
CRank: 5Score: 123730

^yeah. Jaguar cores were underpowered at release, let alone now...

the cpu 'drives' the gpu...the gpu does all kinds of 'layering' of texture data and image quality related things, but the cpu has to give it a blue print of what to draw over...geometry, physics, light sources, etc...those are all usually cpu intensive tasks...it's true that anything can be a bottleneck, the bottleneck is simply the weakest part of the system...in this case, the cpu is mu...

2614d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

it's more powerful than the PS4 Pro, but not by the margin I was expecting...

The PS4 Pro uses what appears to be a custom 280x gpu, the desktop version has 32 compute units (compared to pro's 36), but a much higher clock, as well as higher memory bandwidth...the Ps4 Pro mostly has a 480x, which was a new gpu, but designed to target OC'd 280x like performance, and be dirt cheap.

Scorpio has a gpu with 40 cu's, compared to the 290/290x desk...

2614d ago 24 agree12 disagreeView comment

the disagrees in here are predictable...

How can anyone objectively say that at this point...PSVR is any 'better' than Move was last gen? It has a bit of support, it has a handful of games, etc...You look at all the huge things that have happened for the PS4 over the past several months, and PSVR isn't part of the discussion (same with PS4 Pro, for that matter)...Did you need a PSVR for Horizon? One of the greatest games to ever hit the system had nothing to do ...

2615d ago 11 agree23 disagreeView comment

Isn't that it entirely though? Every single person get's judged/criticized by some other person at some point in their lives. Many people are kind to others, and many people aren't...

Isn't that why...it used to be, anyway...that we did the whole 'sticks and stones' thing?

My issue is that it seems like more and more; anytime someone experiences another being unkind to them...they're immediately off the deep end with finding a ...

2627d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hardware will never outrun target development. To brute force a standard native 4k at no less than 60 fps at max settings across nearly all games just isn't realistic. If, and only if, a game is built from the ground up for to run at 4k, and nothing less, card's like this would be fine and do it impressively...but 90% of the optimization effort still goes into what 90% of the people playing games are using, and that isn't native 4k capable equipment.

Still thoug...

2641d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it's too early to tell as far as pricing. $400 is definitely a goal, but things keep changing.

The PS4 and Xbox One are what they are mostly because of AMD's break throughs with APU's. The PS4 Pro is entirely a contracted issue that came about because of line costs with the original PS4's jaguar SoC. Pro uses the updated line, and the original PS4 model will likely be dropped by late 2018 (with the Pro getting a price cut)...meaning, all PS4's wi...

2644d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

As a kid he drove me crazy in some of those 80's movies...but the nostalgia is inescapable, they all wouldn't have worked without him.


2652d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

on our end the PS3 was great...from a business perspective, though, its launch window was a bit of a mess. Sony went from dominating the industry to literally being an underdog almost over night.The PS3 was always a superior system, but it was priced high enough to diminish the value, especially around launch.

It's still crazy to me that after the missteps Sony made with the PS3's release...and MS gaining a whole bunch of market share because of that alone...that MS...

2655d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every game at 1080/60fps will come way easier and cheaper than 4k/30...

Still don't think $1k is a good budget for native 4k yet (these cpu helps with that, though), and development still isn't focused on 4k all that much.

to each their own...but personally 1080 on a ~24" monitor at a high framerate looks great to me, and is extremely easy to ring out of most games with even some dated parts. 4k looks better obviously, but the cost increases ...

2656d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I remember Guerilla Games became one of the biggest single developers under Sony's umbrella, personnel wise, during Killzone 2's development. Other studio's eventually got bigger, but GG most likely has multiple teams like the other big ones.

They've been a subtle studio, though. They did the killzone games last gen, but had a big part in technical aspects of almost all 1st party games iirc. They co-developed a lot of lighting systems for GOW3, asset ...

2657d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

^that is the fundamental question of business entirely...

I don't want this to be an intro-college description on business models and ethics surrounding it; as it'll go on forever, and i'm not pretending to be a scholar with this stuff...But which side of the fence you take decides the right and wrong part. Is it wrong to take advantage of someone that should've been more informed? or was it their problem to become informed before the transaction was complet...

2657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What you say is true in a general business sense...and agreed that it is ultimately the buyer's decision...

but clearly this isn't a situation of one corporation 'maximizing profits'...this is leeching, this is 3rd parties requiring a portion of the potential profits, and those costs being passed to the end consumer...which, ethically, is questionable to a degree...but legally completely fine. The reason it's ethically questionable is that many consumers...

2658d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wasn't the switch more or less confirmed to be using a Tegra X1 SoC last year?

It's a half sized Google Pixel C tablet with a 720p screen (that tablet is around 2k), that doesn't run Android. Not really a complaint, as the tablet was/is more money than the switch. It's as powerful as it gets right now as far as mobile ARM goes, but the question is how well that limitation works as an actual console. Switch is a weak console, but insane handheld. Who knows.

2665d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Aside from the LMG 'sniping' in CoD 4, those were pretty balanced iirc. No idea about the remake, but back in 2007 I don't remember it being all that bad with MW1.

The perks were more hit and miss though. Not so much that one was so much better than others, but more that only 2 or 3 combinations were consistently competitive, the rest were worthless.

Weapon wise, though. A huge part of the balance came from the limited attachment options. Each...

2669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wait serious question; if you purchased digital PS1 classics on the PSN with the PS3...you can't play them on the PS4?

Isn't that what Nintendo did with their store thing? Or is all this about PS1/PS2 discs not working in the PS4?

2670d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


The statistics you posted are shaky at best...You're able to beat a handful of people that 'you know' are using an m/k, on a console version of a game with built in aim assist, deviation reductions, and recoil adjustments augmented for controller use...with none of us really knowing how that version of bf4 handles m/k support (is it built in, OS wide, etc.? serious question, i have no idea)...

this is a common argument, regardless...

2673d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ED, I know we have our disagreements from time to time, but couldn't agree more.

The first was Alien; claustrophobic and purposely limited in certain areas, but elegant in it's mechanics. It never tried to be something it wasn't.

2 was Aliens; more action focused but retained the atmosphere (and had plenty of out right scary situations of it's own; that freaking spider-thing that took over corpses?...gtfo), and continued the story in an e...

2676d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

From how I remember it, MS wanted the franchise, much like Gears of War...but Respawn would only accept some exclusitivity and network assistance, and looked elsewhere for full publishing. MS allowed it because they were still busy trying to promote their 'cloud services' for the game, even had Respawn blogging about how it couldn't be done without it...but none of that made any sense because the PC version used Origin's networking anyway.

Regardless, Titanf...

2676d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Calling the Ps4's life cycle around 'middle' right now is entirely part of the argument...Then firing back with GT as an example of what not to include?

GT1 1998
GT2 1999
GT3 2001
GT4 2004
GT5 ......2010; reused huge amounts of PS2 assets
GT6.......2013; better asset wise, but too little too late (and I loved both)

Ps1 released 94/95
Ps2 released 2000
Ps3 rel...

2678d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

It's not a matter of sugarcoating anything, imo.

Every console generation has multiple watershed moments, except this one...doesn't...yet...?

Name a single game that came close to rearranging the industry like FFVII, GTAIII, or CoD 4? Each one of those landed within 2 years of their respective console generation becoming a thing, and each one of those generations didn't have one title doing that...they had a bunch of them, we could easily pick...

2678d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment