CRank: 5Score: 8670

u must be jason bed buddy honestly lol its a port u h0mo what do u expect. like shellshpck said - why dont we compare 1st party titles that DEV actually know what the fu(k their doing........ohhh thats rite u fairbots all shut up

can u explain y blue dragon is on 4 discs?
can u explain y 90% of MS360 owners are on their 3or4th console?
can you explain why games like HS,DRAKE,R&C,MSG4,lair all 1st year titles blow anything that the 360 has? and the 360 is in it...

6183d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

power of green ur a funny kid

motorstorm beats this hands down...and reason y its selling sooo good on the 360 is because this is the closest thing u guys will ever get to motorstorm lol

6184d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

could careless for ported games...its a cheap rip of something designed for some1 else..

the only game i would spend my money on that looks like a port is call of duty 4 - but i heard they are using the PS3 as lead platform so it really doesnt matter then

but ported game simply suck..devil may cry and army of 2 - i will need to consider buy now that i found out its also for the 360

stupid cheap 360 and their crappy hardware - we PS3 need to suffer ...

6184d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

this game looks AMAZING!!!!!!

honestly first year title and it simply BLOWS anything on any other console...where are the xbots now? LOL! i told u..its funny how they run their mouths when they hear something neg or a pic doesnt look as shape but when the facts are shown in true form they all vanish...wonder y that is lol

i would like any bot 2 show anything on the 360 that even comes close to this - and i hope u bots arent gonna be dumb and post a pic of gears ...

6185d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

wont get killed by the hype for couple of reasons

KZ2 will ruin halo3 in the graphics part - and lets face it thats what every1 is waiting to see - how close KZ2 comes to the trailer...now that we know halo3 is garbage in the graphics dept and that halo3 is pretty much the same game as 1 & 2 - KZ2 really could shine with new gameplay style - all i know is that if they follow anything along the lines of call of duty 4 + the graphics of the trailer - this will knock halo out ...

6185d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

" the first true form of in-game XMB access. Anytime during and anywhere inside Home you can access your friends list"

if they pulled that off - then i say within the next couple of months - firmware updates will include this for games

SONY is getting better and better....and yes xbots its only been out for what 7 months lol

great stuff!

6185d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

said it best - and its funny how all the xbots just ignore his post like it wasnt even posted

truth hurts...but like i stated b4 - if ur blind and can see how MS is greedy and is ripping u off in so many way then maybe u deserve to be ripped off...

PS3 will come on top - sold roughly 4million with only 2 AAA titles and one of those titles MS was rushed.

it always makes me wonder if u xbots know that game is only 20% of the power of the PS3 - doesnt...

6186d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

we now know 110% there are 155,000 stupid ppl in U.S lol

6186d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

could it be that u can access your PS3 anywhere in the world have anything to do with it? or FF tactics and FF7 core coming to the PSP?

i dont know but that is amazing news for sony

if a new PSP comes out and u can use it as a phone - that would be amazing!!would remind me of a iphone but better

6187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

can only mean one thing.....

DEMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! of KZ2

6187d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

roughly around that...but the screens dont seem to be new - ive already seen them

6189d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

we all know PS3 will dominate

surprises that will truly ruin other consoles
FF7 - released by xmas 2007
KZ2 released this year
twisted metal in the makes
god of war 3

why PS3 will win 2007 war
- Halo3 is suppose to be the god of all titles on the 360 and its a huge let down - sure itll sell like crazy but the game isnt good enough to make other ppl go out a buy a 360 - thats a fact.

too human - looks like crash - ...

6189d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Ninja Gaiden Sigma Action old xbx game but hey u guys need it (((its not a copy door knob - they have add some new things that they didnt add on the xbox and it looks 100times better))))

R6: Vegas Shooter multi (old not as good as 360 version) - it was a port what do u expect?? lol anything that is created to the PS3 then ported then clearly the 360 one will appear better - and not by much either

blue dragon - 4 disc hahahahahaah ill just leave it as that

6189d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

grabbing this to play with my gf. very easy and fun game - i was a fan of the series on PS2

6189d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are people stilled hyped about this game? honestly lol game is the samething as halo2 with abit of change in weapons and abit better graphics.

u xbots ppl are very easy to please then

***edit: seeking attention LOL!! are u serious..like i care - im just asking a question that i seemed to be puzzled about thats all...ppl dont take me seriously because truth hurts doesnt it u xbot..u can deny it all u want but we all know that every 360 owner will sooner or later ...

6189d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

and more ewwwww - multi-player sucks for this game

6189d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

this will sink sooo fast its not even funny

6189d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

hes very happy with sony and im pretty sure they are treating him just fine...

i hope he is wrking on god of war 3 and a new twisted metal game

6189d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ur one dumb girl - honestly

"just how long will the PS3 pull Blu-rays weight when it doesn't even sell that well"

2 AAA titles - sold roughly 4million - u think that based on that the PS3 isnt selling well hahahahahaaha

the more ppl that buy a PS3 the more ppl that will buy BR movies its that simple. that had to be the smartiest move sony has done - kill 2 birds with one stone

PS3 - to push BR and to dominate the format wa...

6189d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

for the simple fact that soon well have video to video chat in-game as shown back at E3.

its only a matter of time they get the firmware update that will allow that - so ill be grabbing this around the sametime that feature is set to come out.

6189d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment