
CRank: 5Score: 7460

DarthBillBoy reported this as "other" and called it a gimped version. If this is a "gimped" version then what is the $400 360? This has all the features of the $400 360, for only $50 more. Quit being such a penny pincher. $50 more and you get a blu-ray player. AND 5 free blu-rays to start off your collection. This is a great price point for someone that wants a blu-ray player or wants a PS3 and doesn't need the card reader or wi-fi or larger HD.

Also DADO re...

6160d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT:HD has a lot of options to adjust like tire tread, or Automatic Stability Control. (which most modern cars have) It's realistic in more than just graphics.

6160d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yea. Even more though, I hope there will be a cable to usb attachment and an update to turn it into a slingbox/location free type thing to stream over the interwebs to my PSP. That would pwn buttox.

6160d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, but they had them at E3 '06 I think. Maybe that was E3 '05?

6160d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 looked incredible, but since the game is a first person shooter, and those shots were in third person, they must be pre-rendered cutscenes and not gameplay. =( If there's any game though, that tempts me all the time to buy a 360, it's Halo 3. Hopefully, I can wait 'til after the 65nm processors. =)

6160d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

MK's posting all kinds of news, and if the 360 is just getting a lot of bad publicity, that's no big deal. A while ago, it was the PS3 getting a lot of bad publicity and I bet you were flame happy. All consoles get good and bad news.

And this is an exceptionally well written blog post, and is therefor really, at least I would say, worthy of being called an article. I'll probably lose bubbles for saying this, but the guy was saying in the article, that he loves his 360, but it h...

6160d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It would be unbalanced for people with controllers and also, I'm not sure if they would have inter-console chat. But I do want to be able to make mods to share with my friends on PSN, so I might get it for PC just for that. Although if they had inter-console chat, or if there was a firmware update out by then, for in game xmb access, then I would only have to get it for PC. With in game XMB access, I could chat with my friends in a chat room, while fragging them in game. Of course, just a pos...

6162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

3 boxes?!?!?!? I have 1 PS3, and if I got another console it'd be the 360, but 1 of each is fine for me. Christ, 3 boxes? You should just get 357 more 360's and 3 PS3's and 0 Wii's since it doesn't have a number in it's name. 360 360's. Yes, that'd make sense and exhibit a mild chuckle from me.

6162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have it on my PC and love it so much. I can probably stream it to my PS3 if I ever jump through the hoops required to do so.

6162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

relax, it's just vgchatz, and vgchatz are notoriously inferior to NPD. Wait for the NPD monthly report. That'll tell you just how well the Wii fared versus the 360. And 360 versus the PS3. And PS3 versus your mom. And your mom versus Santa Claus.

Your Mom versus Santa Claus! Only on Pay Per View!!!!

6163d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Business is business and Pete's loyalties lie with who has his next paycheck. He didn't remain loyal to Sega and trying to get their games on his platform. He wasn't trying to help Sega. Now he's moving on to EA and something tells me, he won't give a crap about Microsoft anymore.

6163d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

But the Wii has the advantage of the mass market. I think the mass market brings down all consoles, because if they buy the low end technology, then what incentive do we really have to move forward? It just becomes a race to the bottom in terms of who can have the lowest price, regardless of value. You know, throw in a few gimmicks, which is what the PC market does with their "hyperthreading" or the memory car readers that cost $1 to throw in. I really hope consoles don't go that wa...

6163d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Consoles like the 360 and PS3 are sold at a loss at first. The Wii was sold at a profit to start, and the 360 is now turning over a profit on each one. But PC's have always been sold at a profit. PC manufacturers aren't interested in selling games, so they have to make a profit on the PC's they sell. I think that's why PC gaming is so expensive.

Rabid Anti-Nintendo Fanboy comment:
And the Wii turns over a profit because Nintendo is a gigantic scam.

Thank y...

6163d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd love to have a cheap, big screen HDTV as thin as a poster. The future rocks, the present is so outdated.

6164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's an awesome video. Did they use in game footage for that or did they export the models into Maya?

6164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

KZ2 has 20x more going on, it makes CoD4 look boring. I'm sure CoD4 will have it's action scenes too though, and KZ2 will have it's boring points. If it was all jam-packed, that would be fun, but I'd die 20x a level. =) CoD4 only had some scenes of grass and a small scene of some shooting on a ship from a farther distance than KZ2. They weren't close enough to compare. We need some very similar scenes, then we can see a fair fight. I think CoD4's still holding in against KZ2.

6164d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Lol, Apple. A $1000 condescending console. Apple is the last company I'd expect in the business.

Lol, the iConsole. With iGames. With the iConsole, you will not have iGames on a discs. Just like floppies, CD shaped disc, are last generation. To get iGames, you will have a chip inserted into your genitals, which you download games onto through iTunes. You then, use the "convenient" peripheral to attach to your genitalia to the iConsole. The iGames will include things l...

6164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How did Guerilla copy GoW's cover system? They had it first with KZL. I doubt anyone copied anyone here, which you strongly imply. It's kind of hard for Guerilla to copy GoW, when they had it first, huh? And btw, KZL's cover system is fantastic.

6165d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

"there are two non-interactive videos that depict a discreet love scene between the main character and his romantic love interests"

Sounds more like hardcore to me.

6165d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Then you definitely wouldn't buy the 360 Elite for $479. It's only $20 less.

6165d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment