CRank: 5Score: 207310

Love these “internal discussions,” why not just say they’re talking to Sony about not doing what fans are telling them they don’t want? Same with Shift Up, let’s be real these are Sony decisions at the end of the day.

28d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

It was GaaS, the ratio of success to unsuccessful GaaS games are like 1:100000.

29d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Quitting with the censorship would be one for starters.

29d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea I’m pretty sure their projects weren’t profitable. You don’t close down a money maker if you’re running a business… it’s just one of those things 🤷‍♂️

29d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Limited Run Games makes me sick. The prices they ask are ridiculous and then the whole burning discs instead of pressing them is pretty disgusting. This is a company that takes their customers for a ride and demands extortion level prices for a product, like we’re talking 2x to 3x more than MSRP.

30d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh dude, I know. I get that people like it, but it’s still GaaS, it has micros, it has battle passes. In my eyes, I always question why make it GaaS if it could be a traditional game instead… the answer is always unsatisfying

It’s even more hypocritical whenever people bring up micros and whatnot in a GaaS game people like and the response is, “You don’t need to buy them!”

Then I see Dragons Dogma 2 with micros that you absolutely don’t need to buy, but ...

30d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

True and I’m not trying to take away that HD2 might be a good game, it’s more that I loathe this direction for gaming. GaaS good or not, it’s still GaaS and this industry is hurting for ROI, which is why GaaS exists in the first place. Could HD2 been the game it is without being the GaaS model? Why choose GaaS over a traditional game model?

That’s my point from my comment.

30d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is why many will start going GaaS. You see things like FF7 Rebirth selling below expectations but a GaaS game sells insane amounts. Incoming industry spam now.

30d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

If they were so commercially viable then why would a publisher close them? That makes no sense.

30d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

This has been the worst Gen I’ve ever experienced. There was never much incentive to jump into it when it started. Games are still being ported or released on last-gen and in some cases were cheaper on last-gen. I mean, it’s almost over and I can think of only a handful of current-gen titles that were standouts. You weird things like Kill the Justice League that costs more and somehow looks and plays worse Arkham Knight…

Then you have the industry crying about not making p...

30d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean I’m keeping my eyes on their games after Lies of P and Stellar Blade.

30d ago 20 agree0 disagreeView comment


I can’t tell if you’re trolling me or not.

Do you Google things?

Destiny Child:



Guess we’ll just agree to disagree.

I honestly can’t see how anyone can look at this and say it’s not Sony when you’ve had Shift Up release games with uncensored designs in the past and was forced to censor designs in the exact same way. But crackpot theory here… 🙄

Then you have a corporation that’s the worst when it comes to censorship.

So, it’s really hard to ignore the connections, but you can thi...

31d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Man, I don’t know why, but it also irks me when people try to tell others what to do. Fez was an awesome game, I couldn’t care less if the dev was a douche.

This is just extra cringe since the person actually doesn’t know what they’re talking about 🤦‍♂️

31d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Are there any cuts to make it be able to run at 60FPS? Like, can you tell me if you’re only allocated enough memory in a game to optimize performance on top of everything in it, what was removed to get it to run at 60fps?

31d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Oh boy, I hope this is sticking to being civil here. Look I don’t want to make you feel like an idiot, but…

There’s this thing in the business world called “salary reduction.” Are you familiar with the process, because for someone claiming I “clearly” have no idea about things, I’m a little suspicious that… well you don’t.

Let me do a quick breakdown:

Salary reduction is a *gasp* reduce in pay, either perm...

31d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea they may need to cut pay, for sure.

Here’s the deal there were smaller teams working in AAA games back on the 360 and PS4 era. Prices weren’t crazy, games were $10 less and honestly after comparing Kill the Justice League to Arkham Knight I’m not seeing where all the budget and extra dev staff is going to.

Again, from a business standpoint how does it make any sense to pay people way more and spend way more when you receive less in profit or really a...

31d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Yea that’s what criminals try to say when they’re hoping not to get caught and yet them detective skills seem to break that down.

“Oh you don’t have any proof!”

Yep, just Y’know Sony’s past history with censorship, Skill Up strategic fabric to cover their previous designs in games that received censored patches, and how a game shipped after going gold with unaltered blood effects and outfits, but then a 2nd patch made them th...

31d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

See, I don’t think they need to leave the AAA space. Think of it from a business perspective, if you’re overpaying staff and budgets are out of control and people aren’t buying enough of your product to pull in a profit, what do you do to fix it?

Do you:

A) Raise the price of the product underselling to make up for the crazy costs and losses?


B) cut back on how much people are being paid or hire less people, adjust...

31d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was bad enough when games went to $70, how in the hell is it better if they get MORE expensive? Who’s to say the price hike isn’t what’s made people just wait on sales or just get out of the hobby completely? People are struggling financially and the industry’s answer is to raise the prices more?

How about this industry, why don’t you lower the dev budget and make it where 1-2mill in sales actually bring you in profit instead of hiring more people, raising dev costs, an...

32d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment