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Giveaway: A Key to a Dreamscaper

Just released on the Steam store in Early Access, we have been provided twenty keys to the game Dreamscaper.

In order to get one, all you have to do is comment below with a video game boss you might encounter in your dreams and how you would defeat them.

Every hour, a random entry will be selected and sent a Steam key to the game via N4G Private Message.


What is Dreamscaper?
A surreal, roguelite inspired ARPG with modernized hack'n'slash combat about lucid dreaming. Warp the dreamscape around you to battle a nightmarish depression that lives in a young woman’s subconscious. DREAM. DIE. WAKE. REPEAT.

Dreamscaper is in Early Access via Steam: https://store.steampowered....

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Live Game Stream: https://steamcommunity.com/...

TheLigX1387d ago

In my dreams, I’d take on Ornstein and Smough from dark souls. Beat them like I do in the game. Slash at their booties.

1386d ago
LordoftheCritics1387d ago (Edited 1387d ago )

I have dreamt of GLaDOS betraying me again and again and again and the only way to escape this cycle of imprisonment is to use the portal gun to redesign/reposition one element of every level of the test simulations which would make her believe that her design is not working in the first playthrough and then again in the second playthrough and then finally in the 3rd playthrough she would realize that she might be a faulty unit incapable of basic level design and commit suicide. This MUST include all of Stephen Merchants humour via the assistant Wheatley otherwise whats the point?

Or something similar.

Pixolator1387d ago

In my dream, once I fight the Psycho Mantis from MGS1, I was hiding behind tables and chairs and I was trying to shoot down the gas mask on the statues' heads to weaken him finally took him down with a headshot, I simply can't forget how real that dream felt and even the adrenaline. Back then I was super excited about the VR, what a time we're living in, thank you for the chance.

ToxicSushi1387d ago

My dream would involve Yuki-Onna From Nioh. She is a frozen babe with a ton of attacks and no major weaknesses. The only way to beat her was to fight repeatedly, watch for patterns and take lots of breaks cracking my knuckles to keep them loose!

Rapture131387d ago

I once had a dream I was swinging on the tree branches around my neighborhood....honestly kind of like Tarzan. In my dream through would be a very large tree that grows out of the lake about a mile from my house. I was swing from tree to tree around the lake to avoid attacks, and swing onto the tree boss to do damage when I got an opening. The goal would be to cut as many branches as possible off the big tree boss while swinging in the air between branches using a one handed/sword blade. Very much a mobility based encounter! For the final encounter, he would start setting most of the trees on fire. You would have to quickly swing off the tree and dive into the lake and cut the roots of the tree boss. So yeah.......tree boss grows out of a lake, Some Tarzan swinging to attack and evade, and then some acrobatic dives into the lake to get to his roots and finish him off. That's my "dream" boss :)

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