
PlayStation 3 To Get Firmware Update & Sony Shows 2 BD-Live Players

At the Sony booth, they are showcasing two new prototype BD-Live players. The Sapphire 3 and 4 will both be Profile 2.0. Sony also has indicated that the PS3 will get a BD-Live upgrade sometime in the future.

Cyrus3655992d ago

Impressive that the first blu-ray on the market, or pretty much, is also the one the most "future proof". And also now is one of the cheapest blu-ray players, with almost as good features as High end blu-ray players (minus a few high end Audio decoding options).

THC CELL5992d ago

Future proof

the hd dvd guys must be crying now

crazy250005992d ago

just hope they update with DTS MA, would be awesome

bootsielon5992d ago

PS3 will get every CODEC, I really wouldn't worry about that. If any CODEC is necessary, Sony will notice and will pay the necessary royalties in order to convert the PS3 into the ultimate Media Center, as they did with DivX certification.

allatain5992d ago

I don't really think they would allow some containers either such as MKV files

But I do Like your thinking

Heaven_Or_Hell5992d ago

BD-Live ? What it's gonna be ?

xplosneer5992d ago

IE Online capabilities on the player.

n_n5991d ago

don't know what BD-Live is, but if it's as easy as a firmware update than i'm all for it... pretty cool that the PS3 is so futureproof

YoMeViet5992d ago

I wish they could add codecs for the old Xvid and DviX files so i can watch my old anime on my PS3...

360sucks5992d ago

just re run them
with divx convert

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The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

Sony owns a fair few iconic franchises - many dating right back to the original PlayStation. But while we’re pretty familiar with the likes of ongoing series such as God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo, there are plenty of PlayStation franchises that haven’t seen the light of day in a long time. So in this video, we’re going to be taking a look at the status of PlayStation’s many IPs, and checking in on when we last heard from them.

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Skuletor4h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde38m ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast19m ago

Which ones should they utilize more?


All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie1d 23h ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


10 Underrated PS3 Games That Are Hidden Gems

With these hidden gems to add to your backlog, it’s time to give some bangers the shine they deserve.

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DarXyde3d ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy012d ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.