
The other upcoming Xbox games... (Part 1)

Not excited enough about Xbox 360's future line-up? Try this little lot...

Kicking things off is Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, the MMORPG from Funcom which sees you looking for Conan, rather than playing as him. Forget THQ's recent super-bloody Conan game, this adaption of Robert E Howard's beefcake sword-'n'-sex epic is a slow-burning adventure along the lines of Elder Scrolls - except online.

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Genuine5985d ago

I've read probably 3 Conan novels and saw the movies years ago. I have yet to play an MMO, but I'm buying Age of Conan when it releases this year.

P4KY B5985d ago

The first one was great, only spoiled by a lack of MP mission editor.

If they get a few things sorted this could be my favorite game of 2008.

Meus Renaissance5985d ago

Yeah I really liked the Multiplayer in the first one. It's one of the few games which make you work in a team, and the feeling of success after a match is fantastic.

P4KY B5985d ago (Edited 5985d ago )

I agree.

That feeling when you fire you last torpedo at a carrier and sink it.
And the pace of the naval units allowed for some great tactical decisions.

In the sequel they need to give more of an incentive to land your planes rather than ditching them. And it would be nice to be able to rebuild shipyards and defences.

Meus Renaissance5985d ago

Lol ditching planes. I always did that.

titntin5985d ago

Great list - but so much of it is very speculative!
It would have been more useful if they could have kept it to confrimed releases even if they don't have a date yet..

Chronicles of Riddick 2, Darkness 2, Fable 2 are the ones that grab my attention, and I'll be picking them up whenever they turn up!

tony5985d ago

not many gamers are talking about this one, but is the one that i'm waiting for the most this year.

iNcRiMiNaTi5985d ago

but since this one is an even better version, its not too bad.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5985d ago

Stop it! your scaring my wallet to death.

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Alone in the Dark Developer Has Been Hit With Layoffs

Alone in the Dark developer Pieces Interactive has been hit with layoffs a month after its release, as per the latest information.

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coolbeans39d ago

That genuinely, genuinely sucks. The reboot has clear flaws, but it really felt like a solid first step for this team to receive *greater* investment.

XiNatsuDragnel39d ago

Alone in the dark is a fun game so that's unfortunate

CrimsonWing6939d ago

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that the norm after a project is done?

Terry_B39d ago

That's standard. Teams are together for a Project, after its done some..and sometimes most devs are fired until the next Project is in the works and people are needed again. Only the core members stay in the time between the hot phase of the game development.

CrimsonWing6939d ago

What’s annoying is people don’t understand how contractors work, either. All of this is uninformed knee-jerk reactions without any understanding of how employment works in this industry. There are key developers and staff that stay with a studio/publisher, but often times it’s a hire per project and then seeking new employment for a project. That’s how it’s always been…

coolbeans38d ago

That's a fair point too. I would say that in light of its tepid critical/commercial response and ongoing mass layoffs across the industry I think it's understandable for fans to worry about the longer-term implications. We'll see how it plays out in the future.


EA Japan Exec Criticises Japanese Ratings Board

An executive of Electronic Arts Japan has criticised the Japanese video game ratings board for allowing upcoming action game Stellar Blade to be released uncensored while EA's own Dead Space was banned in the country.

CrimsonWing6941d ago

He’s got a point. If a game is M-Rated, which is the equivalent of an R rating, I don’t get why you need to censor anything. The rating is the indicator of the content and the age appropriate. If it’s appropriate for adults… why treat them like children? 🤷‍♂️

Eonjay40d ago (Edited 40d ago )

This is about gore... not about anything sexual. And specifically I think it is about the realistic depiction of gore. Unfortunately I don't know the nuance of the CERO board or how it is relevant their specific culture (as a prohibition on gore may transcend age) so I hesitate to make a statement. Can anyone else provide insight to what kind of gore is considered unacceptable?

CrimsonWing6940d ago (Edited 40d ago )

Yea, I know this is about gore, but thanks for pointing that out.

My point still stands, if a game is essentially rated for a mature audience then why censor for them as if they’re too young to view it? Makes no sense.

To answer your question: Decapitation, dismemberment, like… anything gore. They have been censoring that since CERO was established. Look up RE4 chainsaw decapitation or any MK games that made it there.

Cacabunga40d ago

EA Japan? Wtf never heard of that

ZwVw40d ago

Yet, the Oneechanbara series (y'know, the game with half-naked samurai females slicing up zombies to bloody pieces) get released in Japan uncensored.

The CERO ratings board is an equilibrium.

Smellsforfree39d ago

This confuses me since I've seen so many gory Japanese movies and anime. For example, Battle Royale.

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gold_drake40d ago

definitely has a point.

but .. its japan. are we really surprised?

VersusDMC40d ago

I don't know if the EA executive is going off the one close up of an arm being cut off in the demo. Maybe it's uncensored because it's the arm of a cyborg or it doesn't happen that often (didn’t see EVE dismemberment when killed in the demo) .

In the states there's a certain amount of swear words allowed to a PG13 movie before it is deemed R. So maybe it's the same in Japan for gore?

Eonjay40d ago

Yes I think you may be on to something. The violence is gory but I wouldn't call it gruesome.

Retroman40d ago

Ea Japan please make Knack 3
in the future

Eonjay40d ago (Edited 40d ago )

Does EA Japan actually make games at all? Or are they just a regional publisher?

Retroman39d ago

I'm sorry Japan Studio made Knack


Alone in the Dark (XS) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "In one sense, it feels strange to even think Pieces Interactive had big shoes to fill with this series' legacy. Given what's come before, did it really? And yet, even when considering the last two flops over a two-decade span, there's still something about Alone in the Dark emblazoned on a title screen that carries a sense of revered history. In that respect, perhaps this reboot's best accomplishment is in honoring that spirit through its inventive world. It's also fair to emphasize knocks against its survival-horror design, some puzzle-solving, and so on; it certainly won't be considered a trendsetter like the 1992 classic. Still, the amount of goodwill wedded to its brighter qualities makes for something that dawdles the line between unfortunately-flawed and impressively-enticing."

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