
CRank: 5Score: 7460

That's funny, but I liked Bizzare, and I think it's a shame they won't be designing the PGR series anymore. T'was a great series.

6092d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know you're lying, because I own Motorstorm and RFOM and both run just fine at 480i. My friend also owns Motorstorm and RFOM and just about every other PS3 game, and they all run just fine on his super small 480i tv. My other friend who has a PS3 has only a couple PS3 games, but I think he has RFOM and it runs just fine on his 720p tv at either 720p or 1080i. I don't know anyone who has a 1080p.

6092d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've always loved PGR and actually prefer it over GT, although I currently love Motorstorm even more, but I don't know if they'll be able to publish this for the PS3. OXM UK reviewed it, so it must've already gone gold... Maybe if they own all the rights, they can have a get a crappy port published 5 months later, but crappy and late ports aren't my cup of tea.

6093d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Eye of Judgement looks kewl, but I'll wait to judge. (har har)(That wasn't funny was it?) But I like Ratchet an Clank at least. Although I think November will carry the best with UT3!

I need to freeze myself until November. Then I'll wake up n the future, and the world will be in chaos, with 3 factions fighting for control. I should sell this idea to South Park or something...

6094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hazeblaze, we're not disagreeing because we hate you. We're disagreeing because we just think Microsoft won't buy out Sega AND Capcom. (Although it'd be totally fine with me. I think they both suck.) But I didn't attack your bubbles, just clicked disagree. But it's probably just G4 hyping some small announcement up because their channel sucks and doesn't actually talk about games like it used to.

6094d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Those are some great numbers. I'm impressed. But at Barom above me, I think WoW:TBC had more of a direct audience. The 360 has been out for a relatively short time, as has all the others, so the market penetration is minimal. The 360 has sold 11.10 million according to VGChartz, whereas WoW:TBC sold 8 million when TBC launched, and almost 100% of those people had the intent to buy the expansion (I bought it a month later). So WoW:TBC had an advantage, because it was an expansion for a game wi...

6094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was a custom gametype in Halo 2, except people had to change teams themselves after they died, and people had to be responsible and only use the weapons they're allowed to. But I sooooo wish I had a 360 for Halo 3. That's the one game I really really really really really wish I had a 360 for. Hearing this awesome news makes me mad I don't have one. Please, please, please Microsoft, I know you'll never get this message, but please release a 360 with a lower failure rate and make Live free....

6095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I keep it, they charge me the remainder of price I.E I've paid 7 bux they charge me the rest of the purcahse fee. I.E 60 dollars, so i pay 52." The total price, as you stated was $60. You pay 7 up front, as you stated. So that would be:
-7 -7

You said you pay 52. Evidently, you're a bit rusty on simple addition and subtraction.

But on a more serious note, if you're buying a game from blockbuster that was a rental, t...

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. "Defective" games jsut get sent back to the publisher, so they eat the loss. And if they screwed me by making a cruddy game that I already pre-ordered, I don't care if I screw them by returning it. That's a little quid pro quo for those bastards.

6107d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Interesting take on it. Hadn't thought of it that way before.

6111d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I read some really bad reviews about Lair, but if that's true... I'll just have to get this game. Remote play would just kick ass.

6118d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I'm aware that there's more to games than graphics, such as gameplay and storyline, we haven't got a lot of details on the storyline, and we can't try the gameplay until it comes out on at least a demo. So all we can truly judge is the graphics, and they've failed miserably to deliver on those, so I'm not even bothering with this game until Free Radical can prove otherwise. I'm not a big fan of Ubisoft and I know they have a lot of influence over this game.

6118d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Many of his links just link to random posts on forums with some guy spouting figures out his butt. Such as that Sony's plants can only produce 40% successful BD50's. Or that they dropped to 10% successful BD50's. I could imagine it a hell of a lot worse for Blu-Ray. Being outsold big time by your competitor.

6119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This doesn't have to do with the PS3.

6120d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Isn't it hypocritical to have one policy for items priced too high, and another for items priced too low?

"If an item's correct price is lower than our stated price, we charge the lower amount and send you the item.

If a product's correct price is higher than our stated price, we will cancel your order and notify you of that cancellation."

Also what is the "correct" price? Can't the "correct" price be anything dependin...

6121d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was planning on buying it form there, even though I'm an American, there's no region locking on almost all PS3 games. The only game that's region locked is Spider Man 3, but that sucks anyways. Damnit damnit damnit! I was really hoping to gt those for 15 pounds. That'd be only $30 compared to the normal $60. Damnit damnit damnnit!

6121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're an ethnocentric asshole.

6127d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not about how many crappy budget games or mediocre sports games there are for the console. It's about how many AAA titles there are. PS3 is lacking in crappy games, yes, but there are plenty of AAA titles already out and lined up for the future. And in the end, I'd rather have a few AAA games than a plethora of mediocre games.

6127d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is it a bad thing to sue someone if they do something illegal that wrongs you? I think in this case, it's frivolous and they should be thrown out on their asses, but often times it's not. Often times people like to be anti-lawsuit because they think it represents "the establishment" or "those rich lawyers" or something of that such. But often times lawsuits are justified. Sure there are the fair share of lawsuits that are frivolous, but that's par for the course. The way t...

6131d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is completely frivolous. You can't sue someone because they linked to a site that pirates something of yours. Microsoft isn't controlling what their search engine links to. If it happens to link to a pirate site, sue the pirate site. Don't sue the people that lead you there. It's like shooting the messenger.

6131d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment