CRank: 5Score: 490

Yeah I can't knock you for not including ME cause of not completing it, Hell I just finished the game 2 days ago and I bought it when it first came out.

Definitely need to do yourself the favor and try out this magnificent game. I'm sure you will enjoy it and it may possibly creep into your Top 10 list.

I know after the final act it turned out to be my favorite game for the 360 easy.

5439d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not sure what fanboys you have come across but I don't think anyone can say any platform can best PC when it comes to graphics. Either way it does sound like money played a role in this decision or it could indeed be they like the tech ala Valve.

It makes no difference to me, I have all systems and while I would've rather got the game for the Ps3 if it came out better for the 360 that would be the system I would buy it for. This now just settles the discussion for me and allows m...

5444d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yes finally a list worth talking about, good to see atleast one of my consoles will be having more than 3 games worth buying. Not sure how my funds will be looking at the end of year but I will find a way to get some atleast 3 of the titles.

5446d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well that sucked...can't believe the didn't mention Splinter Cell. :smh:

Guess they don't believe it will make it out this year unlike every other report. Either way the only title mentioned I'm even thinking about getting is Halo.

Damn 360 please come out with some games for me to play!!!! I can only play Mass Effect for so long before it grows stale.

5446d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guy its Splinter Cell, just knock out the lights and its a wrap. Hell they even have it now where you can tag everyone in the room and execute them all with the press of a single button. lol

The game at this moment just screams cake walk. Only way I can see it taking any longer to beat the game is if the player themselves don't take advantage of the stuff they put at your disposal and try to run and gun.

And yeah the reason I did use "can" is because it ma...

5447d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not sure if I should be happy or sad??

I mean on one hand that's the average playtime for an action game of this caliber, but on the other hand if its like the previous games I'm sure I can beat it within 8hrs thus making it no more than a rental.

Damn I hope they mention a Co-Op campaign different from the SP to provide some replay value.

5448d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't believe Ghost and Goblins didn't make the list, however there is no doubt in my mind that Battletoads was conceived by the devil.

If anyone managed to make that infinite jump on what I believe is only the 3rd level...I tip my gamer hat off to you.

5448d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually Sidar they were based on SM3 and eventually turned into Mario World I believe. Unless that was another series I'm sure I recall a few episodes with Yoshi on there.

Anyways the mention of that was just for lulz and giggles, figured me mentioned that would go over most heads, but I see you know your stuff. :P

@ Twin

Yeah I guess when you put it that way, Nintendo did make an off the wall choice on its system once again, but we are talking about th...

5448d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ 14 - Hatch
Not saying TP wasn't a great game at all, just more of the same. Is that a bad thing?...Not necessarily since it was great before as well. I just think its time to think out the box a little and take a chance.

I mean if every game took the Nintendo approach and played it safe all the time and didn't experiment a bit, we would still be playing NES games. And when looking at the big franchises for Nintendo, you practically are.

@13.1 - Sidar

5448d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol @ thinking this one company can kill a conglomerate. And lol @ anyone thinking otherwise.

I mean Activision has a few good titles, but as of now all their top sellers are equal to or bested by something over at EA. If this was EA making these claims I would be worried in Sony's case, but since its just Activision.

Rockband > GH, Skate > TH, COD is a wash IMO, cause I like Bad Company, but I can see the consensus giving it to COD.

So whats left?...

5448d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

To those that blast me for saying another villain other than Ganon, I didn't mean it like he was the only one introduce in the plethora of games so far, but like Bowser he is definitely the most recognizable.

I meant they need to introduce another character with an impact that is on par or even exceeds that of Ganon. Try to throw in a story to atleast give this guy some depth. Not "oh yeah i feel like ruling the world cause its a tuesday"...thats lame.


5448d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Zelda on the Ps3 would be nice, likewise with the facelift. But I don't want no God of War violence going on in Hyrule. Just wouldn't seem right seeing ol mute Link decapitating a Goron......though it would be interesting.

5449d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

As it is mine Jinx, but you gotta wonder a little bit how Zelda would turn out in a different light. I mean it doesn't need a drastic change, but something to set it apart from its predecessors would be lovely IMO.

I think the first order of business would be to actually have a voice track and maybe introduce a new villain other than Gannon.

5449d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah I like GH for the Guitar, but I never tried the drums to give an opinion on. Guess RB2 is the way to go then, probably snag my copy come Friday.

5449d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rockband 2 for only $15 is a definite steal. Though isn't the consensus that GHWT had the better playlist this go round?

5449d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah Halo is definitely not the game you look at for an engrossing, edge of your seat story. All about the gameplay there guy, though you may find it a bit "meh".

However this attempt to give this franchise a narrative in some kinda fashion does peak my interest. I think I'll give it a try.

5450d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Glad that he knows gamer and not a pawn in this 360 vs Ps3. Giving credit where credit is due...I like that, wish more people could see that.

5450d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good stuff indeed, can't wait to own this game. Though is it me or are they trying to make this game a bit easier with the implementing of the right bumper system to target and execute your enemies and ability to know the last time you were in their sights.

5450d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment