Just drive...


CRank: 20Score: 124830

Also who down votes an actual explanation for a gaff? Like, what do you want? An arrest warrant?

1416d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah yeah yeah... it was an auto-generated image we had changed upon story submission, but it rolled back and then got approved, and once a story is approved, you can't edit.

So it looks bad, is bad and smells bad. Sorry, sorry. The review is still a good 'un though, so thumbnail aside, give it a read!

1417d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thanks dude, wrong link - here's the real link, however, I've re-added the N4G post anyway, if you feel like Approving that to help get the real article up.


1461d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had the game way earlier than release, for review purposes. It’s actually between 5 and 6 months. Ran with “almost six” over “over five months”, no reason. Just where I landed.

1908d ago 13 agree5 disagreeView comment

Man, that's a really nice thing to do, hey. I mean, it's not like N4G isn't an aggregate that helps Indie sites like AusGamers at least gain eyes on their pages while trying to combat other industry giants like IGN, Gamespot etc. By sharing the list directly in the Comments, a number of those eyes won't bother now, and another games industry journo or two will go and starve.

Nice job.

1966d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thanks, the game is pretty inspirational

2081d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You can’t see them? The portal pathway (they’re both even blue), character and weapon management, level design, combat... God of War is infinitely more polished, and as Richard says far more cinematic, but the original Darkiders’ makeup definitely permeates throughout

2098d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's to give journalists and 'influencers' a chance to spread the word about their game, in their own words. They're traditionalists -- this is how games writing and coverage used to be done. You will see a slice of this in the not-too-distant-future, and Antifan, I can tell you this isn't in a GWENT stable -- GWENT goes through changes due to balance and community feedback, Cyberpunk 2077 is on another level. What this boils down to is a slow burn marketing strategy. Mark...

2108d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

As stated in the article, I saw gameplay and believe me, this thing has some serious space legs.

2160d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So Red Bull can have their interests in Motorsport, Adventure, Skate, Surf, Adventure Diving/Exploration, Billycart-building, Snowboarding, Base Jumping, Air Race (where they have their own game), ESPORTS... but informed opinion on gaming is off the table?

2221d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

If you actually read the article, it's more about highlighting the very different styles of design amidst two Triple-As out at the moment. It's not strictly a "this is better than this because" type of article, it's a deep-dive on both them that celebrates their uniqueness while co-existing as top-selling games right now

2222d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No room in there, at least, for Red Dead Redemption 2?

2237d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

The rest of the year and its releases still need to play out. It’s April, not December. Plenty of great gaming still on the horizon, so yes it’s still a contender.

2237d ago 0 agree13 disagreeView comment

Okay, so let's just break down the actual issue here, which is being largely misconstrued among all of you. Firstly, I'm not asking for realism. The "Nathan Drake taking a dump" comment is hilarious because, in his last outing you literally DO spend time in his house being 'normal', which shows the level of realism you think I'm reaching for, so your comment is already redundant based on the game you decided to example.

It's not about '...

2265d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's funny because in my interview with Aaron he realised that there are a number of things that don't actually add up, and confirmed he would be taking them back to SMS as genuine feedback. If you read the whole article, you'll see that the game is loved, it just has inconsistencies with the studio's own rules they set in place.

2266d ago 10 agree31 disagreeView comment

Soooo South Park was a dud game, and the new one will be dud too? Or Rainbow Six is just a pedestrian 'safe' multiplayer offering? Oh, and that divisive Far Cry 5 game with all its interesting, new ideas is 100% a bad direction, right? Also, if the combat is awesome in Souls, and the previous AC combat didn't live up to the setting of the game, doesn't make sense to take inspiration? By your logic every game that has since started utilising Batman: Arkham combat is a "hyp...

2481d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Everyone, the 'exclusive' point of the article was more tongue-in-cheek - Hulk is green, Xbox embraces green, Hulk is powerful, XB1X is purported to be the most powerful console, and using Spidey's exclusivity on PlayStation made it a fun article write. But the larger point, if you actually read it, is we'd just love a modern, technically-demanding Hulk game given he won't have his own standalone movie out of the MCU. Truthfully, it wouldn't matter if it was exclusive ...

2503d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Well, the point is none of these IPs has ever had an open-world game made about them, and Breath of the Wild is a seriously great template, so, you know, it makes comparable sense. Also because they have the East in common

2522d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nintendo would never partner with Sony - the water will never go under the bridge from the fallout of the SNES CD add-on that fell through and resulted in Sony creating the PlayStation. Also, both as Japanese companies are far too proud to allow one to accept the other in any form of 'defeat', however, Nintendo partnering with Microsoft would be a huge FU to Sony, which would be more likely.

2748d ago 14 agree19 disagreeView comment

Seriously, it's time to rest the series, let Sledgehammer and Treyarch have a crack at their own, unique IPs and then give IW a full two years to think long and hard about how to really innovate on this franchise.

2767d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment