
CRank: 5Score: 135690

It has spec ops which is two player coop and it has raids coming in season one which is three player coop

613d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know why but I feel this is going to be another case like Agony. I hope it's not. Both have a great art style but from what we've so far Scorn doesn't look like it's offering much, much like Agony.

619d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

The REmake is the best of all the remakes they've made though. RE2 Remake is special but the first remake it almost perfect with enough twists that made it feel fresh. The third person camera loses a lot of the suspense.

620d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Um, what? And what are you judging this statement by? Some random website? Please for the love of God stop letting websites dictate what you can and can't like.

Over the last few years more than ever the disparity between what review scores and previews say Vs what gamers think is massive.

622d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

If I remember reading correctly Vince made Devs go back and play older BF titles after the mess of BF2042 to understand what it was what made BF special.

I also remember reading that a lot of Devs that made the classic BF games were put on BF Portal duties which for me is baffling.

Vince has a good track record of changing things for the better so whilst BF2042 was a average game, I'm optimistic for the next installment.

623d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Facts but some people with zero common sense will tell you that it's not because you always get something from it lol

628d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Calling people idiots because YOU believe loot boxes are not gambling? How is it not? You can spend spend spend and keep on spending trying to get the desired item you want and have a slimmer chance of getting it than you would of you were playing a slot machine in the real world. Just because you get something (usually the shit stuff nobody wants) doesn't mean lootboxes cannot be gambling.

628d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

People still watch Jim Sterling? I didn't know he was still around. Unsubbed not long after he started dressing a little fruity and doing stupid dances and this is the first time I've read that name in a long long time.

628d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

MGSV is the worst in the series. The stealth mechanics are top notch. The game, the open world, the lack of story, the unfinished state of the overall project is what lets it all down.

635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How to tell someone has an opinion on something without actually playing the game he has a opinion of.

"Way better" is a stretch. All three game series are incredible do some thing's better than the other. Splinter Cell makes use of great lighting but has primitive AI by today's standards, something TLoU AI excels at. Hitman has some of the best stealth mechanics of the stealth genre but is also a bit goofy in the way you can kill a long haired guy with a...

636d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment
647d ago Show
647d ago Show

Jim Ryan needs to go. I understand the economic struggle the world is facing at the moment but even before this, he's made some very questionable decisions. I'll always love what Sony has done for gaming but this clown is dragging the PlayStation name through the mud

647d ago 84 agree30 disagreeView comment

Luckily disagrees don't mean anything here. I probably upset a few people with a diskless console lol

647d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This lawsuit won't go anywhere but this will be an issue for all consoles in a generation or two from now when disks no longer exist. You will have to buy from said console store and there will be no competition on price unless things change and these store allow third parties to sell digital codes too which I cannot see happening.

All thanks to a all digital future because people are to lazy to change a disk over lol

647d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

Tbf it's Funcom who made Conan Exiles and the fact that considered a survival MMO I'd expect a few similarities. Maybe minus the gentile sliders lol

648d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have you not played anyFallout or TES? BS have no idea what polish is

649d ago 10 agree11 disagreeView comment

All those words in the title can be applied to most Bethesda Softworks games too but they will give it GOTY instead. If you were interested in the game before now, watch a few people play it and judge it yourself. The divide of what gamers like and what jurnos try to tell you to like seems to get wider and wider as time goes on

649d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's a whole new game with the same name as the 2009 game but a sequel to the MW reboot of 2019. This website is doing nothing but speculating. Just because there's a ghillie and sniper rifle it doesn't mean it's bringing back the same mission from the original MW.

653d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have PS Extra and Gamepass and I would say Gamepass does edge itself ahead of PS Extra but Sony has put up a solid start so far all things considered. Both have some great games on there but Gamepass has quite a few newer releases. The downside is there's a lot of filler on both services of you're not massively into some indie games.

I also find whilst gamepass has newer titles, the titles available on Gamepass are not in the same league as Sony first party titles...

659d ago 21 agree9 disagreeView comment