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's their job, they are not paying me. What about Beyond Good and Evil 2, also that Splinter Cell remake should been out and done and put Assassin's Creed & Far Cry on back burner for a few more years. They all can make original open world games but they want to make the same thing over and over. This industry needs new IP's not the same stale shit every yr. If I had the chance to tell them off in their face, I wouldn't hesitate for a second.

7d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We don't need another COD, Assassin's Creed, Far Cry every fucking year. It's like the game industry only knows these franchises. I'm a big fan of Zelda, Mario, Metroid but I do not want a new game from either of them every year. Look at GTA while I think that's way too long between 5 and 6 (it should be at the most 4-5yrs) at least it's not every year.

8d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

WOW another original game, I didn't see this coming at all.😑 They can't make anything new, guess they don't know how.

9d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Problem with this game and others is that there are way too many cutscenes and it interrupts the gameplay on a level that I'm beyond annoyed.😑 Game might be great but this needs to stop in games, they need to be much, much shorter and have less cutscenes and more gameplay. I came to play not watch a movie...

10d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's past the point of retarded, everyone seems forced to do this bullshit now in games. 😑

10d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

My favorite MMO 😎

10d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Problems with games now is that there are too many cutscenes that take you out of the action and not enough gameplay. If you skip them, you might be lost later on. 😑

12d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I do by PC games, but not many, there are some companies that are pieces of shit like Take-Two, Rockstar I'm not too fond of either that I don't care what I do or say to them. There is too much bullshit with all these microtransactions, DLC, etc. and I will never pay for that. 😎

13d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I that's fine I can take all the DLC for when GTA 6 comes on PC for free, by torrenting of course. LOL You all know this game no matter the protection (unless SP will be online only) will be on top of every Scene groups list to crack. I cannot stand Take-Two. I would tell off that CEO shit bag I'm taking your game for free ain't nothing can be done about that🤣

13d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Nintendo’s absolute hatred for everything fan-generated is a secret to none." I have full ROM collections from them, which they can't do nothing about torrents/usenet. What needs to change is that if people are modding games, adding Mario, Link etc. or maybe a fan remake and they are not making any money off Nintendo it should be allowed, the law needs to change. Only if they ask for money, donations, etc. then that's full on stealing and that's where Nintendo can DMCA ...

14d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your welcome. Ah ok, yeah Gigabyte is pretty good, stick with it, as I will most likely stay with ASRock for my next build we both had good luck it seems with boards😎 Also Hardware Unboxed if you want reviews of PC parts, as well as GamersNexus.

14d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I used to swear by ASUS, going back about 10yrs that's all I bought from for motherboards. Well, so far I had luck with ASRock, which I have now x470 with a 5800X3D, had that board since 2018. ASRock, and I think Gigabyte are good. MSI again I would avoid, going by GamersNexus the title of the video "Killshot: MSI’s Shady Review Practices & Ethics". I would say the best online store, Amazon they take back returns with no issues, if everything was returned when you r...

14d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They used to be the best when it comes to motherboards, now I will never buy anything from them again.

14d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would suggest you never trust ASUS anymore: https://www.youtube.com/wat... and this one: https://www.youtube.com/wat... I would avoid Newegg as well, he also has a few videos on them, though it's a bit over 2yrs old, still they cannot be trusted.

14d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment