
CRank: 6Score: 100630


1169d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

So i own the digital game on wii u, currently have it installed...i think.
If i delete it will i not be able to redownload it? Never finished it as it came free with mario kart, might give it a nudge now, better then paying $100 NZD for a deluxe version that will never go on sale.

1396d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Better be a casino! Miss that so much, shame it never got backwards compat patch for xbox one, i would still be playing it!

1425d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does anyone else remember years ago at a xbox e3 briefing they said the total team17 back catalogue was coming to xbox? I swear i saw that but it never happened

1459d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Omg U.G.L.Y you ant got no alibi, you ugly

1516d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I havnt played my switch since mario vs rabbids came out, even mario odyssey was overrated, totally regret owning a switch, only game im looking forward to is botw2 everything else is shallow and aimed at kids or watred down ports of 10 yr old games

1697d ago 6 agree25 disagreeView comment

America is the greatst comedy act there is, and the rest of the world tunes in daily to see what this clown is up to, seriously america is a mess and a joke, i would be ashamed to call myself an american.

1754d ago 14 agree10 disagreeView comment

As they say, you cant polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter! Thats the real bioware magic!

1813d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im pretty much digital only now anyway. No more disc swapping omg thats So last gen, and being able to gameshare my digital games is awesome, and its clearly better for the environment, def time to more to a discless generation.

2141d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Haha salty, it was a great show, so many trailers i couldnt keep up! Dont believe the haters

2182d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Two days and i feel like ive tried everything there is to do, im struggleing to find a reason to continue...i want to like...but im just meh.

2264d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great case, i got the red and blue version, was worth it just for the screen protector, but the fact it protects my switch from getting scratched while docking it is peace of mind.

2305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

God i hate this game, so stupidly hard that it was frustrating... not fun.

2323d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Straight to the bargain bin? That's nothing new for sonic, good strategy Sega!

2491d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice I've been looking forward to replaying these classics, wonder how long it's timed exclusive for?

2498d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox onex day one, all my mates are on Xbox, we all love destiny, borderlands and other co op multilayer games, I could get ps4 pro but I wouldn't be able to play with my friends so it would be useless.
Onex looks insanely powerful, a handful of Sony exclusive games won't sway me, I'm a social gamer and most Sony exclusives don't offer that kind of experience anyway.
However ms does, it understands gaming needs to be social, state of decay 2, crackdown and s...

2510d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Omg pachter just stop, sick of this crystal ball gazing hack.

2510d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We should all celebrate diversity, people aren't "normal" not one single person can be defined by such a black or white term.
Love is love, the only thing that has taught us to look down on one another and judge is religion, we should be enjoying other people's diversity no matter what format it takes, the only thing I don't support is fake gods and the cultist followers that propergat hate and try to destroy peoples diversity.

2515d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cool xbox one version please :)

2529d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Ive lost all interest in this game, it looks shallow and I'm betting it will be a failure, prove me wrong rare, show something new.

2529d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment