
CRank: 5Score: 229460

Because he sees AI as a tool to aid development. He wants to use AI to help make bigger and better games in the same timeframe. Other CEOs want to replace devs with AI to cut costs and make lifeless games faster for a quick buck. Strauss has the right idea, this is how AI should be used. To extend and expand the capabilities of devs.

18h ago0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It just doesn't work that way though. Plenty of the best games ever made were never available on PC. That didn't make PC gamers buy consoles to play them. This kind of strategy has never worked in the past and it won't work now. It's fine for PS to hold their games back and release on PC later, but to think that will boost console sales is wishful thinking. All this will accomplish is some double dipping, which is obviously good for business.

1d 16h ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's for the whole generation, so it would likely be including PC. They also make much more profit on digital sales vs retail, and digital is far more prominent these days. The generation also started at the height of COVID when everyone was home, spending far more money on gaming/hobbies. It makes a lot of sense for this gen to be more profitable.

4d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't think it needs to be Marvel. It needs to be a totally new IP. That's what Rocksteady should have done after Arkham City. They've pigeonholed themselves as DC devs.

5d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is technically true. I do think Xbox can still come in and make those kinds of decisions if they want to though, but it's true that Bethesda has been running themselves. That's how we ended up with Redfall in the first place.

I wouldn't let Xbox off the hook though because they obviously would have known that Bethesda were shutting them down and let them do it. Xbox could have just moved Tango directly under Xbox Game Studios instead.

5d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

But those kids don't really know what Horizon is. And why bring them into a franchise where they can't play the other games? Idk man, it seems like a really weird decision.

7d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

If what we've heard is true, the reason FIFA games don't change is literally because of FIFA itself rejecting nearly every pitch for new features and mechanics.

7d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup, Kojima really doesn't suit Mad Max. Avalanche did a great job though. It looked, felt, and played like what I'd expect from a Mad Max game. I really enjoyed my time with it, and the sand storms were handled incredibly well.

8d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

This had better lead to a Heretic/Hexen revival from Raven.

9d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Correct, and RDO was DOA because of it. That
makes it unlikely they'd do that again, at least anywhere near that level.

12d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

To be fair, while GTA Online is monetized heavily both GTA Online and GTA V offer a massive amount of content without paying anything extra. Though I do think GTA Online's optional subscription is bullshit.

13d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

COD makes truck loads of money on microtransactions. That's likely the play. Get more people in the door through Game Pass and sell more microtransactions. Have a steady stream of events to keep people interested so they keep their sub, and then just the sub alone would double the revenue from that player each year.

14d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm really curious to see what he's going to do. It seems like a GTA-style game, but I wonder how it'll differentiate itself.

18d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know anything about Hideaki Nishino, but I do know that Hermen Hulst is great and an actual dev. He understands game dev and what players are looking for. I hope these two can guide PS' first party to a more varied rotation of games.

The cinematic action adventures Sony have been putting out have been great, sure, but they used to put out a far wider variety of games.

Get some teams on RPGs like Wild Arms and The Legend of Dragoon, and som...

20d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

There's no way to spin this shit, it's just indefensible. This industry is seeing record profits every year and yet studios keep getting gutted or closed. It's unacceptable.

24d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"the same exact thing would have happened at PlayStation"

But the same thing *has* been happening at PS. They've closed, what, 3 or 4 studios so far this gen? Laid off plenty of staff, restructured studios, etc.

25d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

Yeah overall this gen is pretty shit. Everyone is making horrible decisions, great devs are getting either gutted or entirely shut down regardless of quality or success, very little in the way of innovative games, etc. This industry needs to see some drastic changes.

26d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

1) You're in Canada, a country that PSN operates in. That's not necessarily apples to apples.

2) The game didn't require a PSN account. It was optional. People bought the game based on it being optional. To then force it just isn't ok.

29d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

1) Not every game can be a new IP. Some IP are just begging for sequels and spin-offs because the lore and world building are so good.

2) Both Obsidian and inXile have multiple teams, so this wouldn't stop either from also putting out new IP.

34d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd love an FPS spin-off from Obsidian and isometric spin-off from inXile. That would give us a steadier stream of Fallout while Bethesda can take their time with TES VI and Fallout 5.

34d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment