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There Are Some Straight Babies Within The Gamer Community

E3 for me is over. I don't care about watching the PC conference, don't care about what people are playing at booths or whatever, I watched what I wanted to and will be making a blog about my thoughts soon. What I have seen though is a lot of the saltiest, most jaded, most butthurt people I have ever seen in my life crawling out of the shadows and into the light like a bunch of cockroaches.

Since Sony's E3 conference, and extending into Nintendo's, I have seen the following.

-Whining about the phrase "play it first on PS4" as it relates to the Final Fantasy VII remake.

There are some true MS haters out there that are so upset that the mere thought of FFVII possibly going to Xbox One (it won't, but that's a story for a different blog and is, admittedly, educated speculation at best) makes them very angry and they'd rather the game not even happen than go to Xbox One. There's even those people who have downplayed the announcement of the game happening saying that the fact that it's not a true exclusive to PS4 means there is no reason to buy it for PS4 and thus it's a lame announcement. They'll just buy it on PC or Xbox One when it comes out. Nevermind millions of gamers had their brains explode at the announcement, no it doesn't matter at all because it's not a TRUE EXCLUSIVE. GTFO with that B.S.

-Whining that there actually is going to be an FFVII remake.

I've seen people either wanting SE to completely change the game to make it an FFXV style ARPG, or saying that if they don't change it with the times it will suck. I've seen "I'm having mixed feelings about this" because they want the game to be changed, or because they are worried SE will change the game too much so the game shouldn't have happened. I've even seen people whining that FFVI should have been done instead. Rather than be happy that Sony and Square Enix (especially SE) FINALLY listened to us and are giving us the game we've been begging for since the PS3 was revealed, these jaded and whiny fools are actually nitpicking a game that was JUST announced to be starting development. Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware that the Squaresoft that made FFVII is, as a developer, leagues above the SE that made FFXIII, but if they are sticking simply to a template that FFVII has already provided, and updating the visuals to match our imaginations, they really can't go wrong. I personally do not want SE messing with the game. I don't want an ARPG because that pretty much eliminates the epic Limit Breaks. I want the cross dressing, semi-racist, charming game that I played with updated graphics. That's what all of us wanted. AND NOW WE'RE GETTING IT AND YOU'RE STILL WHINING?

-Whining about Shenmue 3 being a kickstarter project.

"Why couldn't Sony pay for the game themselves?" "It's not a true exclusive AND it's a kickstarter."

Big games on Kickstarter, and this includes Mighty No. 9, Bloodstained, and Yooka-Laylee, are never fully funded by Kickstarter campaigns. The campaigns are market viability tests. Sony is paying for the rest of the development costs, but it's likely that either the Shenmue 3 team wanted their independence in developing it (which Sony is respecting), or Sony wanted to really test how much we as gamers wanted the game that the Kickstarter campaign was proposed. This is how it works with all big games. A kickstarter campaign is used to show whether or not we actually mean what we say when we say we want these games. It's a very smart business move that mitigates risk, tests the market, and allows for wiggle room all at once. That it is a Kickstarter campaign should actually be lauded because we've just shown all developers how much we're willing to back up our desires if asked to. So bring on more kickstarter campaigns if they mean getting quality games.

-"We've already seen all of these before" Whining about MULTIPLE conferences.

WHO CARES?! Stop acting like spoiled brats. Unless the game is released, why are you complaining about more information? The only part of this whining I could agree with is when first party studios show third party games that could just as easily wait for the conferences of those third party publishers. I don't need to see AC Syndicate, or Star Wars Battlefront or anything that's coming to all platforms in platform specific press conferences. EA, Ubisoft, they have their own conferences to showcase that stuff in. But an exception to THAT is when a game is console exclusive, then there's a legitimate reason to show it in that console's press event. But I digress. The sheer air of entitlement and spoiled babies about more information is just confusing. When devs don't give you enough information, you whine. When devs do give you information, you whine by saying "we already saw this game last year"? WTF?

These people are why gamers are seen as children. It's like the video of that 16 year old girl who got a magnificent car for her Sweet 16 but pitched a b**** fit because it wasn't the car she wanted. These people are looking a gift horse in the mouth and it's making us all look bad.

If you're really that jaded by awesome games that you can't see devs giving us what we want as a positive and instead have to look for a negative, maybe it's time you stopped gaming because it doesn't seem like anything could please you. Or, in the strangest situation ever, you're only happy by the formulaic release of the same names every year.

Get over yourselves, you'll live longer.

Or, I could just listen to this every time I see these complaints.

Batnut003274d ago

Well you certainly weren't wrong about Sony paying for the rest of the development costs since they're officially partnering with Yu now after Shenmue funded itself within a fortnight lol.

DragonKnight3274d ago

Uh, you do know that a fortnight means 2 weeks and the game was funded within 9 hours right? I mean, you are technically correct, but I suspect you meant something other than what your post conveys.

And yeah, there was plenty of speculation that Sony would have funded it regardless of the campaign's success, but that the campaign was either icing on the cake or a method for Yu to maintain whatever independence he wants in developing the game.

Batnut003274d ago

Oh no I didn't know that! I thought fortnight meant within a single night, not 2 weeks. Thanks for the correction.

And yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what it was. It's really a win-win for all, Yu gets to keep his independence, gets backing from both fans and a major publisher and the backers themselves get to fund their dream game and get it half-off if they choose to pay only the 29$. I mean really, I don't see the downside here, not enough to really keep complaining about it.

Godmars2903274d ago

The Kickstarter was about fishing for support and interest. Ir at least that's the excuse, since 2 million on its own is going to make anything resembling AAA.

As for "whining" about FF7, I'm not. More concerned over quality or that the focus will be on presenting a graphical showcase to the suffrage of all else. The story for this remake somehow already written - and plotted - or no.

As for it going to the Xbox, not seeing why not. Why it wouldn't since that only leaves the PC. Or the WiiU or Nintendo's next platform.

DragonKnight3274d ago

"The Kickstarter was about fishing for support and interest. Ir at least that's the excuse, since 2 million on its own is going to make anything resembling AAA."

That's how it works for big games on Kickstarter all the time. It's about testing the market. Sony wanted to be sure that we actually would put our money where our mouths were.

"As for "whining" about FF7, I'm not. More concerned over quality or that the focus will be on presenting a graphical showcase to the suffrage of all else. The story for this remake somehow already written - and plotted - or no."

Well then the remake is likely not going to be for you. If SE literally change nothing and update the graphics, then this will simply be a graphical showcase of FFVII. Quality issues only arise if they mess with the story, gameplay, and the little touches that made FFVII charming. If they leave it alone, what would there be for anyone to be upset by except for the fact that they have no patience and can't handle ATB.

"As for it going to the Xbox, not seeing why not. Why it wouldn't since that only leaves the PC. Or the WiiU or Nintendo's next platform."

Simple. Sony bankrolled the original game. They likely own the IP, or enough of it to force console exclusivity. The original went to PC, and so will this game. But Xbox? I'd say there is about a 1% chance of that happening. Don't forget that the FF fanbase is on Playstation. Sales of the FFXIII trilogy, no matter how bad they may have been, were always significantly higher on PS3 and that was the only FF game on Xbox consoles. Even the FFX remaster was not on Xbox 360 or Xbox One. There's also the 3 other games SE are bringing to PS4 but not Xbox.

There's no chance of it being on the Wii U. Third parties don't care about the Wii U.

Godmars2903274d ago

Thing is by default they're going to have to change things. Be it accommodating for lack of an overworld if they go the 1-1 scale route they've done since FF10, or the change if not removal of any and everything involving the Honey Bee.

Then again Japan seems to have adopted a "Screw Your SJW Nonsense Round Eyes!" so we could still get Cloud's implied rape as well as crossdressing. Still, minigames could be on the chopping block if only because they'd have to be updated or rely on their own game engines within the game.

Likewise, when I bring up graphical showcase, I mean the nonsense urge that Square seems to strive for something like Agni's Philosophy while failing to realize how detailing character scenes constrains how the overall world can be presented. How with FF13 they gave some lame excuse about how towns and crowds weren't necessary then spent two sequels, FF15 too by all counts, reintroducing and refining them. We're just going to have to wait and see what the actual game looks like, but with that opening scene my hunch leans towards what they've been doing since FF10, instead of going back to FF9. Check out a Korean MMO named Lost Ark.

As for third parties, pretty certain Square is one of the few still talking if not friendly with Nintendo. Are certainly making games for the 3DS.

And even as a secondhand release, a FF7 remake would sell a lot of WiiU successors.

DragonKnight3274d ago

"Thing is by default they're going to have to change things. Be it accommodating for lack of an overworld if they go the 1-1 scale route they've done since FF10, or the change if not removal of any and everything involving the Honey Bee."

FFXV pretty much says they don't have to in terms of world design.

"Then again Japan seems to have adopted a "Screw Your SJW Nonsense Round Eyes!" so we could still get Cloud's implied rape as well as crossdressing. Still, minigames could be on the chopping block if only because they'd have to be updated or rely on their own game engines within the game."

If those are removed, it would be more because of the perceived idea that we couldn't handle it than because SJWs don't like it. Like you said, Japan doesn't care. But removing it would remove a big chunk of the early story and would right away cause problems. Minigames don't have to be removed at all, except maybe the submarine one. It wouldn't take much to make the minigames I'd wager. Really if they have to do that much to make the game happen, they shouldn't do it at all. Why remove the charm of the game that way?

"Likewise, when I bring up graphical showcase, I mean the nonsense urge that Square seems to strive for something like Agni's Philosophy while failing to realize how detailing character scenes constrains how the overall world can be presented. How with FF13 they gave some lame excuse about how towns and crowds weren't necessary then spent two sequels, FF15 too by all counts, reintroducing and refining them. We're just going to have to wait and see what the actual game looks like, but with that opening scene my hunch leans towards what they've been doing since FF10, instead of going back to FF9. Check out a Korean MMO named Lost Ark."

Well again, FFXV's world design is kind of what I see them doing. If they've touted the size of FFXV and towns and airships and such, they have no excuse not to do the same with FFVII, even if they have to cut back on scale to remove unnecessary stuff like random islands and forests. FFXIII's excuses were more story based, but still B.S.

As for the Nintendo thing, there's also the fact that the Wii U is really underpowered compared to the PS4, so I doubt it could even handle the remake.

Godmars2903274d ago

Think you're not getting that I'm talking about the next system after the WiiU. The one casually announced to be in development. While more than likely Sony has first dibs, if the remake turns out to be all that's hoped, as a possible launch title for the NX(?) it would still be a win for Nintendo.

Likewise, if FF15's assets are used to make the FF7 remake, then you're talking about something with a ready made realtime combat engine, which is then ignored to retool into something turn based when they - over fan objection - hated turn based mechanics.

Overall the key word here is "remake" or "remaking for the modern era". So while until we wont know what's coming until there's gameplay footage or just a mock-demo showing turn based combat, Nomura's very likely aiming for realtime combat.

And damn him if he does.

DragonKnight3274d ago

No one knows anything about NX. SE can't make business decisions based on unknowns.

And just because FFXV is action based doesn't mean FFVII has to be.

When it comes to combat I only want turn based because I miss Limits. Lol.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3274d ago
thorstein3274d ago (Edited 3274d ago )

I really enjoyed reading this as I believe similar thoughts ran through my head, every time I heard these lame comments.

Multiple conferences:

Yes! I appreciate a Bethesda conference, a Sony conference, et al. Why shouldn't I. It is an Expo! Maybe some people need to look up what exposition means. And now that I have seen even more of No Man's Sky and Fallout 4 (I already preordered my Pip Boy edition), I want them more than ever.

My one complaint is that I want collector's editions of Star Wars Battlefront and No Man's Sky. (I imagine UC4 will have one.)

DarXyde3274d ago

Good read.

It's been a while since I hit the blog section with something to say, but I feel you made excellent points and articulated yourself very well: a bit crass, but it needs to be said. I'm just happy Final Fantasy VII is really happening. Shenmue III almost brought me to tears of joy and I look forward to all of this. It breaks up the sequel monotony we've been seeing lately and I'm so thrilled to see everything happening finally. It feels like the end of an era, but having this closure is so amazing, especially with Kingdom Hearts III on the way as well to end the Xemnas saga.

DragonKnight3274d ago

Thanks. Crass is who I am because it's honest, and I value honesty more than any other virtue.

DarXyde3274d ago

I can respect that. To be sure, there are better choices for words, but like I said, it needed to be said, one way or another. ;0)

Gazondaily3274d ago

I'm never crass. Never!

Yes seriously, great blog. Inevitably people are going to try and take away from the announcements whereas true fans are just content with the fact that those games are actually being made.

Now here's hoping they actually deliver! SE have the comparatively easier job but I worry for some reason. I really do hope it doesn't take ages to be released.

3274d ago Replies(1)
chrisco84au3274d ago

Great blog. I have been saying that this e3 is when everyone won (the disagrees coming thick and fast). Yet so many people are still complaining........
I won't break down your points because they are all spot on.

The entitled fanboy gamer plague needs to be purged, be thankful for this amazing era we are entering.

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