
CRank: 5Score: 135690

Man I wish arcade racers would make a comeback. Racing games have become so boring if you're not into SIM or semi-Sims. That isn't discrediting SIMs, I'd just rather get chased by police, ram people off the road, drift at impossible speeds. The Crew 2 and NFS are just a bit average at best.

813d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes because no hardware fails just because yours didn't... /S

The springs in the triggers of the PS5 controller have been a talking point since launch but was overshadowed by the stick drift issue. Sony addressing the issue is a great news and if it was never a issue they would have never of changed them.

814d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's their game that they've created. They aren't the spoiled brat. The brat are the gamers who complain all the time because a feature was never part of the developers original vision.

819d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

A review is one person's opinion on a game. Stop letting others dictate to you what is good or bad because the truth is you cannot who has been paid and who hasn't. Apprently Dying Light is a 7/10 game but I've had more fun in that than in any Fallout or ES game ever and they get GOTY nominations. If you've liked GT in the past you will no doubt like GT7.

822d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

It sold 40 million because it's a Rockstar game. A quick Google search will show you a lot of people found RDR2 Boring. The first game was enjoyable but the pacing of the second made it boring.

825d ago 11 agree9 disagreeView comment

There's a permanent jailbreak for the Vita now now to get the homebrew browser and people have ported GTA3, VC, SA and Bully. I know a lot of people associate jail breaks with piracy but there's some good stuff getting ported atm via the homebrew lot.

827d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tbh I'm more concerned for the open world format. Open world games have all become the same structurly and mission design wise. Open world are used to always being new life to gaming but now it's always the same thing.

Clear camps, go here, fetch this, kill this person, repeat. People shit on Ubisoft but so many other publishers copy the same formula without the endless amount fo collectables that Ubisoft like to add.

834d ago 23 agree6 disagreeView comment

There's a number a lot worse than Vangaurd. It's also a lot better than that car crash Treyarch released before it.

836d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Whilst I don't agree with this score, UC4 didn't have have as many big set pieces and seemed a bit more mature in places compared to the rest of the series. Maybe that's what they were refering too? No idea. Still a great game though and definitely not a 7

849d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Don't pay attention. Gaming journalists review bomb every game that's buggy but will happily give GOTY awards and hand out perfect scores for Fallout, The Elder Scrolls and even Cyberpunk of all games lol. You cannot trust a single word any of them say.

If you liked the first game and want more of that go for it.

850d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Abizzle, you may have worked in telecoms once but times change. Xiaomi are bigger than Samsung. What you need to realise that there's more to the world than just the west. Xiaomis growth is mental to see whilst Samsung are restructuring and wondering why less and less people are buying their phones yearly.

Samsung are great but to say the market is ran by Apple and Samsung is a very old way of thinking what things haven't been doing as well (still seriously good t...

850d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why did this get downvoted lol? This is exactly what everyone should have done. The game was showing red flags before it even released.

862d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved RE8 even though it was a massive departure from what we expect from RE. That factory chapter though was awful. Hands down the worst part of the game. The rest was great.

868d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Vlad since when does curvy mean obese? Everyone's tastes are different but curvy women a preference a lot of guys like. That don't mean they have health issues smh

872d ago 17 agree9 disagreeView comment

And when Monolith finishes that, can we please have another condemned please?

873d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They said if you were to replay it and see all the different out comes of the choices you would make it somewhere around 500 hours. The game itself is not 500 hours

874d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not really that long. The title is click bait.

874d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

After playing that Matrix/Unreal Engine 5 tech demo, I cannot wait for this either. As limited as it was gameplay wise, that was levels above everything else we've seen so far minus R&C.

899d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dennigo, you know you're lying when you say Bethesdas games ain't as buggy lol. It's the typical Bethesda free pass they get by everyone whilst other companies get slated for having the same issues.

917d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Open world games biggest issue is their lack of mission variety. BotW was no exception to it. The genre has become a box ticking competition unfortunately. Hopefully ER can I next some much needed innovation into the stale open world genre.

928d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment