CRank: 5Score: 5210

I don't know what all the commotion is about but I do feel that if they give in to what is PERCEIVED by me... The fewer but louder whiny gamers these new ending it will only fuel their fire to whine more and see what else they can get out of people.

Although I'm still playing thru ME2 right now so I can't comment as to whether these accusations are warranted or not

4457d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

grow up people companies change in this economy they have to adapt to different things like many companies in many industried they give you things to add value to get you hooked then they take them away and charge an extra fee. This is all their choice.

Gamers sense of entitlement is getting ridiculous. Like everything in the media our species seem to latch onto everything negative. Just like any company they have to take shareholders interest into mind as well this mean...

4475d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

It's not weakness unless you do it soon out of the gates. Microsoft did it last year... and PS3 held off... it's just part of the game trying to pick up more sales or sway people from choosing the other guy. Also most of the time and I think I remember reading in this case they are able to get components at a better price.

4568d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow a new consol why are we in such a hurry to spend more money... Things are already going quicker and quicker why is everyone in such a hurry to get to the next great thing. We have 2 great consol (1 for me, 1 for other people (sorry Wii fans that has never really been a consol for me)) There are still great games coming out for both. They will probably wait for a little adjustment in the economy 1st as they are still getting good sales out of everything out now.


4568d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

good thing you have those troll ears on your photo otherwise people might not get that by your comment. Hey guess what Microsoft does the same thing you x-box fanboy. Just for the record if you really feel sony fanboys make these kind of accusations then doing the same BS back like that makes you no better. The only difference is they can probably back their comment up with facts yours is just an uneducated lash out to poorly defend your purchase. Go back to playing halo t-bagging everyon...

4610d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

not only that it's not hard in the same way some of those old games were imposible (sorta) and it was just memorizing a motion that got you thru. Now that they are more complex this actually is more of a challenge and cause you to think and try things a different way. Either way hats off to them to taking something that works and making it better without ruining it.

4621d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People are expecting too much now aday's... me me me... is all I hear.

A BETA is for TESTING not for experiencing the full game. They probably wanted to test the servers. If you want to experience the full game don't play the BETA. If you want to help them test and polish a bit more and see some of the game before launch then join the BETA and give constructive feed back on bugs and glitches.

Sorry off topic but so are some of the comments I guess ...

4621d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You probably will be able to BUT you won't be able to play them under multiple profiles. I don't get why everyone called this game charing it's still piracy PS3 didn't allow it for game sharing they allowed it so you could log into a friends system and play your stuff.

But I do agree then need to make sure I can still play on multiple systems as I too have multiple PS3's

4629d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Agree with the article and it needs to be pointed out more often the bigger problem with this is then the quality of the work put into the game is going to get lower and lower causing a washed out product because they know a celeb will sell the product for us. This is SAD and unfortunately going to hurt the hardcore and has to some extent. This is also the reason I don't choose to support x-Box I may loose out on some games that may be very good but I prefer to loose out on that and the...

4636d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Ya and reviews and pre sales means it's the better game. The US has bigger install base of xbox and so some people are missing out on the other platform plain and simple. These are all impossible comparisons because of this fact. Sales are meaningless because of this. I might like to try R3 but don't have the money to buy a PS3 so I settle for Gears I may still enjoy gears 3 but really don't know what I'm missing with R3. and vice versa of co...

4638d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Ya we had a group played that a fair amount and it was awesome but limited people on the servers. I wish more people had given it a chance. Also really found it more fun to play with people I knew and most of them have moved on because of the server thing.

4638d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wish they would have had some online trophies I know everyone else hates them but the two games I had the most fun playing online were KZ2 and R2 online and I was almost forced because of the trophies but enjoyed it because of it as well. The others are just not as fun. IMO of course... I don't think they need to go as crazy as 10K kills or top 1% for a week but something that forces maybe a 10-20hrs of gameplay depending on skill is not so daunting but still a challenge.

4638d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

hehe should be our spying and buying is second to none

4665d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

agree I think it was a band-aid to bridge the gap in order to save some money as I'm sure the initial release of a consol and the pre seeding R&D costs so much they probably needed to fill-up the coffers. I guess move could be dubbed the same thing but they created that technology over a number of years and didn't just buy it off of someone else.

4665d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

any one who knows anything... dis

Well then any one who knows anything real knows that they are just 2 different ways to do the SAME thing.

They both take a representation of movement in the real world and apply them to a gaming environment. This is not revolutionary

4665d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Because he shrank after being on the drugs that made him huge I presume

4748d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are not gaming much but talking to people around the world about gaming who are not gaming either I assume... No offence but that's like talking about driving a car but not doing it. Kinda boring as well

Skype still works BTW... for now :)

4770d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

They don't owe you anything for the downtime so wake up. PSN is something the PS3 gives you access to it does not come with your system purchase any more then internet access comes with it. It is a marketing thing true and you tell me Microsoft and every other company does not do things like that. Netflix does it and then start charging your credit card if you forget to cancel... does that make them losers too. You can now try it out free and see if you see the value rather then say n...

4770d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

@ Dart89 & Uncharted3Goty

I don't even think it's about needing to play online. I think society as a whole thinks they are owed something from everyone. The su you generation as I like to call it. All these whiners who have never lived without online gaming think that because they can't do it the world owes them for their loss. It's getting out of hand if you ask me. People need to be happy for what we have. We in Canada and US and many other countri...

4770d ago 23 agree17 disagreeView comment

Agreed and as I said above as well this is a useless discussion as this so called journalist obviously left out the rest of the discussion as no developer would say that and not back up their ability with more info.

4772d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment