
CRank: 5Score: 33530

Ms brainwashed fanboyz want sprobably to apporve only vgchartz when halo seel a ton, or xbox360 is one week best selling console :)

how pathetic.

4935d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

"it works", yeah, like every 2D platformer (kung fu stuff) with eye toy only.

@vinniepaz, well known troll liar, don't pretend you have a ps3, and move (who is kinect + wii motioin ++++++++++) and play real games !

4935d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah sure, but only for desperated xbox fans who wants to see some 7 (not a bad score after all) in the 9/10 majority.

"A seemingly few hundred delays"

yeah sure..

misinformation at the best.

4935d ago 12 agree9 disagreeView comment

slow ass bluray" is the same, or faster than the old drive in xbox, and less noisy.

by the way, installing 20, or 50 go is not really a great option for now, don't compare that with 7 go xbox dvd.

4935d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't even try to answer to that well known blind xtrolliar.

4935d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

don't forget sport champion, and all the good "little" games on psn (tumble, snooker, etc)

only xfanboyz complain and disagree with fact (like your list), like for GT5, how desperated they are :)

"But when I can play KZ2, RE5, MAG and Heavy Rain perfectly fine without it there's nothing impressive about it"

LOL, you are just probably dumb, what's the difference ? it's the stupidest xfanboy argument &q...

4935d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The big difference beteween ps3 and xbox fanboyz :

ps3 fanboyz don't care about xbox exclusives..

"Bottom line current consoles are showing their age, not only in multiplats where they are getting beaten by entry level PC hardware, but also in terms of exclusives they just dont offer the juice devs are looking to create what they originally intended. "

xxfanboyz, don't act like if ps3 and 360 are on par, ps3 have way m...

4935d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

something has changed in kotaku world..

4935d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

@active reload, you can say the opposite, when kz2, and others best graphic this gen are downaplyed by fanboyz, they always say "bububu teh graphics is not important bubu" (even if the gameplay is also perfect), and when gt5 has some cars, with inferior graphics, they easily talk about "graphics this, graphics that" (forgetting that the best of the game can't be seen on xbox)

by the way, the xbox fantards are so desperated, than even with the best simula...

4936d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Xtrolls are really thinking multiplatform games are xbox exclusives :)

what a donkey.

he probably don't know that even if we have a lot of exclusives the same months, and not a single one for a month or two, we can play them after the launch (and ps3 has much more great exclusives each year since 2008 than the old box)

edit : for the fucking liar "halodonkey", take that in your liar's face : 4936d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good list, i smell an independant gamer, not fanboy or ms employee for once.

4936d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nihilism and other donkeytrolls, just do us a favor, buy a real console, the one with better games and functionality, and stfu.

4936d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

They said that's pathetic this generation with microshaft, lies and money, that's all about.

but ps3 owners don't really care, kz3 is one hundred time better.

4936d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Forzaexclusive, boobaggin and some others are new troll multi accounts ! n4g have to do something, they are desperated, i understand, but it's annoying, and because of 3,4 dumb people, we have false agree/disagree and bubble counts

by the way, halo and others donkeytrolls, stop spreading lies !

digital raptor doesn't give all the psn title with 80 or more, each years we have a tons with that score or better (next week dead nation : 9/10)

4936d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
4936d ago

"Because a majority of sales come from the 360"

stop spreading lies alpha male !

it's real for cod, and some others, but ps3 have sold more hardware and games last year, even on vgchartz.

"TA's primary console is Xbox. But this does not make this a conspiracy anymore than PS3 games that look better like Dragon Age make EA/Sony have a conspiracy together."

First, it's not "conspiracy&q...

4938d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment

Stop pretending having a ps3/being a gamer, you don't have ps+ dumb Xfanboyliar.

4938d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Cod WII has some 9, so it's better than a lot of xbox and ps3 games/S

even if biased US and fanboyz reviews did'nt exist, don't compare scores from inferior hardware and library !

guys, do you know what is really funny ? even with a ton of other 10, 9 (like the 4 last reviews available !), the worst donkeys Xfans will continue to believe it's a "flop", they are doing that all the time, forgetting reality (better graphics, goty, e...

4938d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The right title is "will 2011 be sony's year, again ? probably"

2008, 2009, and 2010 was ps3 years, until you live in opposite world of xretardsfanboyz in denial.

it's incredible to see that kind of blindness, i hope omega, booze, 8 nightvolley, and all the troolliars multi accounts are paid for writing lies...insane or employees ?

4938d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol, poor donkey troll.

you don't have anything close to the ps3 exclusives on your old console of choice, but it's not a reason to write bullshits every minutes.

"Someone is awfully pissed that GT5 scored less than Forza 3 I see. "

another pathetic donkeytroll in action, nihilism "bububub resoliionb on pc can go over 23000/30000 for pac man", don't compare ps3's scores with inferior hardware and libr...

4938d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment