CRank: 5Score: 8670

the the PS3 lineup is Armageddon

seriously...nothing on that list impresses me..i mean nothing.

halo3 - same - been there done that - nothing special

bioshock - game looks boring and cartoony

mass effect - story looks good..gameplay from what ive seen is ok..nothing new..would be my choice

lost odessey - something about it isnt making me want 2 play the game..maybe its the design of the whole game not sure..but i would...

6156d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

my bubbles...their..their..ALIVEE EEEEEE!!!

ya the old system was trash...

6156d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

are people still talking about this?

SONY delivered big time..yes the trailer its 100% the same..but in some area it passes the CG trailer back in 2005.

for KZ2 to even come close to a CG movie is amazing - and rememeber its still being worked on and things will only get better.

KZ2 fan or not were amazed and the final product will push PS3 like no 2morrow...we have to remember that with all this MS vs PS3 going on - alot of ppl tend to forget that...

6156d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i love the xbots honestly - what a bunch of weird ppl - when it was rumoured to be xbox360 as well - they all were saying its gonna rock on the 360 etc etc..that isnt the case and now the xbots are saying...it looks "pretty" and its not that good looking etc etc hahahaha

my sack thats all i have to say to those ppl...u want it and u wont get it - so just go buy a ps3

and remember there still 8 months left in production for this game so it will only get...

6156d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

that so called amazing line up for MS 2007 isnt looking so great hahahaha

another exculsive pushed back - lol man MS is just taking it in the a$$ from all sides.

nothing touches what PS3 this year

6157d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS is greedy and they rush their console even tho they knew it was faulty and it back fired on them and now they are in billions od dollars in debt.

mart ur an idiot - its that simple...you talk like MS is ur company hahaha honestly. how do u figure that sales will drop now for the PS3?? all the AAA titles are coming and u think the sales are gonna slow down hahaha ur a dumb kid.

sony fan base is 300% more then the xbox fan base - and according to me there is sti...

6157d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

well we all know that bluray has the space for the whole city and rockstar can use that 2 make this game HUGE! but since its a port once again we PS3 owners will take a kick to the sack and they will properly limit the game because of the 360's DVD9 issue.

but maybe now - i hear that they are making the 360 version on 4 discs - each disc will be a side - so disc one will be north disc 2 will be east etc etc etc....LOL so whenever u want 2 go from north to south the user will ne...

6161d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO any1 hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...holy ghost town hahahaah

*pees in the corner** no1 here to watch lol

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

clearly u were dropped as a child - and more then once

halo3 is not new - its the same as halo2 with extra add features..whoa thats sooo amazing - let me spend another 70 bucks and play the same game that i already have and say its a halo king...lol

COD4, HAZE, KZ2, UT3 ruin it in graphics - and i mean ruin it...these games make halo3 look like a nintendo game back in 1990...

2nd of all - COD4 already offers sooo much more in terms of online play a...

6161d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMG! their are soooooo many streetfighter games out there its not even funny

SF 1, SF2 , SF 2 turbo, SF2 turbo with a turbio on top, SF2 turbo chun lees shoe lace, SF alpha , SF alpha 2 , SF alphabets etc tec etc etc

like honestly - best SF worth playing are SF vs capcom series - everything else NOW is just over rated -

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

y are all the xbots soo mad when they see a red rings of death story?? we all know its true...we all know 360 are trash..im sure their are millions of ppl out there with a good story about their 360 breaking on them...they should make a book on it..

pow u say all he puts up are articles of bad 360 news lol well if thats all that is out there y not lol

its sad that ur only come back to the PS3 is that it has no games - HELLO! that will change next month - then wha...

6161d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

that would be stupid....thats like god of war being online..its based on 1 person - good thing they didnt do it because it would have been a waste of time...

we have warhawk to keep us busy and then COD4 will cover us till KZ2

6161d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

u know how many ppl are waiting for a price drop and they got it..5 of my friends just grabbed PS3 and i have 4 more grabbing them sometime next week....this is what ppl have been waiting for

MS sold because it had no competition lol their comp was the PS2 and gamecube...now that the PS3 is kicking out the true AAA titles ppl are starting to notice that the PS3 is more powerful and better...and that they see bluray all over the place now only makes it a smarter move for them to...

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dont u see thats what they do lol and the funny part is that xbots always get ruined by their own words.

first it was how the solds are low - but yet the 360 has been out a year headstart and PS3 did better then the 360..heck even better then the PS2.

then it was ported games - how they always say PS3 looks crappy - well for a game that was designed on the 360 then copied to the more complex system the PS3 what do u expect lol and the funny thing is - its not far...

6164d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

is this thread a xbot free thread or what hahahaha i havent seen ONE! bot trash this

please can some1 do a side by side picture of forza2 verus this lol i feel like laughing at those bots that tried sooo hard to convince themselves that the 360 is a better console and that GT5 has nothing

6164d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

hahaha i know the 360 has been called alot of things but this one is simply the best one hahaha unreliable cook

6164d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

whoa if this is true wtf is happening over there at MS?

first the ceo of the entertainment section sells off his stocks lol now moore leaves?

KZ2 rapes halo3.

just a bad month for MS

6164d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

will shione this xmas...why u ask

because AAA titles like lair/drakes/HS/R&C/UT3..

also its a bluray player - so ppl will be looking to get a cheap bluray player so y not grab a PS3

HOME will launch and will push in japan as japan ppl are really into things like that since its like myspace but for ur PS3

and finally - the fact that a simple 2 months after xmas we will have MSG4 & KZ2 within reach of our fingers

6165d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

will please PS3 owners..trust me

alot of gamebiz ppl have stated this game is HUGE and will be a true epic game..

and from the trailers thats exactly what its going to be..

will be grabbing first day

6165d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

its war - war doesnt have cartoony colors like halo..its dark, grey and everything about it looks to be a hostile city going to ruins..

in pre-alpha this game looks amazing! i cant watch the video since im at wrk so if some1 has a link to other site with it thatll be great.

and if u want 2 talk about dark..look at gears...that game is pure dark and shadow as well so i wouldnt be running my mouth since u bots prise gears so much which is nothing special do to the ...

6166d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment