
CRank: 5Score: 161020

You mean "world wide" loves the 360 because the 360 is outselling the PS3 and Wii world wide. BTW the 360 lead is getting even wider over the PS3. At one time the PS3 was only a couple million behind the 360, now it's 5 million. Didn't mean to ruin your day (yes I did) Have a goodin.

4723d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL both these games are just clones of Gears and Tomb Raider.

4723d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm not a real big fan of CoD even though I have played every one. I don't think I have ever bought a map pack for a CoD game. I like the SP more than the MP. I prefure MP from games like Counter Strike, UT, Shadowrun, Section 8 and Battlefield. Even though the SP is short, it's hella fun.

4723d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bet the most popular search for PS3 is PSN hacked.

4723d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

360 is the core game pusher, it sells more core games than the PS3 and PC combined. The casual market is pure $ and the sales of Kinect show that. All that together is the reason why the 360 is outselling the PS3 and Wii worldwide.

4723d ago 10 agree10 disagreeView comment

Strange video. Here they come.

4723d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't lie the console versions suck

4723d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

A Wii U

4723d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing wrong with 3D. MS knows there arn't many people with 3D TV's. In about 5 years maybe more will have 3DTV but right now only 3 people own one.

4723d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

If it's anything like LA Boring then I'll pass. LOL lots of nervous PS3 fanboys in here :) Lots of excuses. I don't see Xbox owners crying for Agent. If you look up and down this post you can see that. I see more fear from the Sony camp about this going multiplatform.

4725d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Did you forget about PSN getting hacked and down for a month?

4725d ago 9 agree20 disagreeView comment

PC will allways be ahead of console because PC has endless customization. You can't install more RAM or a new graphics card on console.

4725d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Duke Nukem is actually a pretty good game. I think what hurts the meta score is the unforgiving load times. I have played worse games that have scored 9's. In a game where one wrong turn can kill you, the loading times get old fast.

4725d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment


4725d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Shocking, PS3 fanboys hating on Xbox games. I love how you guys "pretend" not to be biased.

4725d ago 17 agree31 disagreeView comment

Highly underrated. This game has a huge cult following and loyal fans.

4726d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Microsoft has touched "billions" with Windows, so don't count them out. Troll_Police you should be more concerned about PS3, and how it's last place. Funny how far the Playstation brand has fallen. Went from 120 million last gen to last this gen.

4726d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

At least people can go online to play Gears, don't have to worry about hackers shutting down Live.

4726d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's funny how no one else other than Sony uses Blu-ray for gaming. PS3 fanboys want MS to use Blu so bad they can taste it. Fact is (yes fact) Blu isn't the only option on the table. There are other far more superior options to choose from for next gen. Blu is too slow for gaming, which is why PS3 owners are "forced" to install. Nintendo, MS, and PC still don't use Blu for gaming, and they never will.

4726d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

Uncharted ORIGINAL? it's just Gears of Tomb Raider

4726d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment