We need one standard gaming format.

One standard gaming format. Each company could build their own system to their own quality standards, featuring their own design (both aesthetically and internally) and able to play any game off the shelf.

With these companies moving towards a central home-entertainment hub instead of a straight-ahead video gaming console, this is the best choice. It would be like DVD, one standard format that any company can make their own system for. They can have their own tweaks and differences in controller design, just like they do now--really, if you think about it, the controllers are essentially identical.

Competition would not wane, it would simply move further into the background. Honestly, do you see General Electric and Black and Decker holding massive press-conferences where they invite all the different bread-making companies to show off their respective toaster designs? "And now NEW! from Dempster's! Available only on the GE Toast-Box 360! BAGELS!"

We applaud these companies as if they're rock stars, but they're just a bunch of suits sitting around thinking up new ways to make money.

So as the hardware manufacturers and designers move into the background, it would put much more emphasis on the actual game developers. No longer would Microsoft and Sony dictate how powerful their systems will be, leaving the devs to work with whatever they're given. A gaming indsutry quality standards association would have to spring up, and from this the devs would work out and establish what specks they want to see in the next gen, and if the hardware companies don't follow through, they don't make sales.

Your choice in console puchasing would go like this: Random company X would produce a system built by leperous children in some remote corner of the world, using sub-quality hardware. This system plays the games, and works ok. You find it at Wal-Mart in the middle of an aisle, stacked atop a plastic pallet, and labelled $99.95.

Random company Y, on the other hand, produces a system built in a top-of-the-line facility in some random American research park. They use the best of the best: gold-plated HDMI ports; ultra-fast solid-state hard drives; colour-customizable and brightness-adjustable LED power indicator lights; top-quality disc drive; multiple high-speed USB ports; absolutely silent cooling systems; and a sharp, contemporary case design that fits right in beside your Bose stereo system and 64-inch 120hz LCD. This one costs $999.95, and for an extra charge the company well set up and optimize it for you in your home.

Both machines will do essentially the same thing: play games. But both are not equal. The basic specs are identical, but the little bells and whistles will be what sells each respective system. This would not eliminate competition, it would massively increase it!

Besides these two companies, there would be hundreds more making their own versions, some better than others, some absolute crap.

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Saaking5262d ago

That wouldn't work. Exclusives make a system unique and thus if they're good they make the console sell. What would be the point of multiple consoles if you can play any games on it?

Forbidden_Darkness5262d ago

Exactly, It would be dumb.

Also, watch the last part of the Cop Out trailer on youtube and you have my answer ;)

SilentNegotiator5262d ago

One format? Like the endless amounts of hardly different consoles that helped cause the Video game crash of '83?

I like the different consoles being very different. It gives me a reason to buy (most) of them, and allows for all sorts of unique experiences.

darthv725261d ago

back in the day (several years ago) a company called 3DO came out with a system. Manufactured by Panasonic (Matsushida in JP) the system wasnt so much about itself as it was the concept it offered. They licensed the tech to a few other companies to release their own "3DO" player. Sanyo and Goldstar joined Panasonic in releasing players that used the same general idea but had been tweaked to be more individual.

All of them could play the same software even though they were made by different mfgs. This was because they all had licensed tech and were meant to be the first in a series of products to offer playback of a standard software format. Unfortunately, the system never went anywhere in spite of having big titles like super street fighter 2 and samurai showdown to name a few. It did however inspire other console makers to try their hand at licensing their tech to other mfgs.

JVC and Hitachi released their own versions of the saturn from Sega and Panasonic released a DVD playback equiped version of the gamecube. There were even DVD players based on the NUON tech which essentially was an upgraded version of the Atari Jaguar system. Samsung , Toshiba and RCA all released several NUON based players in different models.

The idea of a single solitary standard is not new, by any means. The issue with trying to make it work is essentially the reason it has failed each time. The restrictions imposed by the originator leaves little room to improve the variations in models to be profitable to the individual companies releasing units. For that it is no different than the current dvd player market.

Any dvd player can play any dvd so what really makes one stand out over the other? Name value, features that enhance (or give the impression) the standard playback of the medium, price,...? You could say that the dvd format was the closest to having a standard in regards to the media used. To bad it didnt offer the potential to be played in all consoles in a true universal standard. By that I am referring to a company that make the game code for all compatible consoles all on the same disc. You have an xbox or ps2 and a single game has both formats on it. Like the days of full screen or widescreen movies. You played the one that fit your player/tv preference.

DelbertGrady5262d ago

We will get one format. Most games will be downloadable or streamed in the future.

I know some of you disagree and say it will be disc based, but you are the same people that once said online gaming on consoles wasn't necessary, rumble was overrated and that achievements were a gimmick. So what do you know?

eraursls845262d ago

Atleast they were right about one thing, achievements are a gimmick

ceedubya95262d ago

Who wouldn't want a console that offers the best of what Sony and Microsoft have, all in one? Would have saved me some money.

Nintendo on the other hand, seems like they are going in their own completely different direction than the other two.

Jeppe5262d ago

It would require standards as Direct X etc to let the developers abstract away the hardware. Microsoft would love it.

kwicksandz5261d ago

yes. This guy is describing PC gaming. Which is awesome!

More of you console folk should give it a go

SlaughterMeister5245d ago

Except entertainment-based, and in your living room.

Saryk5262d ago

I will say this again for the thousandth time. Eventually there will have to be one standard. Microsoft, Sony, Apple and Nintendo will have to bite the bullet. Sega was the smart one by getting out of the console business. Sony went from 1st place to dead last in the console market because of their system cost when first launched. People are getting tired of the Console versus Console versus PC versus Mac, blah, blah blah.

PC is the most dominate because of the versatility. But how long will that last? The consoles will be PCs by next console launch. More than likely needing liquid cooling with all of the heat problems they had this console batch. It is surprising that the business model is to lose on the console at first. And then try to make it up in software and more cost efficient production in the long run.

All is needed is a pirate proof system, that can be upgraded when necessary.

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