It's always sunny in space.


CRank: 7Score: 119840

imo, the combat was the least exciting thing about this game, even though the world was empty and bland. Felt very tedious to me. When I wandered into a village and saw a bunch of enemies show up on the HUD, I audibly groaned and deleted the demo.

536d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For me, the thing that feels "off" are the NPCs/students. This is a school, and these are children, but I really don't see anyone behaving like children. No one is running and getting yelled at to slow down. No one's being actively bullied or teased. Things are very clean and tidy. (I know they can keep things clean with magic, but things should get messy momentarily sometimes, right?) I think it's the lack of this extra level of depth that still concerns me.

567d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

There are really three platforms here. Low-end consoles (Switch, Mobile, etc), high-end consoles (PlayStation, Xbox), and PC. imo, Switch sales shouldn’t be grouped with other platforms to which they don’t belong. We don’t compare it to iPhone sales because iPhones have more use cases. We don’t compare PS5 sales to PC sales because it just doesn’t make sense.

Likewise, comparing sales between high- and low-end consoles doesn’t make sense. They have different use cases. The ...

870d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Am I the only person who noticed the horribly short LOD range on pedestrians and cars? The pop-in of geometry inside of cars as you walk past them? The pedestrians only look "next-gen" when you are within arm's length of them? I jumped on N4G to see if people were bashing the "tech demo" as much as I wanted to, only to see it getting nothing but praise. Honestly, I feel more impressed by Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

903d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Visually speaking, this is one of my most anticipated games. I do think, however, that the animation blending could use some more polish. But I've just come off beating Rift Apart, which has such wonderful blending with classic use of stretch and squash that it may have spoiled me.

1078d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some games won't be able to be ported from PS5 to PC until SSD drives that can handle them are both available for PC and commonplace. Also, Sony will probably want to get some official DualSense support for the PC first.

1092d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm shocked at how many people are saying that 7.8 is almost double 4.7. That's one large margin of error.

1128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I mean…that's basically what it is. It's just more flexible. I think what you mean is that the LBP formula is simpler to use and therefore would have resulted in more creative success among a broader group of people, and I would agree with that.

1249d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, of course it takes time. My personal approach is to use the Community Jams to help me figure out new ways to do different things for my "big" game. For instance, with "Elemental", I was tinkering with sound, camera, and other immersive aspects. With "8-bit Canvas", I was tinkering with wire limitations. With the "14th Annual National Pickle Spanking Competition", I was tinkering with scoring systems and progressive synchronization.

1249d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Actually, Dreams was available to play for like two years before release. It was filled with great content by dedicated gamers who were part of that early community. When it finally did release, it was to lackluster fanfare because of this. Everyone who cared the most had already been playing it for some time.

1249d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I use remote play a lot. Just not for playing. I use it for things like checking downloads or installs, or even logging into a game to see what the in-game notices are without having to climb out of bed to the living room television. It's a handy feature. I treat it quite a bit like remote desktop. No, it's not how I want to use my PC all of the time, but it sure is nice to have that kind of access to my PC when I want/need it.

1283d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh, no, developers will have to stop relying on loading screen to communicate tips and lore? That's like saying you miss commercials because now you don't have a good time to get up and get a drink.

1421d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. This reminds me of those old PS3 vs 360 comparisons from a decade ago. The difference is so small, it doesn't matter. In this case, it's not worth the extra processing power, imo.

1502d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Certain games make me really sick. Blood and Truth was right on the fence of sickness for me. Taking a motion sickness pill helped. Other games (like No Man's Sky or Trover) don't bother me at all.

1715d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@SkatterBrain, I saw a video once of a guy who was in a parking lot. A cop stopped in for no reason and said, "Let me see your ID." As soon as the guy went to grab his ID, the cop shot him. The cop's first thought wasn't that the guy was doing as he was told.

Cops are supposed to be trained to be cool in those high stress situations, not people. Don't blame people for a cop's itchy finger. That's just wrong.

1721d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@xTonyMontana, They don't? Seems like they kill people "accidentally" an awful lot lately.

1722d ago 48 agree9 disagreeView comment

Completely agree. This is actually the game I'm least excited about based on what I've seen so far.

1757d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

I've also had trouble getting back into the game, but only because each update has basically wiped out my progress. My farms become worthless, all of the recipes change, my home planet's ecology has had a complete shift, and there was that one update where I literally had to play through the tutorials again because the fundamentals of the game changed so much that my character literally knew nothing about how to build and craft.

That being said, I'm most excited...

1764d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, this is the one game from the last twenty years that deserves an iteration more than any others. They've had great player feedback and could fix the issues people had with the game. I'd love to see a sequel to this.

1769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're actually right. Immediately after getting PSVR, I was like, "Man, I wish I could play Sports Champions with this." Table tennis was one of my favorites. Now someone just needs to do disc golf.

1799d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment