I want to believe.


CRank: 5Score: 123020

Imagine living in 2024 and your gaming library is discs lol. You do realize PC gamers get games much cheaper than console, right? I can't tell you the last new release I paid full price for. I could absolutely care less about owning a physical disc to a game. Different strokes for different folks. If you enjoy owning a disc of a game from over a decade ago, awesome. I could personally care less man. Also, steam ain't going anywhere man, I ain't worried about it.

143d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

My PC currently has over 3 grand in it. It's an absolute beast. My point is, money isn't a concern for me with gaming. I could easily go out right now and buy a PS5, but it is absolutely not worth it at this point. PS5 games are surely a nice addition to the PC gaming library, but nothing Sony releases has me urging to run out and buy a PS5. Tons of games to play in the PC world and I'd rather play Horizon, GoW, TLOU on PC where the experience will be significantly better. P...

144d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Man, I played this game when it first launched, back then I had a 2080 and was able to play over 60FPs with RT off. I beat it and never played it again. Just got Phantom Liberty and started playing the 2.0 update with a new character and man, it's such an amazing game now. I am also now playing with a 4090 RT maxed and it is absolutely stunning.

185d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Agreed. It's weird, I had more fun playing as Saga, but didn't relate to her at all. I expected her to freak out in the beginning at the morgue when the first real weird thing happened right in front of her. She didn't at all and that was a bummer.

211d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

F that small team. If you have four dudes making a game and you're an indie studio, then you charge indie studio prices. It's criminal what they are charging for this steaming pile of poo.

214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What does Redfall have to do with this abomination of a game? You console folk are something else lol

214d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mods really have made the game a lot more enjoyable. I run an instant scan mod so I don't have to scan the same fauna or flora like 5-10 times and now just once. Using StarfieldUI to clean up the awful menus BGS launched with. I have a digipick lock which makes every one 2 single slot puzzles (since RNG is behind the reward, so after my 1,000 master level doing it normal and getting a digipick and a few credits, I had enough of that nonsense). My favorite mod is eliminating the weight...

227d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I don't get the hate for Valhalla, I loved it. I also enjoy the Vikings culture, so maybe that helped?

239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Starfield is phenomenal. I am playing it on PC, don't own a console, it's doing fine. I am personally excited to see where this game goes with modders when the creation kit comes available early next year. I wish they optimized it a little better on PC, but my 4090 is coming Monday, so that will surely help with performance lol.

246d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude, I am playing on a 3080 12gb at 1440 and the game struggles hardcore. I am on a 12th gen cpu too. 4090's struggle to keep 60fps at 4k. The game isn't greatly optimized, but DLSS will help a lot when that is patched in.

247d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just give me the DLSS update. I don't want to mod that if it is coming soon.

250d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The QoL mods I have installed on PC are amazing. StarfieldUI, Compact menus, instant menus, instant scan, etc. I honestly can't wait for the creation engine to be released to modders, the content is going to be bananas. Modding in planets, systems, missions, and you know they will mod in a ground vehicle. It's really going to elevate the game.

250d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I haven't played it on Xbox,as I don't own an Xbox, but on steam I have 97 hours logged. The experience just seems better on PC being able to bind things to specific keys and mouse. The loading screens on PC are like 1-2 seconds at best and I have my weapons and stuff bound to specific keys so not in inventory that much. After a while when you have like legendary weapons, you know not to pick up a bunch of lower junk that's gray unless you're trying to sell to vendors. Als...

250d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

IDK man, it depends on what you're looking to do with it. I am 97 hours logged right now on PC, and I sped through to get to NG+ and now am exploring everything. I am trying to survey every planet/moon, build dream ships, outposts, unlock all skills, perfect my build, etc. There is so much out there, but you have to put the work in to find it. The amount of missions, side quests, activities I am finding while just landing on random planets and roaming around is incredible. I think th...

250d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I am playing on PC, they are really fast, so no big deal. I hear it is really noticeable on console though.

250d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This. I liked it a lot when I first played it but now, 57 hours, I am addicted. I am in NG+ and exploring every planet/moon/system to 100% everything. The amount of cool things I am finding is insane. Game is great.

264d ago 15 agree5 disagreeView comment

This. If I don't 100% all planets in this game, it is not over. I will be playing this game for ages. I am also a huge space nerd so this game is my dream.

281d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not just for early access. The premium addition includes skins, sound/art, and the first expansion.

283d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Anast
"That gameplay looked jank." - Now I know you're trolling. That gameplay looked fantastic and significantly improved for the years prior gameplay reveal. It is extremely impressive of how the gameplay looked, especially for the scope of this game. I honestly can't grasp the hate for this game. It's funny, I only game on PC (getting a switch soon for Zelda) so I could care less about xbox or sony, but my god it seems to be all the Sony fans who hate t...

283d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Just a heads up, the "preload" that's been on Xbox isn't a preload, it is a placeholder. You gotta go in there on the 17th and actually now download the entire game. Just an FYI so you don't think it's already done and you go to play on launch day and have a 120gb+ download haha

289d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment