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Hey everyone. Welcome to another Flash blog. A blog that will be here today, and gone tomorrow. YAY!

Today's topic? The twitter campaign #BetterPSN.

This campaign was brought to my attention by a youtube video by AlphaOmegaSin linked below.

I decided to look into it and sure enough there is a campaign to tell Sony to improve PSN and how.

Now I have to stress something VERY IMPORTANT. I am NOT,
against improvements to PSN. I am going to criticize what people want,
and why they want it, and talk about things like the "instant gratification age", but that doesn't mean I think PSN is perfect because I don't.

This all started on NeoGaf, and has its own website. Link below.

So I thought first I'd go through the list items and talk about them,
and then talk about some other stuff.

PSN Improvements

- Better/More CDN's with universally consistent speeds that are
competitive with Live/Steam/Origin... etc

My terrible internet connection has not had a speed issue with PSN at all. And that's something people need to remember, YOUR internet speed can impact your experience the same, if not more, than Sony's CDNs.

It's also worth noting that Sony is the only company of all 3 mentioned that has their network on at least 4 platforms with varied needs, and
programs that tax it. PSN is spread pretty thin for a company like Sony.

- Free, unlimited (or at least significantly increased in size) cloud
storage for saves, as well as a family account feature set for saves
(no need for sub accounts), auto-sync save files as they are modified

Oh yeah, Sony will just take those servers they've been hiding out of
storage and just increase cloud storage size quickly and easily, and at
no cost to them. This is where the MS fanboys will be like "MS has
Azure" and go on about it, but conveniently forget that MS had to have
planned Azure long before you ever heard of it. Officially, Azure was
announced in 2008 as Windows Azure. It took 5 years after MS announced
Azure for it to arrive on their console.

The family account thing won't happen. The sub account thing is how Sony gets around charging you 50 cents on your credit card to
make a PSN account for a kid under the age of 13 because of the Child Online Privacy Protection Act.

Auto-sync would be cool, but it sounds like a feature for people who
don't want to have any actual interaction with their device beyond
turning it on.

- Username changing along with a username history system in the user's
profile page.

No issue with this myself, but I suspect that Sony has a reason for
doing this. A stupid reason like "allowing people to keep changing
their username would make it difficult for us to administer any
necessary punishment should they violate any rules."

- Behind the scenes (less disruptive) maintenance

Stop crying that Sony maintains their network so that you can't
complain that their network needs maintaining. All companies have
different maintenance policies. Complaining that a company is taking care of their service is a First World problem. Use that time to actually take a break or something.

- Cloud storage for screenshots, especially trophy screenshots (maybe
recordings too if 30 sec or less?)

Now, I want to say "why?" to this, but my own experience with a tech
issue that corrupted my gameplay videos as I transferred them to a
flash drive make me say "yes, this" instead. I don't give a damn about
screenshots, but videos yes.

- Rentable servers for when official servers are taken down

Pipe dream. This isn't PC. This will never happen, you can count on it.

PS Store Improvements

- Fix bug that prevents users from accessing the Store in certain
situations, needing a reboot.

I'm not aware of this bug, unless it's the one where the store flat out
doesn't load at all, then yeah that stuff needs to get fixed

- Up-to-date digital titles (fully patched when downloading post-

Logistical issue. 3rd party title patching is the responsibility of the
3rd party, not Sony. Also, this seems like asking for games that won't
require you to update and that's unrealistic. It's much easier to get
you to update than it is to update the store with the updated version
of each game. PSN Store goes down every time Sony is updating it with
games, you really want it to go down when updating games with updates?

- Store wishlist, gifting system (cross-region gifting?)

Why? This isn't an improvement, it's a luxury. It won't enhance
anything and will just add more clutter to the UI which means longer
loading time. It also means people have to navigate to your page to see
your wishlist which is just a waste of time. It may just be me, but I
rarely bother going to the account page of anyone on my friendlist
because I have my console on to play a game, not stalk anyone.

- Correctly tagged games in the store

Unfamiliar with this issue. If anyone understands it, please elaborate
for me.

- Refined Store navigation, design, fluidity/polish and organization

Oh good God this. This all day err'day. I HATE navigating the store. I
much preferred the store design before the redesign because it was MUCH
easier for me to find stuff and had a much better search option.

- Refund system similar to Steam's

No argument from me but there are some business differences between how
Steam operates and how the Big 3 operate so I can see this being a
bigger headache than people think.

- Enhanced Store game pages, include user reviews, make
screenshots/videos standard for all titles.

No user reviews. They are never trustworthy and it's a waste of space.
Again, all this stuff requires more loading time and would slow down
the service. Though I do agree with videos being standard but, again,
that's an issue for the developers, not Sony as the service provider.
Sony can't put up videos they aren't given.

- Purchase and management of PS Vita downloads through the PS4 Store

Why? That's what your Vita is for.

- Better quality pictures and videos on game pages

Same answer as the earlier one. That's up to the developers, not Sony.
Save and except first party titles.

Account/Profile Improvements

- Continuous trophy syncing

There's probably a logistical issue with this too. I have no real
opinion on this one because I couldn't care about trophies either way.

- Online/offline status

That this isn't already implemented is the most baffling thing of all
requested features.

- Better friends list functionality with nicknames, grouping by
categories (games, relationship), and VIP tags tied to the notification

Really? Why? On PS4 you have the option of showing your real name or
your username, and you want to add nicknames to that? A bit much. Why
would you want to group your friend list into categories? They're
supposed to be your friends. I can see the Players Met list, but it's
pretty pointless to group your friends into game lists as well.
"Friends I play Uncharted with", "Family members better at Mortal
Kombat than me and so should be avoided." Meh.

- Enhanced user profile page showing favorite games,
screenshots/recordings, game wishlist, deeper activity sections (game

A wholly frivolous request that isn't actually an improvement. Can you
imagine the kind of data requirement involved in hosting screenshots
and vids for your friendlist to peruse? Already discussed the game
wishlist. Game stats? "Beat Cleric Beast in 30 seconds." Ok, so... what
are you going to do with that information? I don't know, I guess I'm
just "against" this because I don't see any relevant point in it and
it's not really an improvement.

- Account region change

This is probably a legal issue more than anything else. I can't see why
it isn't a feature beyond that.

- Deeper social integration (G+, Facebook, Twitter...etc)

Why? You need to tell every social site that you got a Bronze trophy
for starting a game? You want more sites to have your real name linked?

- Viewing friends' online statuses across PS3, PS4, and PSV

So you can see that they are offline when they use the "Online/Offline
status" feature you requested?

- Additional primary PS4 for multi-console households

Not going to happen RE: COPPA compliance.

- Tenure badge, let it be known how long you have been a member of the

Completely pointless save and except for fanboy arguments about cred
and/or bragging.

Security Improvements

- Two-factor authentication (this one was actually bolded)

This is on the list because people still think PSN is the least secure
network despite those tools LizardSquad saying it took more work to
bring down PSN than it did Live. I have nothing against the "better
safe than sorry" attitude, but let's call things for what they are.

- Improved account recovery process

I hope you said this to literally every other service you use because
Sony's account recovery process is pretty standard. The only thing they
don't do is let you recover your account through your phone which is
actually MORE secure.

General usability Improvements
============================= ==

- Search function, better organization and filters for download

Wasn't this in PSN Store improvements? Redundant post?

- Universal game invites

Yeah. The "Players Met" list is a half-a$$ed way of doing this but is
developer dependent.

- Direct developer/players interaction, statuses, in the game hubs

Hahaha, never going to happen with devs. You can count on it.

- Custom avatars (purchasable or own uploaded via PS app)

Should have been a thing since the PS3 launched, but is likely not due
to how people would just be uploading penis pictures, swastikas, etc...
I can't blame Sony for wanting to take moderation pressures off

- Refined activity feed (What's On section), fix a bug where playing a
game post-patch showing as if it was the first time you've played it

No opinion on this myself. I rarely look at the Recent Activity feed
because I know how many times I played a game.

- Share notification for recordings/broadcasts

If this means being able to inform your friend list of a broadcast
you're going to be having, that'd be a cool feature.

- Message system refinement


- Auto-resume downloads if network connection resets

Again, another demand that presents itself as users wanting to have as
little actual interaction with their device as possible, and yet at the
same time some of the features they've asked for require in-depth
interaction. How hard is it to press a few buttons to make sure your
game is downloading? You had to do it when originally buying and
downloading the game anyway right?

Ok, so that's the current end of the list. When I heard about this I
thought "watch, this list will be made absent any considerations about
what it would actually take to make this stuff happen" and I was right.
We definitely live in an age of instant gratification and low attention
spans. While I did criticize these requests, I can also still see why
people, at least for most of them but not all, would want them. BUT,
Sony have priorities. When they made a feature rich multimedia console
in the PS3, the same people requesting these features for the PS4 would
have been among the first criticizing the greater focus on features
than on games. This time around Sony went for a console for the devs
first and features last. You can't blame Sony for following the market.

Anyway, feel free to tell me why I'm wrong, call me a fanboy, etc.. in
the comments below. But you'd better be quick about it because this
blog will be blown away by the next 5 indie month blogs.

DragonKnight3251d ago

I had to post this comment because I had already slashed my blog so much that I couldn't write it in the blog. Thanks to the morons that DDoS'ed the site and the subsequent "fix" that logs you out after awhile, in order to make sure I didn't lose this blog I had to write it in notepad then Copy and Paste it here, so that's probably why the formatting is weird. Sorry about that.

Also, I can confirm, after using a character counter many times in the process of trying to submit this blog, that the blog character counter max number is not in fact 15000 characters, but 12000 characters. A bit of off topic information that may prove useful to people in the future.

WizzroSupreme3251d ago

The PSN's never been the Xbox Live it intended to be, but great suggestions.

Gazondaily3251d ago

Pretty thorough list and agree with it. The fact that you can't hide your online status is really stupid.

Things like seeing how long you've been a member of PSN? Who cares?

Cloud save of screenshots and videos is a Godsend on the X1. It really needs to be implemented for PSN. --> Type in Gamertag

And instant access to recorded footage. It's a brilliantly simple and intuitive and really enhances the whole sharing aspect, which is at the heart of the DVR functionality.


DragonKnight3251d ago (Edited 3251d ago )

Oh man, you're going to get so many disagrees for that ending. Lol.

Sony's overall sharing I think is better than Microsoft's, but MS planning to use Azure YEARS before the Xbox One was even announced and allowing for the share functionality to make use of Azure even just for posterity purposes is something Sony should take note of.

Had I the ability to store my gameplay vids in the cloud, I wouldn't have to worry about them becoming corrupted and unusable.

**EDIT** See? I knew I wasn't the only one that thought the Tenure Badge was a pointless idea. Who the hell came up with that one?

Christopher3251d ago (Edited 3251d ago )

1. I apologize for being the reason why the site was created in the fashion it was. I obviously did not convey my meaning to the person who started this when I mentioned starting a site dedicated to discussing PSN items on a regular basis. Attaching the whole thing to the social media complaint is just going to do nothing for it as far as Sony is concerned. They're in a corner where if they capitulate at all, people will just keep asking for more. Best thing they can do is give the generic response they already have. My thoughts for him were to write personalized pieces examining what PSN does and how it could be better, not just shove a lame public poll at Sony and say "WE WANT THIS STUFF!"

2. Some of those hot requests are just... stupid. I mean, wastes of time in comparison to more important matters, let alone just not all that interesting.

3. My thoughts on some items (ignore if you want, my wife does)

- Better CDN: Europe does need a lot of help. But, this is always going to be an issue. Sony doesn't have a major business service like MS on delivering content, so they'll always pale in comparison. So far for me they're delivering on par with Steam and better than GoG.

- Unlimited cloud saves/media backup: Not going to really happen for the same reasons as above. Best they could do is partner with a cloud-based company that stores files (like Dropbox or the like) for automated back up of files with unlimited space. For video/images, I do wish they integrated Google services (youtube, photos, G+) into it because that would solve a ton of problems with this for a lot of people.

- Username change: a security issue and service issue Sony just doesn't want to handle, IMHO.

- Additional primary accounts: not going to happen. People already abuse the system to play games/dlc they don't own. This would only greatly multiply that issue.

- Custom avatars: you kinda already have this if you connect to facebook...

- Account region change: not going to happen. Content is distributed based on region-specific laws and policies. Moving it would require you to lose everything you've ever purchased. Replacing it in a different region is not legal for them to do. So, if you move to a new region, either continue to play/buy from the old region account or create a new one.

DragonKnight3251d ago

I don't think you should apologize for that. The way the site appears, at least to me, is like the site that Sony started way back for the PS3, with requested features to be voted on. The social stuff was going to happen regardless and Sony did at least respond because of that.

Also, seems we're on the same page for a lot of the reasons listed.

freshslicepizza3251d ago

"Now I have to stress something VERY IMPORTANT. I am NOT,
against improvements to PSN. I am going to criticize what people want, and why they want it,"

why take that position in the first place, are you a consumer or a spokesman on behalf of sony? yes i understand some of the things people want are redundant and not important but why take the position to counter every request?

"It's also worth noting that Sony is the only company of all 3 mentioned that has their network on at least 4 platforms with varied needs,"

coming from a user of psn in the early days before vita arrived i can tell you first hand sony has always struggled to maintain proper speeds around the globe. that's the real issue, is the distance you are to their servers. sony needs to invest in more.

"Oh yeah, Sony will just take those servers they've been hiding out of storage and just increase cloud storage size quickly and easily, and at no cost to them. This is where the MS fanboys will be like "MS has Azure" and go on about it"

this is why you continually lose all credibility, you are always involved in this feud against the xbox and microsoft and constantly show the bad part of the sony camp who act like they must be at war with microsoft at all times. steam does not have issues with cloud save sizes either and it's free. amazon and dropbox also give you more than 1gb. the fact that sony charges for psn plus and limits it to 1gb is ridiculous.

"Stop crying that Sony maintains their network so that you can't
complain that their network needs maintaining. All companies have
different maintenance policies. Complaining that a company is taking care of their service is a First World problem. Use that time to actually take a break or something."

so you really have no answer as to why on average about once a month they need to take down part or all of the service to have scheduled maintenance when xbox live and steam doesn't? how often does itunes go down? how about the google play store? how about amazon? they have many more users than sony so don't give me the excuse sony is spread out too much because they have to support multiple platforms.

"Online/offline status
That this isn't already implemented is the most baffling thing of all requested features."

why? it's a pretty standard feature. some don't want to be bugged while online. some also like it when their friends come online and want to be notified. not baffling at all, except from sony's point of view i guess.

"This is on the list because people still think PSN is the least secure network despite those tools LizardSquad saying it took more work to bring down PSN than it did Live. I have nothing against the "better safe than sorry" attitude, but let's call things for what they are."

it offers better security and everyone should be using it, simple as that.

all in all psn is fine but like most things it could improve. some things still remain a mystery but what we don't need are consumers trying to advocate against them. how does that help matters just because you don't find them important?

Christopher3251d ago

***are you a consumer or a spokesman on behalf of sony?***

A smart consumer realizes when dumb consumers affect their ability to actually get a better service. Criticizing ideas that shouldn't even be there, let alone are seen as higher priority that much more important ideas is not a sign being anti-consumer and pro-company.

***steam does not have issues with cloud save sizes either and it's free.***

Yeah they do. Not every game saves to the cloud. Many complaints of lost saves.

***amazon and dropbox also give you more than 1gb. the fact that sony charges for psn plus and limits it to 1gb is ridiculous. ***

I completely agree it could be better, but did you just forget what else comes with the $50/year price of PS+ or are you just associating it with cloud storage for this one argument's sake? They also limit it to 1GB per platform, not total. 1GB for PS3, 1GB for vita, 1GB for PS4. Not much better, but just clarification.

***some also like it when their friends come online and want to be notified. not baffling at all, except from sony's point of view i guess. ***

I think you misread what he said entirely. You're essentially agreeing with him.

***still remain a mystery but what we don't need are consumers trying to advocate against them***

You say he advocates against improvements by ignoring all the things he agrees with and would want just because he says that some things are either A) a no-brainer type thing that will see constant improvements or B) are pointless features that don't add anything for most people out there already.

freshslicepizza3250d ago

"A smart consumer realizes when dumb consumers affect their ability to actually get a better service"

agreed, which is why i only commented on the ones that seem fair to question the service.

"Yeah they do. Not every game saves to the cloud. Many complaints of lost saves."

i have a ton of steam games and not once have i ever had to manage my save files because of limitations set by steam unlike my ps3. games like little big planet 2 use up about half your storage right there. lost saves have happened when updating some games and yes it's a pain.

"I completely agree it could be better, but did you just forget what else comes with the $50/year price of PS+ or are you just associating it with cloud storage for this one argument's sake?"

now that multiplayer is behind a paywall (ps4) it's totally reasonable to request for more cloud storage.

"I think you misread what he said entirely. You're essentially agreeing with him."

you're right, my mistake. apologies.

"You say he advocates against improvements by ignoring all the things he agrees with and would want just because he says that some things are either"

he has a history of this including previous topics requesting features that are mia like dlna support (which i think they finally updated around e3). his attitude is it's game system first and foremost so why complain about added features even if some of those features were present on the ps3.

DragonKnight3251d ago

"are you a consumer or a spokesman on behalf of sony?..."

Is it your suggestion that consumers do not have opinions on the products they use? That only the company can agree with, or criticize, anything? It's funny how you come at me for this when other people in this blog have also criticized the requested features.

"coming from a user of psn in the early days..."

You're speaking to a psn user in the early days. I'd have been one on the PS2 if I could have found the network adapter. Sony can invest more all they want to, if your internet connection is subpar it won't help. Sony also can't force whole countries to get better internet.

"this is why you continually lose all credibility..."

Why do you assume that I care what you think of my credibility? Did you see Septic's comment? He's a very pro-Xbox person, and he pretty much confirmed what I was saying about Azure. I made that comment pre-emptively because I knew someone would have eventually used MS and Azure as an argument. Of course, you'd be nowhere to be seen when that happens. And Christopher covered the rest better than I could have.

"so you really have no answer..."

I do have an answer. Sony knows their service better than you do. If they feel they would do a better job of maintaining it by taking it down for a few minutes to do some work on it, then they have a reason to. You can list whoever you want to, they aren't Sony and have different needs. Amazon may have more users, but you can't just dismiss that Sony's network is across multiple platforms. Amazon is on PC, PSN is on 4 DIFFERENT platforms. Again, if you think they are all universally the same, take a look at the difference between the speed of the PSN store across PSVita, PS3, and PS4. Oh wait, you can't because you only have a PS3. And you act like you know anything about PSN. Pfff.

"why? it's a pretty standard feature..."

Re-read what I said. I said that it's absence is baffling, not that the request for it is baffling.

"it offers better security and everyone should be using it, simple as that..."

Re-read my entire comment on that point.

"but what we don't need are consumers trying to advocate against them. how does that help matters just because you don't find them important?..."

If consumers held the attitude you do, Xbox One would be a very different console, so would PS4, so would any consumer product. 2 other members have thus far listed features they say are stupid and/or not a priority. Of course I'm not surprised you're focused on me, but the point is that we care about the service we use and want Sony to focus on what is important and what are actual improvements. A Tenure Badge is stupid, but by your logic I don't have the right to complain about people requesting stupid features. Why? Because you think what you want or what you're thinking is more important. Get off the high horse.

freshslicepizza3250d ago

"Is it your suggestion that consumers do not have opinions on the products they use?"

the irony is you try to put a gag order over things you disagree with to those who are also voicing their suggestions on products they use.

"if your internet connection is subpar it won't help. Sony also can't force whole countries to get better internet."

it's not, that's the thing you cannot grasp. when my xbox 360 (no longer connected online), pc and ps3 are all going through the same router and hard wired why is it that ps3 downloads fluctuate so much more so than the others? why is steam and xbox live able to handle higher loads of traffic? it's because they invested more. back in late2007/early2008 when xbox live went down for many weeks for several live members due to high traffic volume during the christmas season, microsoft vowed to not have this happen again. this is when they invested heavily into more servers. sony should be doing the same, especially now that they charge for online play (ps4).

"Why do you assume that I care what you think of my credibility?"

whether you care or not is not important, it's you who takes the time to write these blogs, you'd think you would try to do your best to not be so biased in the process.

"Oh wait, you can't because you only have a PS3. And you act like you know anything about PSN."

a minute ago you said consumers should have a right to have opinions on the products they use. now you want to dismiss my views because i only use psn on the ps3? these issues were around before the ps4 came out and are still there. your reply comes across as being an apologist more than anything.

"Re-read my entire comment on that point."

you are talking about ddos attacks, i'm talking about personal security. sony had one of the biggest breaches in history and you don't share the opinion that a 2-step verification is a good idea? a 2-step verification would help in situations where they get your e-mail and passwords or do you not know how the 2-step verification system works?

"If consumers held the attitude you do, Xbox One would be a very different console"

and it is or do you only focus on when negative things occur with the xbox one? gold memberships are also no longer required for things like netflix and hulu which was stupid to put behind a paywall in the first place. did you hear me act like you by suggesting it's sony fanboys for making it an issue?

"Get off the high horse."

you're right, please forgive me for wanting a better service. you've got it backwards once again, it's you who is on their high horse telling others what is and what isn't important. if we all listened to you we would be back to the old days of not being able to connect our systems at all to the internet.

DragonKnight3250d ago

"the irony is..."

Uh no. You need to look up what criticism means because clearly the concept of it escapes you.

"it's not, that's the thing you cannot grasp..."

"Your" is used in a general sense. The rest of your anecdote doesn't interest me.

"whether you care..."

Clearly it is important to you, as you continue to make assertions about my credibility based only on your own perceptions. I write these blogs to say something, I don't write them to win Pulitzers.

"a minute ago..."

Now I suggest you look up what an apologist is, because you clearly don't know what that means either. So let's stay on the topic of this specific comment. You made an aspersion against Sony for taking down PSN when they perform maintenance. I called your knowledge into question because you do not understand that PSN performs differently and has different needs across all the platforms it's available on. Ginganinja below says "I use my PS3 to buy and download Vita games, because it's quicker, the store is slightly more stable and I can fit more on my PS3s hard drive." This is an indication that the other options are slower or less stable. This should tell someone with a logical mind that when Sony is performing maintenance on PSN, they need to make sure that the changes will work across the board while working with varied needs. Complaining that you can't game online for 30 minutes is an entitlement issue, not Sony's problem. Your comment is one made with limited experience yet you make it as though you are in a position of blanket knowledge when you haven't experienced the very fact that PSN performs differently on different platforms. That you bring up other services like amazon and think the number of users has any bearing shows your absolute ignorance.

"you are talking about..."

You're still blind. Re-read what I said again. You're missing the key phrase I posted.

"and it is or..."

And this is where the point flew over your head. Your original position was to criticize me for criticizing feature requests, as if to suggest that a consumer is not allowed to do so. You further enforce that idea when you tried to use my own argument against me, still acting as though a consumer doesn't have the right to an opinion on features. The problem with your argument is if it were correct, then the complaints that consumers made about the Xbox One, by your reasoning, were not allowed and should have been ignored because consumers are not the company. You're so salty that you even forget your own arguments.

"you're right,..."

You're not using the service. You're a PC gamer. You're on your high horse because you're trying to tell me what I am and am not allowed to criticize. Notice that you're literally the only person with that problem here. You're exactly the reason I had to put the "I'm not against PSN being improved" comment in the blog, because your vision is so blinded by salt that literally everything I said flew right over your head. To the point where even Christopher had to explain things to you.

Get over yourself.

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