April is my last month with HAVAmedia, thank you for the past 7 years!


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February Contests

Cat|3409d ago |Blog Post|15|

Hello, Valentines!

Each comment you make on N4G during February on any story, blog, user review, forums - ANYTHING = 1 entry. Comment 25 times? 25 entries. 100? 100 entries. You get the idea? Yeah, you do!

Each of the 4 Winners will get a $50 Amazon gift card!

DQ if you pick up a restriction during the contest period, and one word comments and comments with negative labels (Trolling, Off Topic, etc.) don't count.

You must post a User Blog in the month of February! The top 4 User Blogs as voted by Christopher and me win! There's no limit to how many wonderful User Blogs you can write and enter, anything you author here on N4G during the month of February will be eligible.

Prize: 4 winners, a $100 Amazon Gift Card each!

You must post a User Review in the month of February! The top 3 User Reviews as voted by Christopher and me win! There's no limit to how many wonderful User Reviews you can write and enter, anything you author here on N4G during the month of February will be eligible.

Prize: 3 winners, a $50 Amazon Gift Card each!

 Submit news and get a top News ranking in February to win Amazon gift cards!

The prizes are:
1st: $100 Amazon Gift Card
2nd: $75 Amazon Gift Card
3rd: $50 Amazon Gift Card
4th: $25 Amazon Gift Card
Some Terms and Conditions:
1. Competition is open to all N4G users, except for employees of HAVAmedia and immediate relatives. Contests are not limited to the US/NA. Note: Moderators do not receive remuneration, are not employees of HAVAmedia, and are eligible for N4G monthly contests.
2. Closing date is 11:59 PM EST 28 February 2015.
3. In the event of unforeseen circumstances N4G/HAVAmedia reserves the right to substitute the prizes for alternatives of equal or greater value.
4. Prizes are not transferrable.
5. The winners of the competition will be notified by N4G ticket on or before March 7, 2015.
6. Failure to reply to ticket notification within seven (7) days results in forfeiture of prize.
7. All N4G TOU apply and may affect eligibility.
8. Lottery style winners are chosen at random from eligible entries. Spam or multiple accounts will result in disqualification.
9. All prizes are in USD, where prizes are awarded to winners outside the USD the exchange rate at time of prize issue will affect prize amount.

-Alpha3409d ago

Nice, and I didn't you had a child! Congratulations Cat.

coolbeans3407d ago

Not a child, but a Baker's Couple of them. :)

Cat3407d ago

Making it sound like I'm octomom, beans :P

Thanks, Alpha - it is, as beans sorta kinda mentions, my secondborn

coolbeans3406d ago


On the contrary. I actually wanted to trick -Alpha into guessing 3 so I could say "baker's count couples just like the rest of us!" And now that's been foiled! >:(

I guess not every one of my devious plans can come to fruition.

-Alpha3404d ago

If it makes you feel better, that reference would be lost on me anyway haha.

I wonder if she named her kids after any video game characters...

3406d ago
Stringerbell3408d ago

Nice to see that user blogs are being given larger prizes from last year! Oh and good luck to everyone!

xHeavYx3408d ago

I'd love an extra $50 to buy gam.... I mean, a gift for the wife!

3408d ago
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