CRank: 5Score: 8670

sony bravia XBR5 + PS3 + HDMI cable and decent surround sound and u have it made!@!!!!

at those TV are simply a masterpeice of hardware to be displayed in a livingroom

6106d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this game is simply stunning

it truly shows what the PS3 is able to do - such at a earlier stage of the PS3 life and games look and play amazing....

i cannot wait to see a sequel to this game!

ppl who dont have this - are simply missing out on a true AAA game

6106d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

THE PS3 doesnt need saving hahahahaha

have u seen the first year title games?? like warhawk/motorstorm/HS/RFOM/lai r etc etc

plus home is coming -

according to those great titles PS3 doesnt need saving..360 had 1 good title gears in a year and its almost at the end of their 2nd year and what do they have to show for? HALO2.5?

if the PS3 drops down to 400..all i have to say is WHOA! u seen the speak what the 60GB did..400 would sell ...

6106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

u seem to know alot...have u played the game?

well if ur that good at telling the future can u tell me how the weather is gonna be like in punta cana next week? going on vacation

6141d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

KZ2 CGI = every xbot in the world stated it cant be done

KZ2 realtime gameplay = in its pre-alpha state already in some area beats the CGI trailer

gears2 = blindstar - if u think that gears2 will look better then KZ2 - ur then stating that gears2 will look better then the CGI and we all know - 360 cant come close to any cgi trailer thats for sure lol

fact is that KZ2 ruins alot of finished games...and it has a long way 2 go

i agree t...

6141d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

better stay - its that simple or ill be pissed

not putting home down - but XMB is the easiest thing alive to scroll around in

6142d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

he already stated that he wont be doing god of war 3

but he did state that if they want his input he would gladly give them a hand

twisted metal for PS3 should rock

i hope they make it like TM1 and 2

those in my eyes were the best ones

6142d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

its not the techonolgy at fault - have u seen UT3 on the PS3? R&C? clearly SK is doing something wrong...and who cares too human looks trash

devil may cry meets god of war gameplay style - and they do it sooo wrong..thats what u get i guess from copying other ppl's style

6142d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

what because there no new "free" demo

PSN isnt just about free content - its about paying those small fun games as well plus it holds reviews for movies and more

im pretty sure all these ppl that say yawnnn or any neg comment about the PSN are the ones that dont buy PSN games...

PSN is slowly taken off - and with DLC and all the future ideas that are taking place like recording TV shows etc - PSN will own large

and dont for...

6142d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

didnt all the xbots pay the extra charge on buy the elite for that feature hahahahaha now they have once again screwed over u ppl by adding it to the less cheaper SKU

how many times does MS need to f@ck u in the ass b4 u realize on what type of console u are supporting

man u ppl are sooo stupid

6142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no thanx...ill pass

but hey...thanx for caring...honestly

6143d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wii will take first for now - keeping it warm for the PS3

the 360 will be last place again - i honestly cant wait for the 360 to be in last which will happen next year

oh what will the xbots come up with then hahahaha

6143d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

triple x im sure ur "HD gaming" really isnt true HD lol nice try tho

and prime - its ppl like u that MS love - continue to buy their crap no matter what - good stuff keep up the great work - then im guessing u bought the HD DVD add-on - keep up the good work man - MS loves u

6143d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

these are the dumb ppl that if MS made a rock and put 360 on it they would buy it for 599 lol

WHOA! they added a white trim hmmm where have i seen that type of style b4 oh ya PS3 with the chrome trim - lol u ppl are so retarded

ill stick to my glossy black PS3 - just wait till the PS3 gets the white and red and silver versions - if sony was smart they would launch some of those colors near christmas

6143d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

first off - i feel sooo sorry for the retards who buy the xbox360 - get use 2 getting screwed over because everytime u buy a 360 u can expect a new model with a added feature to come out since the 360 was rushed - MS is trying to add what it should have added in the first place...so they are trying to match the PS3 and in by doing that they are screwing over all their hardcore main customers...

now ppl say that this is the same as the PS3 after 8mnths drop 100 and get 5 free bl...

6143d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

it says part 1? so im guessing theres more to it - i really how the full movie is on the bluray disc of the game - that would RULE - game is already amazing - this is the cherry on the cake if they add it in

6143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thats just the xbot way - havent u noticed lol

they try 2 down play any type of good news for the PS3 - but clearly PS3 owners know we have the better future proof system - but then again what do u expect from ppl that compare a system thats been out for a whole year(36) vs a system that just started (PS3) and then say stupid sh@t like "PS3 has no games look at 360" lol

they are sooo blind and stupid by the end of the year i want 2 see what their excus...

6143d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

HDDVD is hurting big time - lol even look at the picture this guy picked for this thread - the HDDVD 30GB dual layer to make it seem HDDVD has alot more space then BLURAY hahahahahahhaha

6155d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ASSASSYN 36o - are u on drugs?

you make fun of people that state just wait SONY will produce sales but yet your comparing a system(360) that has been out for a full year lol like are u stupid honestly..

PS3 is doing WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! better then the 360 when it was at this stage of the game...and if u havent noticed 360 sales are going down..and down...and if u think HALO3 is gonna make ppl go and get a 360 - then ur gonna have a shattered dream rite there becau...

6155d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

falling and using the sixis controller to glide urself down - looks amazing and pretty smart way of using the sixis...and just everything else is making this game look more and more promising....

6156d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment