
USB 3.0 Preview at CES


"Get ready, speed freaks. USB 3.0, the oft-rumored, much-discussed, rarely seen new standard heading our way has been spotted, sliced, chopped, and diced at CES 2008. Actually, we just got a chance to check the connectors and compare with the old 2.0 standard (which the reps tell us is backward compatible, of course). With speeds of 4.8 Gbit/s (600 MB/s), and a powering system which intelligently cuts the juice when you're not using a device, we have a feeling you'll want. Too bad we all have to wait till 2010... the year we make contact... with USB 3.0."

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Kakkoii5989d ago

Uhh oh.. USB 3.0 comes equipped with STD's....-A lol.

Anyways, now all we need is hard drives for our portable devices that can actually read data that fast lol. (Although some of the new solid state drives might. Don't know.)

BrianC62345989d ago

Not until 2010? That's a long time to wait. These standards committees sure take a long time to finalize specs. That's about normal in the computer industry. It would be nice to see this out by the end of the year though. I guess nothing will communicate that fast right now though. Can you imagine how fast you can download photos from a digital camera over that connection? Now if everything can just go wireless.

Gondee5988d ago

This is awsome, imagin having that extrenal hard drive that you can carry around. Man, id just instal some games on it. This would be nice for vista ready boost

LinuxGuru5989d ago

I like the intelligent power-save feature...

that would definitely help with my overzealous power usage.... =P

Tarmgar5989d ago

Till 2010 lol, I'm glad because I still don't have USB 2.0 o.o. This computer is a piece-o-sh!t.

Tru_Blu5989d ago

Ya my mobo I got a few years ago said it was 2.0. BS, Asus BS... I've tried everything that POS is not 2.0, take down the lie on the website.

mikeslemonade5989d ago

USB 3.0 is long overdue. Most people's first computer had USB 2.0 and now we're still using USB 2.0.

neil_19805989d ago

Are you being serious???? or is it just a case that most people who use this are that young?

Go dknows how many computers I had before USB 1 was even out!

mikeslemonade5989d ago

Most people's first computer had both usb 1 and usb 2 together.

jlytle12345989d ago (Edited 5989d ago )

NEIL 1980
so you are like me and still refer to the chord for your printer as a printer cable. despite the fact its been usb for some years now. And i bet you had a logitech joystich before there was force feedback and it had its own special slot as well. and everything could be locked into place with screws. and the only plug on the front of your computer was a headphone jack on your cd tray if you were high tech. remember reset buttons and the noise of a floppy disk as you typed commands from dos-shell?

Blank10175989d ago


ah the good old days. nothing like having to unscrew your printer connection so you could connect your game controller and then piggyback the printer off of it.

I still remember the joy of ordering my 2nd 2MB ram stick and really juicing that baby up so it could play ANYTHING!

(oh and dont even get me started on my Comm 64, greatest ever)

neil_19805984d ago

Yep... maybe im just old??? remember when a cassette player was an optional extra for loading games and any other software... if not you had to type out all the code before you could play it lol.

Seriously though...surely most people on heres first computer didnt come with usb2????

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5984d ago
Cartesian3D5989d ago (Edited 5989d ago )

may be its because of power consumption..

for higher speed u need higher frequency (serial ports) .. and higher frequency means faster respones (for example USB2 gaming mice compare to USB ones..) and Higher power consumption..

and portable devices like LAPTOPS or PMP s etc cant handle this one.. u need a new Battery technology for it ..

but u can have an external hard drive with dedicated power cord and a desktop pc to use full speed of USB3 .. but it isnt enough for mass market.

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