
CRank: 5Score: 161020

It's crazy to think Nintendo went from last to first and PS went from first to last. Xbox has never seen first but it also has never seen last.


thebudgetgamer You forget I been here long enough to remember all your comments. You wave the same fanboy flag as the rest of us.

4902d ago 19 agree38 disagreeView comment

Second is better than last, silver is better than bronze.

@thebudgetgamer I been here long enough to know you are to Playstation as I am to Xbox. Who you trying to kid?

4902d ago 4 agree15 disagreeView comment

From 25 million last gen to 50 million this gen. I wonder which install base MS stole that 25 million from? Probably the install base that was 120 million last gen and is only at 40 now :) Double the install base is what you call a success, going from 120 million to 40 is fail. LOL it's ok shipped numbers for the other one will come soon to ease the pain.

Congrats on the 50 MS but you still got a long way to go to catch the Wii.

4902d ago 26 agree57 disagreeView comment

It must suck knowing that everything your console comes out with keeps coming in last this gen. From king to king nothing, ouch!

4902d ago 1 agree21 disagreeView comment

Funny for a so called "fail" Kinect is helping the 360 outsell the PS3 and the Wii worldwide.

Damage control from the PS3 side because they know Move failed before it even came out. Just like the PS3 Move ends up 3rd.

4904d ago 7 agree20 disagreeView comment

LOL Thanks guys for walking right into that one :) I thought VGC was fake and should be reported? LOL now you are using VGC in your arguments. Hypocrites much? You guys are reporting VGC for being fake then using the numbers all in the same post.

Nice try with the "shipped" figures madden10 Sony would be proud.

Hook, line, and sinker.

4911d ago 3 agree20 disagreeView comment

The past 5 years on this site you Sony boys all screamed GT5 will destroy Halo and Gears day 1. What happened? Sure didn't sell 5 million in a day or even come close to Halo or Gears. Notice all the PS3 boys boasting before GT5 came out, and when GT5 flopped... nothing :D so maybe GT6 will destroy Halo and Gears.

4911d ago 13 agree31 disagreeView comment

Is Sony whining about Microsoft?


4919d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL at all those "records" it was supposed to break but didn't, this 8.4 (realy just a 6) game should go on the all time wall of sh** I mean shame.

4920d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

According to PS3 boys GT5 was supposed to outsell Halo (any halo) in one day.

4923d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

It's funny watching PS3 fanboys now supporting VGcharts after so many years of crying about it.

PS3 fanboy says "VGC is BS they overestimate 360 and underestimate PS3 sales"

PS3 fanboy now says "OMG GT5 sold 1.8 million because VGC said so we love VGC"

Next month PS3 fanboy says "F you VGC you suck that site is ran by 360 fanboys don't approve their crap"

Same thing with IGN PS3 f...

4935d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

ROTFLMMFAO!!! I know, sign a petition to get IGN to do another review even though they aren't the only site to give a low score. Why not just cry your way to a 10 like those olympic skaters a few years back who cried themselves a gold medal. After all IGN is the only reviewer to give a low score http://www.metacritic.com/g... down to 85 today.

4935d ago 15 agree16 disagreeView comment

Two more 7s and another 8 added yesterday and today http://www.metacritic.com/g... You were saying?

4935d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

For the PS3 fanboys http://www.kleenex.com

4935d ago 16 agree50 disagreeView comment

OMG I have never seen so much crying over reviews. The score is 85 now and still going down just live with it. I don't think you guys know just how bad this kind of crying looks for the PS fanbase. The PS fanboys have the biggest reputation for crying, whining and petition signing bitching in all of gaming.

PS fanboys = We want new reviews because they didn't play GT5 for 3yrs so they could full GT5 experience. blah blah blah bitch bitch bitch cry cry cry.

4935d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Maybe because people can read your comment history and know you're full of BS.

4942d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

Move supporters are getting desperate now that they know no one is buying Move and choosing Kinect. All the videos on the net showing people using Kinect in innovative ways on the PC have got the PS3 side worried to death. Also with Kinect selling out everywhere and hard to find have got nervous PS3 boys loadng guns and pulling out razor blades.

4942d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

The choppiness could just be his hands shaking from holding them up in the air for a long time. Hold your hands up and count, now see how long it takes for them to start shaking. 5 sec for me.

4951d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Agent won't be out untill 2014 and by then it will probably be cancelled or multiplatform. Just look at LA Noire it was once exclusive and now it's gone multi.

4952d ago 3 agree17 disagreeView comment

Gamepro is pro Sony, everyone knows that just like Kotaku is Pro Xbox. I don't know why PS3 fanboys still try even when Gamepro pretty much admits they are. Everyone who favors Nntendo or Xbox knows to stay clear of Gamepro. It's just a fact lke the fact that 70% of the comments in this review are PS3 fanboys.

4952d ago 1 agree29 disagreeView comment