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CRank: 5Score: 208530

Forza 7 is crying in the corner because the entire Xbox community didn't support it.

2375d ago 20 agree0 disagreeView comment


i gave PC a chance because it was developed by new devs and i wanted to support them etc. But the PC2 has been nothing but ridden with same stupid homicidal AIs.

2376d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


4 nominated GOTY games out of 5 on Games Award can't be played on Xbox X. Even the 5th one can't be played (right now but is on PC) which is Playerunknown. So i don't know what you're playing and winning if you can't even play the best games that have come out this year. Don't you want to play the best games or are you just happy with average games with best resolutions? I mean, come on.

2376d ago 24 agree3 disagreeView comment

Xbox X came into existence because they did research amongst gamers (namely Xbox loyalists who were bitter because PS4 was more powerful than X)... and they all said - "we need Xbox to be the most powerful console". Why Xbox loyalists - because they didn't ask for new exclusives - nothing. All they wanted was their same old IPs in higher resolution - forget 4k - they actually wanted to play Xbox Original/360 games more. That's what came out as the result after the research w...

2376d ago 42 agree9 disagreeView comment

they really don't want anything more, actually. every time MS screws up they're up in arms defending them. MS throws them half eaten bones, they're pretty happy with it. You know, how dogs eat and live off poo when they don't get food, that's pretty much the entire MS fanboys. Lack of games can really make even shitty games look like AAA for them. And worse is they're very grateful for it.

2377d ago 18 agree2 disagreeView comment

i think linear also means that it follows a specific defined path no matter how big the world is. Sandbox games may be big but there's always a "main" story you HAVE to follow.

2377d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did anyone notice how Beetle GT3 drives... it was really comfy car now it's back flipping left right and centre. time to switch on all the assists, i guess.

2378d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

New hardware. More sale. They do have that 2 great games also to back up the new hardware.

2378d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

^ ^ ^ This.

I can already see majority of Xbox gamers not giving a hoot about this game except few fanboys.

This game is dead on arrival. They've taken too long to bring it out. i hope i'm wrong though.

2381d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I know ppl aren't happy that this is based on VG chartz but hasn't VG always been pro Xbox? I mean this number is probably bloated for all you know.

2382d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Probably... They're clearly not playing any of those games that has been nominated for GOTY at Game Awards.

2382d ago 31 agree1 disagreeView comment

Krib, I know on PS side, God of War, Uncharted were great games but I surely would not want to see them every two years. Even with lots of year gaps, they did reach a fatigue point that's why both games have now new avatar.

2382d ago 25 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sage, that's cute and all but dang you're missing out on FIA races. They happen 6 times a week and you get to race only once.

2383d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Congrats. They blew my mind when they came out with heavenly sword. They totally deserve this considering the topic.

2383d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it'll be like Mad Max.

2383d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

Too too far into the galaxy.

2384d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The suit guy said "it's a trap"... Hahaha...

And also the timing can't be right. Just read about the announcement from the Belgium. Go to hell EA.

2384d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Next E3, we'll get to see the teaser. Two years later a full blown trailer. 2 years later, game cancelled.

That's what is going to happen.

2384d ago 55 agree7 disagreeView comment

as long as it doesn't work like another mobile game with loot boxes thrown everywhere.

2385d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Until mainstream media picks it up no ordinary ppl will know. Some were proud that it got downvoted in reddit... Like 99% of ppl don't even know what reddit is.

2387d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment