
CRank: 5Score: 16770

Do I remember asking for it? I mean sure it would be nice to add to the huge list, but I don't want the 360 to have NO exclusives for this year, well besides kinect titles..

4862d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only ones who think no are the ones that havn't played either of the first two..

4862d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Quagmire maybe because in a campaign its all about invading and succeeding and in all wars nobody has invaded america and won..

4865d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Battle on MT Rushmore!

4865d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

at the MOST make it a killstreak

4865d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FFS we deserve it being exclusive to us with all this get our DLC a month later BS but IDC soon enough Im gonna have Killzone 3 and right now I'm enjoying Dead Space 2

4865d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

TBH I don't know how you could rush through a killzone game (atleast I couldn't) I just tried running and gunning (in Killzone2) and it was damn near impossible I kept getting shot down from millions of directions especially that last mission on your way to beating the final boss (I forget his name) not vecari (I know I probably butchered that spelling) but that other mechanical looking guy that could teleport or just turn invisible not sure which he was doing.

4866d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FINALY! I found someone else who agrees with me that ME2 is shit! Everybody just seems to hop onto the ME2 is awesome bandwagon and I just about did too but then I played it at my friends house (luckily) before I bought it and I just said NO I thought it wasn't good at all, mediocre story, graphics weren't terrible but not good, and just the over gameplay feel of the game seemed simply to say it, boring. The game almost felt mechanical like it had no life to it. I didn't want to c...

4867d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the year of the Big 3
Killzone 3
Uncharted 3
Resistance 3

4869d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

That looks AMAZING I seriously cant wait ANY longer for this and Uncharted 3! Thank god I have Killzone 3, Portal 2, and Motorstorm Apocalypse to keep me busy till then!

4869d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

yes, its true that the mom shouldn't let a little autistic kid play mature games, but Microsoft just labeling anybody that they "think" is cheating a cheater is so stupid, what a bunch of dumb asses if I had an Xbox I wouldn't even try to get my gamerscore high just because those guys might think i'm a cheater just because its high...

4874d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They also made it so when zombies hit you you don't get moved at all.. and if a zombie dies without you killing it it just respawns until you actually kill it.

4876d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I REALLY want is for them to port over left 4 dead, just saying that is the one 360 exclusive I REALLY wish we had... :(

4878d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

while deadreckoning666 does make a good point on the price, I have a feeling he was simply just mad because the next xbox(720?) probably isn't going to use blueray and wont have nearly as much space as the next playstation, and I highly doubt that the price will actually be around $100 but if naughty dog takes 4 years to make a beautiful uncharted 4 or 5 with like a 15-20 hour campaign, multiplayer, and a full on survival co-op mode like Cod's zombies or maybe resistance 2's co-op...

4880d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Kran its pretty obvious there is one in development because if there wasn't one in development he could of said no instead of having to stand there silent..

4882d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok the hacking in black ops is seriously almost non existent this is BS I will admit over MW2 thats all you find but black ops I havn't seen a hacked lobby yet, if they are going to close this down for any reason it should be because of the terrible connection issues and the fact that the host has a great advantage over everybody else.

4882d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I could have swore this was confirmed a long time ago...

4887d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

ok I have never heard of this game, is it going to be on a disk or PSN? and is it actually going to be sold globally? Like will they have it at my local gamestop if its not a PSN game??

4896d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I completely agree they messed up this game with such simple things, like the kick button in a party doesn't work, I can almost never mute someone in a party, the option just isn't always there its there sometimes but mostly not. Also in zombies if I have a full party and I click find a game so its online, ranked and so we have the best host it just says cannot find a game, well it should just start up our own lobby if that isn't obvious we have a full party. Now the thing everybo...

4911d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

possibly killstreaks??

4921d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment