
CRank: 5Score: 53680

""(+) No game has ever told a story so well"

Can we please tone down the hyperbole just a little? We haven't even played the game yet, so we shouldn't really be saying the game is telling a story better than any other game EVER, especially considering there are plenty of ways to tell a story, and some aren't comparable to others."

Yeah, i haven`t played this game yet, BUT You know, what? Those words i took from REVIEW:

IVG Revie...

5359d ago 16 agree5 disagreeView comment

Resistance 2, Gamer: 7/10, Metacritic 8.7/10
Fat Princess, Gamer: 4/10, Metacritic 7.8/10
Killzone 2, Gamer: 6/10, Metacritic 9.1/10
Uncharted 2, Gamer: 7/10, metacritic 9.7/10
Motorstorm Pacific Rift, Gamer: 7/10, Metacritic 8.2/10
Halo 3, Gamer: 9/10
Fable 2, Gamer: 9/10
Gears of War, Gamer: 10/10
Gears of War 2, Gamer: 10/10

While Uncharted 2 already got:

24 PERFECT scores - 10
12 scores above - 9....

5359d ago 124 agree13 disagreeView comment

GREAT sales!

5359d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"The PlayStation 3 lacks a killer app."

Now, it`s clear, why Uncharted 2 the GOTY got 9 from them, and not PERFECT 10. =)
They gave to Killzone 2(AAA game) also a 9 and to Fat Princess 6.

Sony haters detected.

5360d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment


14 PERFECT scores - 10
7 scores above - 9.5

It`s clear now. Anyone, who rates Uncharted 2 same or less as Halo:ODST is clearly biased. The games are in defferente leagues. Uncharted 2 is giving so much VALUE for a GAMER, that any expansion ever could.
An 8? same as ODST? Those sites should be just forbidden, as they are clearly biased and unproffesional.
Poor GameR... they really failed this time.

EVERYONE have th...

5360d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment


10 PERFECT scores - 10
6 scores above - 9.5

It`s clear now. Anyone, who rates Uncharted 2 same or less as Halo:ODST is clearly biased. The games are in defferente leagues. Uncharted 2 is giving so much VALUE for a GAMER, that any expansion ever could.
An 8? same as ODST? Those sites should be just forbidden, as they are clearly biased and unproffesional.
Poor GameR... they really failed this time.

EVERYONE have their opi...

5360d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment


9 PERFECT scores - 10
5 scores above - 9.5

It`s clear now. Anyone, who rates Uncharted 2 same or less as Halo:ODST is clearly biased. The games are in defferente leagues. Uncharted 2 is giving so much VALUE for a GAMER, that any expansion ever could.
An 8? same as ODST? Those sites should be just forbidden, as they are clearly biased and unproffesional.

EVERYONE have their opinions, but it`s a PROFESSIONALISM to see that game i...

5360d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment


Watch trailer, press agree.

5361d ago 14 agree7 disagreeView comment

We have 6 PERFECT scores - 10
We have 3 scores with above 9.5

And we have 2 scores with 9 from gamereactor sites.
And another 2 scores with 8 from other gamereacor sites, though 2nd opinion gave a PERFECT 10.
Yet, one of game reactor sites rated Uncharted 2 SAME(8) as Halo:ODST(8) some expansion pack. Do we speak about SAME value for a Gamer? Come on.

It`s clearly, Gamereactor sites are biased, with giving lowest scores to Uncharted 2 the GOT...

5362d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

Metal Gear Solid 4 - AAA
LittleBigPlanet - AAA
Gran Turismo 5 -
The Last Guardian -
Uncharted 2 - AAA

These are just few exclusive MUST...

5363d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


5363d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Actually Sony cut the ps3's price then Microsoft cut the Xbox 360 price and then the Wii's price was cut. The Wii's price cut was after the 360's price cut. Clearly a response to the 360's price cut."

Because Elite at 299$, or actually Pro model with additional 60GB is so much better value Now and big threat to Wii.
It`s x360 who sold over 1 mln. in first 3 weeks of september. Definitely. LOL.

5364d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

(+) No game has ever told a story so well
(+) The best looking console game. Period.
(+) Great mix of combat, stealth, platforming, and puzzle-solving
(+) By the way, it’s got co-op and competitive multi-player too

Anyone who rates ODST same or higher, than Uncharted 2 is clearly biased or halo fanboy(and still biased).
These 2 games are just in different leagues.

Uncharted 2 FTW! =)

5366d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

A Man can dream, can`t he?)))

But let`s be realistic, Final Fantasy XIII and Gran Turismo 5, what M$ can put against these 2 juggernauts? =)

5366d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean come on, 6 hours great side story of Halo 3, but that`s it. And it get what, same score as GOTY - Uncharted 2?
Some expansion pack is having SAME value for a Gamer as Uncharted 2. Come on!

More over, when the second opinion is 10/10, which means a PERFECT game.
How can you justify an 8? You just can`t.

5366d ago 31 agree2 disagreeView comment

Especially, since NG2 there were not much slashers released.

New version vs Old version

Graphics 8.0 vs 9.0
So.. true HD resolution and no framerate drops after 1 year does not justifies a 9???

Gameplay 8.5 vs 9.0
So gameplay with Fixed camera became only worse? WTF?

Come on, this is CLEAR bias.

I just can`t justify such high scores for Halo ODST.
Unless you are halo fanboy, which there are around ...

5366d ago 9 agree16 disagreeView comment

Unless you are halo fanboy, which there are around 10 mln. in the world.. i don`t know, how anyone can rate it above 8.
I lost all my trust in reviews. Latest ODST reviews are clearly biased.

I mean come on, 6 hours great side story of Halo 3, but that`s it. And it get what? 9???
Some expansion pack is having more value for a gamer, than games like Killzone 2 or Infamous?????

The ODST is the last straw. It`s official, you need to remove 1-2 points f...

5366d ago 11 agree11 disagreeView comment

But, 2 pricecuts within 2 months.. come on. :)

5367d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah, Halo 3 and Gears of War 2.
Only 2 exclusive games in 4 years, that`s A LOT.

MGS4 will pass 5 mln. too in near future, so will and GT5. =)

5367d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

MGS4 sold around 5 mln.
Uncharted sold around 3 mln.
Killzone 2 sold around 2 mln.
Infamous sold around 1 mln.

And these games continue to sell 50-100k per month.
Stop trolling, you FAIL.

5367d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment