
Will KH3 be on the PS3 or PS4? - Kingdom Hearts Union

GamingUnion: "Another four weeks have passed which means only one thing: a new episode of Kingdom Hearts Union is here! This week, join in with Branden, Churro, and Jackie as they jump into the KH world. They start off going through the news (yes, there is actually news!) with the sales figures for KH3D in Japan, a game breaking glitch, and the release dates for North America and Europe. After the news, they move into the Burning Question section."

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Arnagrim4422d ago

My understanding is that the main Kingdom Hearts team is still working on VersusXIII, so KH3 wouldn't have even begun development. I doubt we'll see a console Kingdom Hearts this gen.

zeal0us4422d ago (Edited 4422d ago )

I would say PS4, I wouldn't get my hopes up for the PS3 given how long it is taking develop FF games this gen. You will see more spin-offs of KH and maybe some ports before KH3 comes out.

NeXXXuS4422d ago

At least we know Final Fantasy Versus XIII is exclusive and it's being worked on. Hopefully Kingdom Hearts 3 will be the last. There have been WAY too many spin-offs.

Awesome_Gamer4422d ago

Probably PS4 since the main KH team is working ffXiiversus right now

Eamon4422d ago

The question is when will the PS4 even be released. Sony did intend for the PS3 to last a decade. The PS3 launched in 2006. That's still 4 years to go. It's likely KH3 will be out by then or at least nearly completed.

Capt-FuzzyPants4422d ago

I'm pretty sure Nomura said the next game he is working on after Versus is KH3. And he also said the next KH game will be the last for the Xehanort saga. And I think he hinted at TWEWY 2, so I doubt there's gonna be any more handheld games (I have trouble calling them spinoffs since they're actually really important to the overall plot).

vsr4422d ago

Sony released the PS3 too early when the PS2 ruled the roost. I think this time they will not do that mistake. So Probably KH 3 will be on PS3

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Lucretia4422d ago

Im guessing maybe KH3 could be at the end of ps3's life, mainly because they can just use the Versus engine. but who knows

Eamon4422d ago

True. Versus' gameplay is very similar to Kingdom Hearts so the engine would fit comfortably with KH3.

Unlimax4422d ago (Edited 4422d ago )

Kingdom hearts 10th anniversary means KH3 Announced in this Gen .. Just like RE6 and the 15th anniversary .

Unlimax4422d ago

What the F is wrong with people , i'm getting disagree's just for "Expect" !!؟

Lucretia4422d ago

Lol Unlimax. Expect only one thing on n4g.

People have nothing better to do than hit disagree and take bubbles.

nothing is better to them so much so infact that they rather do that than play the game or console they so enjoy to defend or obsess over

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gtxgamer24422d ago

just wondering, how do we know that it'll be exclusive to playstation?

kreate4422d ago

We dont. But we assume it'll be on playstation becuz thats where the most fans are. We're not sure if it'll be on a xbox though cuz it was historically never on a xbox.

Logical way of doing business is to release a hd collection of kh1-2 and release 3.

torchic4422d ago (Edited 4422d ago )

and after Versus XIII you gotta believe that Square will get Nomura and a few others from the Kingdom Hearts team and, of course the rest of the Square Enix 1st Production Team (who themselves are working on Final Fantasy X HD) to begin work on Final Fantasy XV with that shiny new engine.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is a long way off I honestly think. It's definitely coming, but it's far away.

Blaze9294422d ago

man, i really don't understand how they can make their fanbase wait so long for a sequel. I was in elementary school playing Kingdom Hearts when it came out - i don't expect to be 30 still waiting on KH3

showtimefolks4421d ago

you know what i don't think we will see it on ps3 unless its been in development for a while now, I think next gen consoles is a safe bet.

Until than how about atleast making a HD collection and not just the ps2 games include some side entries from handheld consoles but even if we an just KH 1-2 in a HD collection i would buy it

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4421d ago
Moncole4422d ago (Edited 4422d ago )

Probably be a multiplatform with the Wii U and PS3 or Wii U and PS4. Seeing how Kingdom Hearts games are coming on Nintedno products.

user54670074422d ago (Edited 4422d ago )

If the rumors are true...and I said IF they are true, and the Wii U isn't as powerful as the PS4 then I wouldn't want to see KH3 dumbed down because another console can't take it.

After how long fans have been waiting we deserve the best looking KH game they can make.

It still bugs me why they have them on Nintendo handhelds. hell even on mobiles, it makes it way too confusing having the preques and spinoffs scattered around on differen't platforms. Not everyone is made of money, hopefully they'll do a HD collection before KH3 comes out weith all the spin offs included, I mean they should do especialy if KH Dream Drop Distance ending leads onto KH3. When Chain of Memories did that for KH2 many people didn't have a clue what was going on...it was a tad unfair.

NeXXXuS4422d ago (Edited 4422d ago )

I wouldn't think so as much. Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 for the main story line of the franchise has been on PS2. The spin-offs have been on Gameboy Advance, DS, and PSP as well so I doubt the full blown game for Kingdom Hearts 3 would make it to the Nintendo Console.

trenso14422d ago

i wouldnt exactly count KH:BBS as a spin off its story is as important KH2

Shadonic4422d ago

multiplatform and next gen on ps3 wii and 360.

gtxgamer24422d ago

next gen on ps3 wii and 360? you do know thats current gen right

Shadonic4422d ago

lol i just noticed that lmao

no_more_heroes4422d ago

If its PS4 then I'm gonna have to wait another 6 years...

Fine, I've done 6 years already, what's another 6?


Skywalker1234422d ago

3ds if it continues to be the number 1 system in japan

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Final Fantasy XVI Has Finally Given Donald Duck A Worthy Opponent

For a long time, it's been widely accepted amongst Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts fans that Donald Duck is the most powerful mage ever to exist, mainly due to his use of the stupidly powerful Zettaflare spell towards the end of Kingdom Hearts 3. This spell is one step up from Teraflare, a spell which was used in Final Fantasy XIV that was so powerful that it completely wiped out the base game, giving the developers a canonical reason to let them bin everything and start again from scratch.

Now you're armed with this information, you can see how it was pretty surprising for Donald Duck of all characters to bust out Zettaflare and establish himself as the most powerful character in Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts lore. However, now that Final Fantasy XVI has arrived and delivered a whole new cast of characters, a new challenger has arrived to provide Donald with some much needed competition.

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Final Fantasy's Strongest Canonical Magic User Is... Donald Duck?

Final Fantasy features many strong characters, but an unlikely character from Kingdom Hearts is able to cast ​the most powerful spell ever seen

gold_drake389d ago

that was pretty amazing, not gonna lie, i might have shed a tear or too, just cause of pure awesomeness.

he was already my favourite disney character and one of my favs from KH and then to see that amazing spell too. aah so good xD


Final Fantasy's strongest magic user is Donald Duck, who never appears in a final fantasy game.


This Kingdom Hearts Boss' Unpredictability Gave Me Sekiro Vibes

Kingdom Hearts is filled with otherworldly boss battles, but only one stands out like a phoenix dancing with ethereal grace across the night sky. Before we embark upon a discussion concerning Kingdom Hearts' exceptional boss battles, it may be prudent to first reflect on the evolution of the criteria for appraising video game bosses. This criterion has undergone a major metamorphosis over the past decade; one that owes much to the profound influence of From Software and its iconic Souls series.

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-Gespenst-401d ago

"Yozora is much more than a grueling secret encounter; he is a reflection of what Kingdom Hearts' bosses should be"

No thank you. If every boss in Kingdom Hearts was like Yozora, the series would be unplayable. That's not to say that they shouldn't include such challenges, but making them fundamental to the game would be too much. And don't say that this is what the From Software games are, because Yozora is absolutely harder than most of the bosses in those games. He is waaay faster, has a ludicrous number of abilities (and does them in random order AND can chain most of them together), and punishes you severely if you make a mistake. On top of that, you have to survive this onslaught for a really long time because of how much health he has. It's borderline too much - for me at least. Still, it's a stunning battle.

OMNlPOTENT400d ago

I agree, while I do really enjoy the Yozora fight, I think it's far too difficult to be anything more than an optional boss. However, I do believe that there should be more bosses that are in the same weight and size class as Sora, as the majority of those in KH3 were the best fights. The giant heartless bosses just aren't as enjoyable.