CRank: 65Score: 1844530

There is a point to the vendors. You buy rare items with good rolls on them and then imprint the Ancestral(or lower if in lower world) aspect of your choice to make it perfect. It's the only place to pick gear specifically, and you're supposed to upgrade it with an aspect if you find one with good rolls for things you use. The pic used doesn't show the rolls; the display is not turned on in the menus to know if they are low or high or somewhere in between. They are def worth check...

311d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got a T-Force CARDEA A440, comes with a heatsink that fits with the metal door on and gets 6556MB/s for $175. Still available on Amazon too, which was a problem I was running into when looking. (This is the one that is the base for the white PS5 specific version they announced a little back)

991d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Feel free, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. I'm probably not going to be able to give much info as we generally don't tell users about each others restrictions, just an fyi. However, there may be stuff I can point you to that's available for you to see. Generally when it 'looks' unfair, the reason it looks that way is because you guys don't have all the info.

1411d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

We asked, people wanted to keep the existing rules so that's what we did. We don't allow from anon sources so yeah that fails a lot of them. But it also weeds out a lot of trash as well. I wanted more rumors too, but the users did not.

It wasn't even close

And to compare to book burning is downright ridiculous; we're ...

1411d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Literally restricted for calling people sheep over and over and then mouthing off to staff multiple times which resulted in the actual ban. This is the stuff we deal with basically every day. Obvious trolling with no self awareness and then lies about it after and shows it probably wasn't the first ban anyways, perfect example.

1412d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is highly unlikely.

Spam markings are generally reserved for duplicate accounts, actual spam, super offensive things and direct spoilers. If this happened recently then it was probably the last one as it was very prevalent. And if every comment is spam it was a dup account. Users do not have the power to ban accounts and/or mark them as spam without mod intervention. We take all of the reports we get on users with a huge grain of salt, not blindly accepting what other...

1412d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Played a little yesterday, kind of feels too much of the same. Everything is really smooth and crisp, works well, intuitive, don't even really have anything that bad to say about it but still just didn't grab me. Everything just feels generic and familiar. It is very Quakey, it's got cool weapons and good parkour though.

1431d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can I frame this for later?

1450d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There were no stories on xboxnewswire when I approved. We will change them, but we all have real lives and jobs to do also. I was busy but am trying again. Please stay on topic and send us something if you need help/have questions.

1488d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually they were just the first stories submitted about the event.....The title is the way it is because of the site that submits it.

1488d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone wanting more MAG should play some Planetside 2 (if you haven't already). Huge scale battles with land and air vehicles of all sorts.

1531d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

HHG wasn't even banned for his bombastic opinions and rumors. He was banned because he stole a picture from Cat's (former admin) husband and refused to even acknowledge his wrong-doing, let alone take it down. He had a long list of plagiarism/content theft from other places as well. That news is/was out there, he just has a louder voice. Plagiarism and content theft will get your site banned, but we do let them back if they fix it, he didn't, he doubled/ tripled down.

1543d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The thing there is then we have to decide which sites are worthy of which designation. We really don't want to be in a position where we have to say this site is better than that site. N4G isn't about promoting the big sites or promoting the little sites, it's about getting news to gamers regardless of where it's from and giving preference to sites because of their size or credibility isn't really fair.

There are tons of users that only submit from their...

1543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That isn't true though. Your story was failed because it didn't gather enough votes to over-ride the lame report from a user saying it was too early (this was over a year ago, so I'd say it was reasonable and not malicious). It didn't fail because it was too early, a user wrote that lame report and is entitled to do so unless the report is malicious, it wasn't. So that report is not enough to fail the story, it was failed because you marked it as fixed, which made the stor...

1543d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why sex isn't okay but violence isn't has nothing to do with N4G, that's a societal thing we have no control over, talk to the FCC or whoever makes those guidelines, idk. I don't care if others are interested in it, but I wish there was a filter for it so they didn't show in my feed while at work. There really aren't that many though and we have discussed the issue in the past, nothing is likely to change regarding them. You asked why, I'm just repeating what other...

1544d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

2 + 3

The problem is there are so many. Is there a way to combat this? I don't think there is. What do we do? Say we only accept opinions on them for a short period then declare it a dead horse, that would just encourage people to rush something out to beat the timer. They already rush to be first on the subject, this would just make it worse. On top of that, then us mods would just be dealing with a lot more arguments from the contributors when we start fai...

1544d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lots of people like to or have no choice but to browse in public spaces, family settings or at work, all of which are not exactly cool with porno games for the most part. There are a decent number of children browsing as well as people of religious backgrounds that aren't as open to such things also. These are what people usually give as a reason when they bring it up to us. As someone who primarily does N4G'ing while at work, I would have to agree. The pictures for those articles don...

1544d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At the same time, 2 does put us in a weird sort of middle ground though. Deciding who is credible and who is not is tough and when we went with this rule, one of the reasons is so we didn't have to decide. I don't work in the industry or have connections to it and I'm not a journalist either. So how to we weed out crappy ones while allowing more credible ones? It's a conundrum. It's hard to come up with rules that make it so the cream rises to the top and the other stuff g...

1570d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everyone knows about them anyways and we should allow people to decide if they think they are credible or not on their own by reading and discussing them without effectively saying it isn't credible by failing them. This gives more power to the people!

I honestly thought people would be totally for it....

1570d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

2 - let em fly. Everyone knows about them anyways, failing them changes nothing really. If they turn out to be true/false then we know who's sources are better and are more informed for the next round. Rumors are rumors, so they won't always be true. Everyone loves a juicy rumor, let em free and kill opinions on them. We would need a way for small/med sites to prove their rumor claims and/or go by track record or something similar to keep things in control a little while still giving ...

1570d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment