
CRank: 5Score: 135690

I don't know how this got more down votes than upvotes. It is nothing more than greed. As a Sony fan all my life , I've never been more concerned as a fan as I am now. No exclusives officially announced outside of Spiderman and Wolverine (Factions 2 is that's still going ahead), console price increases, game increases, sub increases... Eventually people will pushed away or get fed up. This feels like the early PS3 era Sony, where they got to big for their boots all over again.

267d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Whoever wrote this article is living in denial lol. There's already compilations of bugs doing the round on social media. It's in a better state than their other games but it's still a mess at times.

274d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know if you're unable to read, but this whole comment section, Twitter and Sonys socials are taking a battering right now over it.

276d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yet we're seeing single people recreate whole portions of games using UE5 on YouTube in relatively quick time.

Also game costs have gone up but so as the amount of people buying them and the multiple editions they release. Almost every game has MTX now which take very, very little effort to make, but bring insane profits.

We need to stop make excuses to big corps. It's mostly greed. Nothing more.

276d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

As a bit of Playstation fan since the PS1, Sony has been making questionable decisions for a while now. The PS4 the hit it put the park and smashed the last generation but as time goes on, it's starting to feel like the arrogant, "we're untouchable" Sony is coming back.

I'll always favor Sony even if I own both consoles but I hope Xbox finally pulls its socks up and brings some competition again.

276d ago 15 agree5 disagreeView comment

And this is the issue with all Bethesda games. Mods shouldn't be the answer to Bethesdas incapability.

"...The game may have bugs, glitches, broken quests, poor animations and terrible voice acting like every Bethesda gamee before it, but it's okay, with mods, all can be forgotten.
- 10/10"

I hate the media bias towards Bethesda when they scrutinise any other games with the same issues.

That said, I do hope ...

279d ago 14 agree11 disagreeView comment

You've been playing Todd Howard games for decades so you should know, expect game breaking bugs, broken quests, and questionable voice acting that everyone seems to think is fine if Bethesda games have them, but any other game, they get scrutinised for.

The double standards towards Bethesda in gaming so transparent

280d ago 29 agree9 disagreeView comment

Oh so you mean like every Bethesda RPG? They get given perfect scores despite being buggy, broken, dated and poorly animated.

288d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

Where did I hate the game? I'll try it on gamepass but that still doesn't change the fact that so far, it looks like a solid 7/10 game. I know you being aboard the hype train/being a blind fanboy, you will never accept that some people have differing opinions on things which include games.

Bethesdas track record in the last 10 years has been terrible. It really is that black and white.

288d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Some people don't like to jump on hype trains. Everything shown so far looks like a solid 7/10 but you'd think it's about to be the new standard of gaming the way some people are hyping it up.

Bethesda get a free pass on their games. Always have. If any other game has half of the issues Bethesdas games have, they get slaughtered for it in the reviews.

289d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Believe it or not, everyone excitment on social media is through the roof right now. I'm a COD player and I can see though this lazy cash grab. You can tell it was meant to be DLC.

289d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

We barely know anything coming from Sony. It's all very quiet. Whatever they are doing they are playing it very differently to how they usually do it. For the people who aren't massively into superheros, it's a bit dry at the moment on the exclusive front.

296d ago 32 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sony is oddly quiet on the exclusive front. There's a lot of studios and barely any games announced or even teased. I'm praying that this August/September showcase is real that people have been talking about for months now 🤞

297d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I agree with the first part about superhero burnout as great as Spiderman looks but that is happening in and outside of gaming but how can you say you're not looking forward to Spiderman but then in the next paragraph praise Starfield when everything they've shown so far looks like yet another Bethesda 6 or 7 out of 10 game which the media will praise to high heaven, award GOTY, whilst scrutinizing other games for the same problems all Bethesda games have. Baffling

300d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

And if you want it to work on everything, creatively you have have that lowest spec in mind constantly. If we forever continue with this graphics first approach, yes it is a simple case of lowering settings and resolution to get it to run but if we ever get to point of getting advancements in AI and physics like games once used to then just stopped (for the most part), then the lowest spec creates massive hurdles.

There's a growing number of developers talking about th...

303d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

You're as delusional as any other kind of fanboy if you believe there's no fanboyism on PC. PC gamers even argue amongst eachother because of someone using EPIC game store to get free games.... Some (not all, like not all console gamers are fanboys) troll users with weaker hardware and troll console users to this day. It's everywhere unfortunately but it most certainly does exist on PC lol

311d ago 11 agree11 disagreeView comment

I don't think anyone will disagree unless they are blind fanboy. Whilst I always lean towards PlayStation, the output for PS5 has been pretty average compared to PS4 and even the PS3. There's been very little released that's not on the PS4. It's nice to play at higher frames and resolutions but we need more.gamea like Ratchet and Clank and Astro to show us and push what our consoles can do.

I'm hoping the rumours of another PS showcase in August comes to...

316d ago 4 agree15 disagreeView comment

Two genres that continue to evolve (slowly but still) and continue to pull insane player numbers. What's the issue? Do you get this upset when game 23,048 features a TDM mode? Or when a racer features a track you've raced hundreds of times before on another game? The genre might be the same but none of them play the same.

317d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure what part of the world you're from but in the UK, physical is almost always cheaper than the prices set on console makers storefronts. Physical proces also drop a lot quicker than digital.

320d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Check out mystic meg here. No one knew it was going though hence why it's had to go though a long, drawn out court battle that still hasn't been finalised.

Subscriptions are great for customers but it ruins so many creative industries. Look at the state of Music and film because of subs. If you think a decline won't happen in gaming like it has in other media then you you are just being a blind MS fanboy. It might not happen, but there's a reason why people ...

326d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment