
CRank: 5Score: 135690

It's a game that's highly impressive considering its made by one guy in a industry that usually has teams of hundreds if not thousands of developers. It's not even a bad game it's more of a 7/10 IMO.

663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The past three games have had ranked and all the had a terrible SBMM system. They are even adding ranked into warzone but SBMM will still be in the main playlist.

663d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It would appear you're just running with the same old internet opinion of COD. The last three games have all been very different and the player base is massively split because of it. MW2019 changed up the formula massively to conflicting opinions. Cold War was a rushed, goofy game filled with recycled content from previous Treyarch games because of SH games cock up, and Vangaurd is widely shat on by almost everyone. Three years, all very much different games in many ways.

667d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Best single player open world game out there? What?!

The media has fully gassed people into believing Bethesda Softworks games are good. They always have a endless list of issues but get awarded 9s/10s and GOTY but games just as busted will get scrutinised and marked down for having the exact same issues. So much bias towards a frankly mid tier dev team

670d ago 23 agree20 disagreeView comment

I work in a electronic shop and yes, alot of manufactures are struggling. There's weeks of waiting for a lot of appliances and tech. Some of which is down to worldwide issues, some down to Brexit (UK here). This isn't exclusive to console makers. It's happening to cars, applicences, laptops, phones, tablets, the lot and there don't seem to be any form of stability in the near future either.

Manufacturing, energy crisis, in some places, COVID is still affecti...

674d ago 24 agree3 disagreeView comment

The same here in the UK. In work in Currys and XSS are always in stock and we've had quite a few XSX in too which hardly fly off the shelves either. That being said we've had PS5s in-store twice since release. They are usually all sold via online orders before they even make it into stores for people to buy.

675d ago 10 agree10 disagreeView comment

I'm interested in this game but I haven't been following it. I was always under the impression it was free to play but they're charging £32 on the PS store?

676d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The Xbox UI is a mess? It has been since forcing the whole windows 10 look on us. It's the most unfriendly UI for navigation of all the three main consoles.

677d ago 12 agree23 disagreeView comment

I'm primarily a PS5 player and whilst I think the PS4 UI is better, Xboxs is cumbersome. So many menus inside of menus just to get to basic features. It's frustrating.

677d ago 7 agree15 disagreeView comment

Whilst the gameplay is subjective to the player, you cannot say the Zurk chase sequences weren't great. Also the graphics dated? Did you play or watch someone play it on a low end PC? The graphics and lighting on PS5 looks really good. The detail in the world also put a lot of AAA games to shame.

678d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

As someone who doesn't follow crypto and NFTs, am I wrong in thinking the whole market has crashed according to media outlets? Why are SE doing this now when the ship (for now) has seemingly sailed?

It has massively failed for Ubisoft already. Is this a case of ignorance, poor timing or purely greed in the hope they will rise again after this so called crash?

681d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tbh I'm mainly a PS player but Sony isn't the same Sony from the Late PS3/early to mid PS4. They are making a lot of questionable decisions on games and services. Places like here where we are mainly PS fans don't like to see the negatives but on the whole when looking at other corners of the internet, people are not happy with a lot of things Sony are doing lately, even Pro Sony journos and YouTubers.

688d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

18 months already?! It's cool that it's getting new content but what baffles me is the fact that means we've had next gen consoles for just as long and it still doesn't feel like we've even began yet outside of a handful of exclusives from Sony. I wish there weren't a component shortage so we could drop last gen already. My PS5 is a glorified PS4 Pro atm

692d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This isn't me shitting on the Duel Sense and it's a fantastic controller but it does have its issues with the springs in the triggers. I've unfortunately had it and there's a huge thread on Reddit about it and how they were snapping which they've addressed in the new colourways with thicker springs.

My launch controller also used to get a crazy amount of interference and start doing things on its own something my new blue controller doesn't do too. ...

700d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Media (mainly American) will forever get British accents wrong because there's over 100 different accents in the UK but always go for posh country folk. You could live in the most run down area and Hollywood would still have you the character speaking like a royal. Here in Britain there a different accent every few miles lol

704d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Off topic but I'm still gutted that the TV series didn't use the same animated style as the game. Went from full Disney to Cartoon Network. I felt the artstyle is what made so many people fall in love with the game

712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People complain about Fallout 76 for good reason. When you take off your rose tinted glasses you will see a reoccurring pattern with Bethesda Softworks lack of skill that oozes out of it long before Fallout 76.

Any other developer with dated animations, terrible voice acting, below par visuals for the generation it's on, bugs, glitches, game breaking bugs they would be slaughtered (Cyberpunk 2077 says hello) but Bethesda releases broken game after game and gets praise f...

717d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I want fixed camera view as well. The RE5 DLC that had the classic camera Easter egg was great. It will never happen though. RE1 remake is still my favourite remake. It's timeless.

718d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Each to there own but even with gamepass this game didn't look worth the download. Unfortunately from what was shown it looked like another buggy, poorly optimised game with bad animations that will win GOTY because it's a Bethesda Softworks game.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, Bethesda Softworks get a free pass from gamers and journos. If any other game has any of the issues BS games do, they are scrutinized and marked down for it. Bethesda inste...

720d ago 11 agree12 disagreeView comment

Aren't as prolific as they used to be? What have you based that on? The vocal minority who review bomb websites like metacritic, use game website comment sections and sub reddits that the majority of people don't know exist?

I agree it's a needless remake (my guess is that it intends to cash in on the TV shows potential mainstream success) but ND is as profllific as they come as a studio.

723d ago 20 agree8 disagreeView comment