
PlayStation Store Preview – April 24th, 2012: The Walking Dead

The Dead may be Walking, but this update is very much alive and kicking. There’s plenty to download and play this week for the PlayStation 3. The PlayStation Vita? Not so much. But not to worry, we’ve updated our Coming Soon section with a slurry of PlayStation Vita games and more.

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Crazyglues4424d ago (Edited 4424d ago )

Walking Dead here I come... Can't wait to check this out -Looks like it might be cool.

Huge fan of the TV series so I'll indeed check this out, even though it is based more on the comic book. -from what I hear

Also on a side note- With Battlefield finally coming out with a download only version.. Why??? don't companies optimize it to play smoother from hard drive since technically that could be done -since it's faster to read from the hard drive. -(they could make buying the download version really sweet)

would be able to remove some of the loading screens on start up and going though the menu. -(I mean it's like they don't even give the people who have the disc a reason to get the download other then no more putting in the disc) which clearly is not enough for anyone to run out and get this option. -(they really need to offer more)


jeseth4423d ago

Yeah same here.

The show got interested enough to go show an interest in comics again and I've read the entire collection all the way up to the present issue twice!

I like that the game has a cell shaded style, adds that comic book feel!

For anyone that is in love with the shoiw I highly recommend the comics. Amazon has the 6 issue paper books and 12 issue hardovers for super cheap compared to retail. Just be warned! There are DRASTIC differences in the comic compared to the show! Doesn't ruin the show but the comics are a lot different in who lives, who dies, and who even exists!

Other than The Walking Dead, quite a loaded week!

cervantes2404424d ago

I may try out the Dragon's Dogma demo.

NukaCola4423d ago

Oh fo sho man. I think many of use are curious about this game. The demo is something I am looking forward too as I really don't know much outside of the vids I have seen.

DA_SHREDDER4423d ago

you may? what's wrong with you? Anyways, It's about time they added a ps2 game worth buying too. Red Faction was freakin awesome, can't say that much about the new direction this gen came out with, but I think it's about time I revisited this old classic.

Kran4424d ago (Edited 4424d ago )

Pre-purchased THW on Steam just last week. Shame it's episodic but I suppose its something to look forward to.

That is... if its any good.

Back to the Future was good, but not brilliant, but I looked forward to it each month.

Jurassic Park just wasnt as good as I thought.

Heres hoping (since TWD combines the two games) Telltale have learned from mistakes and actually made something decent. From what i've seen, it looks to be a game that'll get 7's/8's :)

Strange thing is though, I cant think of anyone more perfect than Telltale to make these games. I wouldnt be surprised if they make a Men in Black game one day.

Soldierone4423d ago

The thing I really hate is how short they all are. I got all the trophies and everything on one play through in about 20 minutes each.....

Kran4423d ago

Thats kind of an understatement. Each episode of BTTF will take you AT LEAST an hour to get all trophies for even with a video walkthrough.

Soldierone4423d ago

I think the last few took some time, the first 3 or so were short. Once you knew what you were doing it was rather fast.

20 minutes or an hour, either way wish they were longer.

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jznrpg90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

A lot of the quest lines in Skyrim are good(not all and they don’t add up as a whole if you do thieves guild mage fighters guild etc) The dragons are very lame after the first few times and the combat is clunky as it always has been. The stupid sprint button is ridiculous.

Overall I agree DD is the better rpg game.

Both have theirs strengths and weaknesses but Skyrim should be so much more being the 5th game in Elder Scrolls series.

Excited to see what they add on to DD 2.

Unfortunately all they have done to Elder Scrolls since Morrowind is take things out (minus the sprint button which is so lame because you can kill dragon god like creatures but can’t run for more than ten seconds without getting tired)

anast90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

I liked the vampire questline and the return to Morrowind was okay, but the problem with Skyrim was the lack of consequence. There is almost no point in the quests. After I realized this, I started messing around with the mods and then quit playing. Though, I did spend 300 hrs. on modded content, but this is telling of how bad the game kind of is.

If DD was the size or close to the size of Skyrim, It would have been the primer fantasy game back then. I hope they up the size with DD2.


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