I like to challenge my own and others opinions.


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1867d ago Show
1867d ago Show
1867d ago Show

''What Microsoft and Nintendo's Partnership Means For The Future''

Goldeneye 007, Banjo Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Blast Corps and Perfect Dark on N64 Mini Classic

1869d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

the switch version is better. sometimes less is more

1869d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

The switch version looks better

just my opinion

1869d ago 2 agree18 disagreeView comment

im embarrassed for everyone involved

1873d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I always used the RGB (scart) cable for dreamcast. to my eyes it produced a crystal clear image.

nowadays it would probably look a blurry mess.

I dont know why sega dont just make a dreamcast mini and give it a hdmi it so you can play it hd without having to reverse engineer an ancient dreamcast.

1875d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Switch is the only true next gen console on the market right now.

PS4 and X1 are decades old ideas, only now with all singing all dancing graphics. a PS4 pro is considerably larger than even a NES, a console that even in the late 80s was mocked for being the size of a toaster. its all backwards. except the compatibility, in PS4s case...

but, all consoles are going to be a thing of the past soon when the next gen of gamer subscribe to Stadia in the billion...

1884d ago 4 agree18 disagreeView comment

are you sure it was couch multiplayer? I remember it requiring a high speed internet connection. in 1992.

1889d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it needs Alien Soldier

1890d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

who's going to spend 300+ on hardware that quickly becomes obsolete with endless SKUs/revisions when Stadia will always be cutting edge?

lets face it, hardware is going to be retro real soon

1891d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Google's stadia will have popularity because hardware revisions will be a thing if the past.

Who wants to spend 300 on a console one day, only for it to be made obsolete the next with the announcement of a revision.

With something like stadia, everyone.is always at the cutting edge.

1892d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

Hopefully it's true, I want a switch this year

1895d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok, physical console gaming will exist, but only as a retro, extremely niche market for people who got left behind and are lost in nostalgia.

Millennials already view compact discs as retro technology. Blu-ray and any disk based medium will essentially be beta max- obsolete.

but yes, your argument stands, there will always be those who cling onto obsolete tech.

1900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is an inevitable future which all console manufactures (and consumers) have been inching closer towards each generation.

the future will be with no console, no physical one. no physical games etc. all streaming

1901d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

Ryo ha a small forehead and looks like a monkey

1914d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

He looks like an utter twat

1915d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

seeing pokemon on console for the first time shouldn't have been anti-climatic. but it was

Its because Nintendo's current business model is to make games with functional graphics and nothing more. They want to make as many games as possible with the least amount of effort.

this makes sense from a business point of view, but the gamers suffer because we end up with horrible, bland looking games which don't look like a labour of love, but rathe...

1917d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

yeh, it's disappointing. its the first console Pokemon and it looks hardly any different to Pokemon lets go... I was expecting a substantial upgrade in visuals.

a lot of new Nintendo games have this horrible bland look. devoid of any flair. all function and minimal form.

new super Mario is another example of this really crap, by-the-numbers art style.

and you know its just because Nintendo want to churn out game after game withou...

1918d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment