Disagreers gonna disagree.


CRank: 11Score: 347750

Not even the original GTA creators can make a game to compete with GTA. A few wealthy execs and producers (even the original minds behind the franchise) can't just remake the once-in-a-lifetime conditions that led to GTA being as successful as it is.

Open world games take thousands of people to make and studios like that don't just pop up overnight. Takes the better half of a decade to tool up and ship.

1064d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Obviously they knew what state the game was in when they shipped it, but developers making montages of funny bugs from throughout production happens at everywhere lol. They just don't usually get leaked to the public.

1091d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

People arguing about which console is 'better' for machine learning really don't know what they're talking about. In the vast majority of cases the computationally intensive process to train the machine learning model doesn't need to be done on the end-user's machine (or console in this case).

Insomniac are using a new multiplatform middleware called ZivaRT, which is a new product from Ziva Dynamics (known for making simulation and deformation tools ...

1156d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not to split hairs, but she is a producer. She produced the first two Assassins Creed games and Splinter Cell: Blacklist. In the games industry producers generally manage a team of directors and associate producers, who in-turn manage team leads and other team members.

As a managing director, she would be the top-level person in a studio and is responsible for all productions and studio operations.

1172d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you don't understand it, then why are you so up in arms about it?

She's not a creative director. She started off as a programmer and later became a producer, studio manager, and executive VP. She builds and leads teams and studios, that's what she does.

If you've never worked in the industry, I can imagine its hard to appreciate the amount of effort and dedication that sort of role requires.

1172d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nothing shows N4G's true colours like an article about trans inclusion in a game. So many fragile little boys on this site.

1186d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Patenting game mechanics is stupid as hell. Game design is inherently iterative and built upon whatever came before it.

1209d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most multiplatform games will support last gen of consoles until 2023-2024. Probably even beyond that in some cases.

1228d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here's a rough timeline for CP77's development

Conception to initial trailer release (2012-2013)
Pre-production prototypes, small team with the rest of the studio working on TW3 (2013-2015)
Main production phase, most people ramping off TW3 and TW3 DLC (2016-2019)
Post-production likely impacted by choppy development cycles, several delays happen at this phase (2019-2020)

1257d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well there needs to be some sort of pushback for the player if they start causing chaos in an open world game (especially one in a city). It's one of those things that needs to exist in a game like this in order for the rest of the world to make sense.

The main problem with the wanted system in CP77 is how cheap it feels, with enemy NPCs instantly showing up behind you no matter how inaccessible the player may be.

In other games that do it better lik...

1264d ago 32 agree1 disagreeView comment

After walking around Night City, the civilians mostly look good (visually), but they're about a smart as cardboard cutouts.

Most of them barely acknowledge the player's presence, and they don't really have any behaviors other than playing the animation they were spawned into, or aimlessly walking along a sidewalk. This to me is the most disappoint aspect of CP77 so far, after hyping up their open world for so many years, it feels no more alive than games of 5-6...

1267d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hardly a fair comparison when most of those HZD examples are in cut-scenes (i.e have proper lighting and more bespoke animations).

1267d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

Those are all scores for the PC version, which by all most accounts is pretty solid, minus some visual bugs and glitches. The only console review so far has the game at a 35% on Metacritic :\

1268d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Obviously having both is ideal. 95% of my gaming time is spent on PC because it's a way more comfortable and accessible experience for me.

I use my PC every day, so the $2000 investment I just put into upgrading my core components from an 2012 Intel system to a 2020 AMD system will serve me well for the next half-decade at least.

It's hard to justify a $600 console right now when I'd maybe spend 2-3 hours a month using it considering there...

1276d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Story has developed since this was reported. This isn't necessarily a hostage situation.

It's likely that an armed robbery suspect inadvertently fled into the studio and is now holed up. People are on the roof for precautionary reasons as the police deal with the situation.

It might also be a swatting.

1296d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's kind of a weird flex to bring up CDPR when their Cyberpunk 77 CG trailer from 2012 lit the gaming scene on fire and started an 8 year hype train.

If you don't understand the value of trailers to generate buzz and hype, then you're clearly missing something lol.

1317d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Games that are heavy on the CPU don't just magically run at double the frame rate if you drop the resolution or graphics quality - especially games that have a lot of systems at play. Dense urban environments with several dozen civilians, combat AI and vehicles potentially on screen at once means that the CPU is going to have a lot to contend with.

1323d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because he was allegedly using his position to lure/coerce women.

1324d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game is very anti-authoritarian, but it's not anti-cop. The main antagonist force is a paramilitary private security company which has seized power after staging a false flag attack on the city.

1331d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

A bunch of people have already been fired, so there's hope.

1405d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment