
CRank: 5Score: 7460

Both formats can simply so-exist. If both formats exist, it simply means that movies will be released on either format, or both. It's possible to make a player that can play both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, probably even in the same disc drive.

I think the Blu-Ray camp is hoping a win, and the HD-DVD camp is hoping for a tie. Sony hasn't lost on any format before, and NO beta was not a loss, because they were and are still being professionally used for video recording and the digital H...

6211d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yes! That is sooo annoying that you can't agree/disagree without reloading the whole page and going all the way back up to the top, then trying to find where you were. So I feel like I have to agree/disagreed by adding/subtracting bubbles. You really need to fix that problem.

O and could you please make bubbles a lot harder to lose? It's annoying that fanboys can take away your bubbles just because their viewpoint differs. I should be able to make my comment without being penal...

6211d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with Kingboy that bubbles are too easily lost. This is a gaming site and people are supposed to argue and debate, because that's what brings up good new points and makes everyone's opinion be heard. (however much I hate certain people's opinion)(looking at you Mart) It's jsut too easy to lose bubbles when you're posting your opinion. If you want to keep your bubbles, you must say nice things about everything 24/7 even thought that's not you opinion at all.

6211d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

This seems to say otherwise.

6212d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"They made such a goddamn fuss about "true 1080" and that only ps3 had yet they don't give you the necessary cables?! LOL"

They made such a goddamn fuss about "xbox live" and that only Xbox 360 had yet they don't give you Wi-Fi and make you pay $5 a month?! LOL

6212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder what this remote play will allow me to do? and should I really forsake my homebrew for this? I'm not comfortable connecting my psp to my ps3 with a custom firmware on it, even if Dax manages to do it. I'm paranoid that Sony might detect it.

6212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All they really showed there was software, object recognition, and multi-touch, which means multiple mice. It's just another tough screen, with a small catch of multiple people touching it and recognition of SPECIALIZED objects.

These things didn't catch on before because they cost a lot and they are intimidating. If I just walked up to it, how would I know how to make a photo larger or smaller. It looks like from the video, you put you fingers on the object, and spread them ap...

6213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Got a lot of respect for you snoop, but from the article, it looks like a fancily named, hyped up, touch screen with a few features. So it can read credit cards, they've read credit cards since the Diner's Club. They say stuff like browsing through pictures. You click a button, and maybe even drag the picture somewhere, but it's still all controlled through putting your finger on the screen or "table" as they say which is just a fancy word for screen. This is so not revolutionary. I...

6213d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The government is trying to infiltrate your mind!!!!one. They are collaborating with the aliens to read your thoughts!!!!!one. The only way to stop them is to send me $500 for a specialized helmet to stop the aliens/government from reading your mind!!!!!!!one.

P.M. me for details on how exactly to send me $500 and to give me the address to send the tin foil *cough* *cough*, I mean helmet, to.

6213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is what Microsoft was talking about announcing at midnight? Damnit, I'm really disappointed. I was hoping for a handheld games console. Ooooooooooh!!! I can TOUCH the screen. This is soooooo incredible.

Alright, I'm over-reacting. This is probably fairly cool. I guess I'm just blind sided by this not relating to gaming. I really don't see how this is so revolutionary though. It might be a tiny bit easier sometimes than a mouse and keyboard, but not nearly as versatile. Btw...

6213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

More units sold: = more people to play online with, = more multi-platformers on your console, = more exclusives and exclusives are good because the game can be specialized for that hardware, = guaranteed next iteration of that console franchise.

6213d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

He said flame on, and you flamed him. Who's really being pathetic?

Or were you being sarcastic? My sarcasm meter's off.

6213d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I like comparisons too, it's often not until you see them side by side, that you can really tell which one looks better, and btw I think Cryengine2 still pwns all. I really hope Square will do something with it for PS3. That would be some awesome potential.

6215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Target has a patent monopoly. Remember the board game, where you buy out the whole board, and then you win? That was the old rules. Under the new rules, when you buy out the whole board, you get sued by the government for having an intentional monopoly. =) Also Target isn't allowed to have a patent on something that Kodak already has a patent on. Someone in the patent office is probably just a retard. Target doesn't have any ground to stand on, because Kodak already owned the patent before th...

6215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is the reason you don't care about FF 7-x2, because tehy weren't on a Microsoft console? All of the Final Fantasies have been incredible games, except for possibly X2, but X2 was just crappy.

Final Fantasy VII is a widely renowned storyline which has been very popular and is very interesting. I'm sorry (actually I'm not) if it's too much for you to comprehend, but Final Fantasy 7's storyline is very well thought out and unique.

Maybe it borrowed stuff from other ...

6215d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Storage size has a lot to do with it. If you're going to fit more content in the game, without degrading the graphics or physics or AI or something else, you need a larger storage medium to do it. Please no personal attacks, think about that stuff before you write your comment.

Early Final Fantasy games didn't have intense graphics, physics, AI, etc., so you could fit a big game on there, of low quality.

And correct your grammar, you said "we're", when ...

6215d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know your point was that 30 hour RPG's like Morrowind or KOTOR (I love KOTOR 2 btw) are greater than 12 hours, but still not 100 hours, which is on a handheld. But yeah, flame wars suck. (and they burn my testicles)

6215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WoW! Just WoW! I can't wait to play 100+ hours (yes I suck, that's why I said 100+) of gameplay. That's absolutely incredible for a handheld. Still think UMD was a bad idea? 100 hours! Try fitting 100 hours onto a cartridge. (no offense DS fans out there, just no 100 hours of FF for you)

6215d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

In case you don't know, 4-D is real. WoW! There are 4 dimensions, length, width, height, and time. Yes, time is a dimension! Utilizing all those, all FPS's are 4-D.

You occupy one spot at one point in time, and another at another point in time. You can not occupy the same space as the wall at the same point in time. Trying is called being a noob. You first blow up the wall, then occupy that space. Resistance is 4-D, and so is Halo 3, or so I hope, I haven't played it, but Halo ...

6216d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You assume that newer hardware and software made on that is "better." It's not necessarily. The gameplay in Gears for example isn't all that different from other third person shooters. It's just shinier.

Lair is one of the few games I can think of atm that looks like the gameplay will be "next-gen" of course like the BS Police below me said, it's really "current-gen", but is that going to sell any games? Anyways, Lair takes advantage in what looks ...

6218d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment