
CRank: 5Score: 2220

i have haven't seen many video game commercials here in mexico, latetly there have been some wii commercials. but if the 360 is popular here it's mostly becouse of pirating, halo and gears. becouse i see my friends hoojing up 360 through a modem. and not playing Live.

4952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I live in Coahuila, Mexico(a state under texas), and the ps3 has been selling well in my town since the releace of god of war 3, the blockbuster close to my house is packed with rental copies close to 20. and yeah there are alot of 360 pirated games, in the flea market(yes there are alot flea markest in mexico) but once people find out it breaks often the dont really want to risk it. OHH and yeah games and consoles are really expansive here games cost from 800 to 1200 pesos, thats 80 to 120 ...

4952d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

bababui bababui

4964d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Making the game for controller would mean dumbing it down(something Blizzard has not done with its franchises)."

ever heard of starcraft 64???? but i can imagine a starcraft 2 port with the Move controler, im sure it would work. as for Diablo i do hope they bring it to consoles.

5036d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment


5037d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I might buy it........ for the trophies, of course XD.

5079d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

isn't that sports champions???

5080d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah , i think if there is going to be any subscription on PSN it's probably for the MMO's that are coming, it makes sense to charge one subscription to play MMO's like DC universe, the agency, final fantasy 14 maybe even Everquest. if that is the case, then am in. i would pay for the MMO experience of this games. who knows if these MMO's prove to work on consoles then maybe more will follow.

5308d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was a great comment, i think that Acti. must get over them selfs. Their atitudes makes me wonder "what will come next??", i liked COD:WAW and it's the first COD. i have bought but once i was playing online i hated getting constantly kicked out of games becouse i didn't buy the expancions i felt like they tried to force me. and after hearing of the bull they said it makes me see a patern. i hope they fix their problems for PC gamers, but still i problably wont buy the game. Dont...

5317d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't really see too much diference in grafics, i mean i see them and i compare them to COD:WAW and i doesn't seeme too far off. and call of duty has only 18 players tops online. and i love resistance2 and i think it looks great even at 60 players online. so to just say it doesn't look good or stuff like that, please just consider that 256 players is A LOT and with out lagg is even something no one has done on a console with out it being an MMO. just consider that MAG has over 4 times the p...

5320d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"It does what nintendon't" and that was sad trying to make others look bad insted of becoming better your self. i have nothing agains xbox i do enjoy the games but why aren't they wasting more money on making halo better cause ODST was a total let down "IMO". (i know i wrote something wrong, but am sure some fanboy will corect me)

5332d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

in IGN beyond podcast they were talking and hinting that it should come around christmas or next year. and if you remember last time they hinted about something it was about the slim and that they had one in the office. So it's probably coming. i might buy it GTAIV was a cool game but i rented and so i want to get the trophies lol.

5335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

do you need more examples madworld, no more heroes,The Conduit,Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop, Madden, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, house of the dead and now this. it's just that the wii set it self apart from the main stream. it's just like if you tried to run Saw the movie in the disney channnel. it's way too diferent to what there use to. sadly the hard core have left the wii, lets hope that metroid the other M and the new zelda atract more hardcore. i just wish nintendo's next console won'...

5336d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i've been really looking forward to this game, since a long time ago. it is based on a book. but last thing i heard was that it's coming to PS3/PC ive check the http://www.4a-games.com/ page and it still said PS3/PC but who cares if it comes to 360 and not PS3 i will play it at a friends house. the game is awsome no matter what console it comes to. that grafics and the story is what i like the most, it should come in 2010 since it's been...

5336d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they compared to gears and tomb raider, i agree with tomb raider but is every 3rd person shooter a gear's rip off?? . I do agree that the uncharted series is like a movie made into a game. Yet nothing seemed to surprise them about the game, but you know it's EDGE nothing PS3 related has ever surprise them.

5344d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

anyway i really like demon souls, i hope sony's first party studios can make some great RPG's(i know it's not first farty game). and give us persona 5 atlus!!!

5351d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i did like nintendo back in the day of cartridges. but after the N64 there is noting i like about it. i think i just grew out of nintendo, i lived crono trigger, golden eye, FF6, metroid and zelda. but buying a nintendo console mend buying all the accerories and a new console every freaking 5 years. and i just don't have that kind of money. and the wii is just for casual (aka my little brothers). am happy playing PS3 and Xbox. i just wish they made games like before(god am old),cause now i j...

5351d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They will do a LBP lemmings style with sackboys walking and you keeping them alive with the motion controler. like survivor sackboy THAT would be cool!!! and make your own levels. but i hope they make an oblivion like game using the wands, couse i really see that working out with the wands. maybe insomaniac can do it, couse they can do almost anything.
(sorry for bad spelling)

5363d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that may be the problem with PC gaming, the lack of a standard is what really drives it down. because we can't all go chasing every thing we need just to play a really cool game (S.T.A.K.E.R)but console gaming is not that far from achieving that. let's just hope that some PC games make their way to consoles.

5372d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't try to sound like one, but polyphony is one of my favorite developers. i really hope they grow old with me, and that the future just keeps raising the bar. no disrespect to all the F3 fans but i just grew old, with PD like GoW, MGS and team ICO so i hope they stick with me. Seriusly i really hope you all get to play some of the games i fell in love with because, then you will see there is no fanboys just gamers.i do play all consoles and some PC but just recognice what is good and gr...

5372d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment