
Highlander The Game - Trailer

For the Highlander fans there is a game coming out in 2008 for PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. YouTube User "bf2mad" just found this trailer on the Highlander The Source DVD.

Vip3r5986d ago

This better not be like Rob Roy and Bravheart films with the fake Scottish accents.

I'm a Scot btw.

tonsoffun5985d ago (Edited 5985d ago )

double ost sorry...

tonsoffun5986d ago

I agree the chracter sounded like one of the proclaimers trying to put on a Scots accent. They had better not mess about with the accents. ( I am a Scotsman too)

Also, I am not too sure how he fits into the time line of the films - but hell, the tv series did'nt fit in with them either....

Has the potential to be a kick aZZ game though....

scoobysnacks5986d ago (Edited 5986d ago )

er, the proclaimers are scottish. So are you saying that it sounded like a Scot trying to put on a Scots accent, because that just doesn't make any sense.

And is it just me or was it really weird that the oringal film used a frenchman to play a Scot, but then used a Scot (connery) to play a spanish immortal?

But yeah, the first film, which i'm a big fan of was great, not so keen on the sequels, but always thought that it could be the grounds for one hell of a game. Lets just hope they do it justice and it doesn't follow in the steps of most movie/game cash-ins.

tonsoffun5985d ago

No, I am trying to say it is sounds ike a scot trying very hard to sound like a scot, which results in a really pronounced accent - which may saound scottish to the rest of the world, but not to scots - an incredibly genralised imitation if you will......

scoobysnacks5985d ago

Ah, sorry, yeah understand where your coming from now. Yeah, nothing quite like an exaggerated accent. I'm part Scot myself, even though I don't have the accent, been raised in the south of england all my life. But my Scottish relatives, well they hate it when someone tries to pull of the accent and do it badly. Just like when american actors try and do an english accent and do it badly, but then I find that funny, for a short time.

hardcorehippiez5985d ago

but we do a great cover of a proclaimers song lol. oh am n.irish

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5985d ago
Majere5986d ago

They dont screw this up. I love the movies and the series.

Skerj5986d ago

Dude I totally forgot about this damn game, probably because no info was delivered on it. In any case if it hits this year hoo-freaking-ray I'm buying it.

Anego Montoya FTMFW5985d ago

would be the ONLY way to actually play HIGHLANDER.

1 loss and your game doesn`t work anymore. lol.

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E3 2013: Top 10 Dead Games We Want Revived for Next Gen


"I’d like to see some dead games come back to life…games that never were, that should have been this generation, that when revived for next gen consoles would re-animate into a new life with even better improvements.

These are the Top 10 games I’d like to see revived at E3 2013 for the next gen. Do you think Xbox One and PS4 or Wii U should have any of these games?"

BadCircuit4016d ago

I sooo want Battlefront 3 and Half Life 3. Where the heck did Patriots go?

Lazyeye794016d ago

I have lost all hope of seeing a Battlefront 3.

BadCircuit4016d ago

Help us Obi Wan, you are our only hope.

Ausbo4016d ago

God i hope disney has a heart and allows EA to do a battlefront

gaminoz4016d ago

Wow some of those games I've forgotten completely about.

NYC_Gamer4016d ago

I'd love for SEGA to bring Shenmue back from the dead

gaminoz4016d ago

Wow that's true. Haven't seen one of them for awhile!

aksobey4016d ago

Battlefront 3 get my vote!

gaminoz4016d ago

EA would be crazy not to make this game. Even if it was horrible (which hopefully it wouldn't be) it would sell!

SexyGamerDude4016d ago (Edited 4016d ago )

I want Square Enix to bring back Chrono Cross. Since Hudson merged with Konami they have enough funds to resurrect Bloody Roar 5 back from the dead, I would want to see that. And Capcom needs to bring back Darkstalkers and give it a modern day makeover.

gaminoz4016d ago

I want to see Onimusha back from Capcom! I loved that series.

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Lazygamer.net - Binned: Highlander The Game

Every year, we as gamers are practically flooded for choice, with games of all genres knocking on our consoles, provided that we can afford them all of course.

But while a ton of games hit the market every month, even more get cancelled and thrown into the oblivion bin, never to see the light of day.

There’s quite a few such titles that don’t make the cut every year, games which sound fantastic, but will be thrown away quicker than a new years resolution.

Today, we’re going to take a look at the Highlander game that never was, a game that would have been a current-gen tale of the immortals, told over thousands of years.

But in the end, there could be only none.


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Square Enix confirms cancellation of Highlander game we forgot existed

It’s usually bаd news bears fοr thе fate οf a particular game whеn wе gο nearly three years without hearing ѕο much аѕ a peep аbουt іt frοm іtѕ creators — hence ουr general lack οf surprise аt Square Enix’s recent revelation thаt Highlander: Thе Game‘s development hаѕ bееn halted.

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Dellis4870d ago

Final Fantasy XIII should had got the same treatment