
CRank: 5Score: 123730

^yes, EA's history with 'worst company' is ridiculous. They were 'worse' than Bank of America during a time when BoA was proven to not be properly disclosing details of adjustable rates on mortgages, even after the housing crisis...they were worse than other banks opting customers into services they didn't agree to, and charging them without consent...etc...

but in gaming...it's undeniable...they gut developers, wreck franchises, and always seem ...

2392d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not sure I get your point, though.

RTCW's multiplayer was great, one of my all time favorites...but the single player was forgettable. You could argue exactly what the developer is talking about.

It's also important to note that RTCW came out with a class based mp that was very 'new' at the time. It didn't invent it, but balanced and structured it to an extremely high level. The genre is flooded with that kind of mp, now.

2411d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still can't tell if this whole thing is a joke or not...

Paraphrasing what is quoted in the article: "Steam machines failed because too many manufacturers were mixing and matching performance and price and it got messy for the consumer"...

no...seriously...NO. PC has done that for decades, and it works fine...Steam machines failed because it was Linux based...it will only play linux based games...Steam works because it unified an open enou...

2414d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

^what is troubling is that, more and more, this seems to be some sort of unheard of thought process...

I have a nearly 2 year old son...Any parent is probably aware that somewhere between 1 year to 18 months old, short little human beings start to turn into sponges...they repeat every single word you say, they imitate every single thing they see.

It's pretty obvious that certain content isn't meant for 'the family'. Everyone keeps acting l...

2420d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

^uh, American Graffiti is far from 'bad'...

but, yeah, Lucas is primarily a writer...he wrote the 2 good original indiana jones movies (i.e. not the temple of doom)...and continued turning everything he touched into gold back then...It wasn't until the prequels that his 'magic' or w/e you want to call it...stopped working...and then IJ: kingdom of the crystal skull solidified that maybe he shouldn't be writing anymore, either...

2426d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

^it is vague in that area, because the answer is 'maybe' imo.

The difficult part of AA is not the processing, but knowing where to look.. Most hardware (consoles and PC gpu's) can crunch through the actual processing without much difficulty, the overhead comes from the 'listening' part, where the gpu is waiting to be told what to actually process. It's hard to explain, but AA doesn't work by just AA'ing every thing on screen...that very much...

2435d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

^just guessing, but probably because a content creator pressuring critics is kind of a big deal, even if you don't care about the review or game.

Many of us haven't read reviews in years...many still do. If you can't see the conflict of interest within a publisher making a public media outlet a puppet...then that is very sad. That influences the industry; makes more shat games become acceptable, and removes any degree of integrity between the parties involved. ...

2444d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

naruga...I get what you're saying, but I have a hard time keeping a straight face when comparing Doom 2016 to Halo CE.

I have a feeling a lot of that comparison is coming from nostalgia, and I have to admit i haven't played Doom on a console...only PC...so I'm unaware if the pacing is different when using a controller.

Halo CE was a big deal, gameplay wise, because it was purposely slower than what the genre almost always was at that point. Mo...

2447d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cliffy is just the younger generations' Romero. Both have similar egos, one was directly involved with a far more significant game franchise (Romero), both worked a while and then hit it big, but then couldn't hit it big again after burning bridges.

With that, one accepted this (Romero), and lives a quiet life outside of the spotlight of an industry that struggles to retain members long enough to understand 'who is who' within a matter of months, let alone y...

2450d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only relevance is platform presence and how it has changed...

In 2007...Sony was all over cross play, helping Epic with PSN networking tools for UT3 and user generated content (developed with the open PC mod platform), and public encouragement of the game being played between PC, 360, and PS3. MS fired back so hard the game was delayed on 360 to remove these 'universal' options EPIC was working on, and at the same time trying to force the ridiculous 'windows...

2468d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

^but that is exactly it...there is ALWAYS compromise in game development.

The PS4 'winning' this gen, which is the weirdest in history so not sure you could even call it that, didn't happen because it was the 'most powerful'. It happened because MS 100% fumbled with price and some off the wall DRM initially for the Xbox One, and then realized too late that their software arrangements only worked when they were ahead (as they were for the first 3/4's ...

2470d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

^100% accurate...the origin of 'connected' gaming was, and is, based entirely on piracy.

and it totally shows...Game publishers and developers make multi-million dollar marketing deals together with Nvidia and AMD so that people run out and buy...hardware...but...never the game, they just steal that. Developers partner with manufacturers at inception in order to better utilize upcoming hardware, as well as scale down to existing options, as often as possible...even...

2488d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

That wasn't a stock R34 GT-R...which was my entire point.

2493d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

^one of the few unanimous opinions, with an unheard of level of objective proof, though...just sayin'

ND made 4 titles last gen, with every single one of them being...at minimum a GOTY candidate for the release year...and most being watershed generational flagships that will be at the top of many people's favorite games of all time well into the future.

Uncharted 1, the 'worst' ND games made in the last decade...is still a target point for...

2493d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know i'm in the minority...but personally...I've always hated Supra's.

People usually don't associate the late generation Supra off of the production units...which was a pig. It was too big, too heavy, too expensive (for a Japanese sports car, at the time), and too complicated. It's important to remember that all of the major Japanese manufacturers suffered a similar problem through the early to mid 90's...Each big Japanese make had a kind of flags...

2496d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

People can say w/e they want about the franchise. It definitely 'is' the most popular overall racing franchise in terms of sales, at least 'mostly-sim' wise. but to say we're in the middle of GT's glory days and keep a straight face...is off.

There is an issue with relevance when it comes to Gran Turismo, and everyone continues to ignore it. GT5 took too long and under delivered overall. There's no other way to put it. Since 2004, not one Gran Tu...

2497d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

Gpu side the Tegra X1 and Apple's A9x or A10 (they use the same gpu, the newer one OC'd but only last's like a minute before throttling back to A9x levels) are comparable. The differences between them are down to API's and game optimization. The X1 could pretty much do anything those mentioned Apple gpu's could, and vice versa, so it's more up to developers...I think it's safe to assume that Nintendo and it's devs would be able to ring out a particular gpu more...

2501d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

objectively, the article is still off with it's headline at least (no interest in reading any more than that)

The Switch uses a customized Nvidia Tegra X1 SoC. I'm not sure of the cpu side of the Switch's inherent changes, but gpu side it's similarly clock'd and thermally optimized for what still remains the more or less most powerful ARM gpu available...iOS or not.

Apple's A10 Fusion SoC has a far better cpu, optimized for iOS and...

2501d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha my thoughts exactly...GTAV is almost 4 years old...

2502d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


and even with the above stated...A roughly r9 290x gpu from 2013...is not a 'capable' modern 4k gpu...with any form of optimization...

The xbox one x is a powerful console...the ps4 pro is a powerful console...the xbox one x is on paper a bit more powerful...and still YEARS behind what real native 4k real time rendering requires. 4k shouldn't be a console topic, just like 1080 'full hd' shouldn't have been one back i...

2509d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment