
BioWare clarify how to get Mass Effect 3 “perfect ending”

There’s been some confusion about whether you need to participate in Mass Effect 3′s multiplayer to access the single-player story’s “best” endings, but BioWare have clarified exactly how the system works.

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BiggCMan4468d ago

No spoilers in this article for anyone interested.

Captain Qwark 94468d ago

nope and its also kind of neat how they did that. caters to both singleplayer and mp people.

if you love sp and want the best ending, do all quests, side and all.

if you love mp and just want the main quest but still want the best ending, play a lot of the mp.

props to bioware for this one

IamPewpew4468d ago

Here is my question...

The metacritic user score is like 4.3 something... and most of them complain about the ending.

First the game came out yesterday... there is no way anyone would have finished the game

Second.. doesn't this game have multiple endings? So how exactly can THE ending suck... when there is more than one ending?

Metacritic should let people who actually finish the game review it, or atleast approve what is being posted.. such a stupid system

jwk944468d ago

They took the files outta the PC version of the game.

Gaming1014468d ago

@ IamPewpew
What you need to realize is the internet is the wild west, and that you should take publicly given scores with a grain of salt. There's very little objectivity anymore in gaming journalism, so you'll also have to take gaming website reviews with a grain of salt too, as they rely far too much on opinion, and don't stress objectively what a game is like, good or bad.

tmoss7264468d ago

There are 2 endings (obviously like in ME2) but I just beat it today, took around 21 hours.

JhawkFootball064468d ago

There are 3 endings. It you disagree look them up.

Megaton4468d ago

There are 3 endings and they're all extremely similar, full of plot holes, and give the player very little closure. I'm not on the hate bandwagon you'll find at BSN, but I have my own grievances with the endings.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4468d ago
jakethesnake4468d ago

Thank you! Wasn't sure if I should click on this or not but i was really wondering. Appreciate it!

snipes1014468d ago

Thank god. My school blocks Xbox's and PS3's from their internet so I have no Live here. That would have kind of pissed me off if I had to get online to get the best ending.

tigertron4468d ago

This should have been clarified from the moment they announced the inclusion of a multiplayer.


It was clarified when they announced multiplayer. People just didn't hear them over the sound of the angry mob.

tigertron4468d ago

Mind linking me to where they talked about galactic readiness levels etc?

Blacktric4468d ago

They didn't talk about Galactic Readiness level for God's sake but they said it's still possible to get the "best" ending just by playing Single Player. Stop trying to invalidate people by asking stuff that doesn't matter.


The bit that interests you;

"Mass Effect 3's co-op is optional. You'll be able to finish the sci-fi role-playing game without touching it and even get the best ending..."

CAPSLOCKFURY4468d ago (Edited 4468d ago )

There's a link in a comment down the page. Boogered up on the reply and ate up my last bubble.

@Blacktric Try reading the mentioned article and the article that's linked in that article under the big blue link of "Galactic Readiness"

yog-sothot4468d ago

I like having different endings but I do not want a universal "best" ending

TekoIie4468d ago (Edited 4468d ago )

I agree with you there dude. Personally like it when things don't go 100% to plan. I made sure characters actually died on the suicide mission cuz that's what was meant to happen after all. Hopefully it won't be simple since I have heard that helping one group will make another be unwilling to help you.

Just looking forward to see how my desicions about the geth and collectors Play out since this game let's me make desicions that could portray me in real life (to an extent) and it'll be interesting what makes my game different to everyone else :D

STONEY44468d ago

Well you're in for a treat, because even the "best" ending is anything but 100% happy from what I've heard.


@tigertron Searching through the Bioware Social site forums would reveal several instances of them talking about it. I'm too lazy to so here's a eurogamer article from October.


There's a lot of other articles floating around there too.

Bobby Kotex4468d ago

Has anyone found anything searching star systems? I push the button all the time and have found nothing so far.

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BioWare Could be Working on More than Just Dragon Age Dreadwolf and Mass Effect 4

Earlier this year, BioWare was hit with layoffs as part of a downsizing of parent company Electronic Arts, but fans have been reassured that the next Mass Effect game hasn’t been impacted. Likewise, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’s development is still churning along, with BioWare putting it at the forefront of its focus and rumors suggesting that it could launch sometime later this year. Fans might be getting another look at the long-in-development Dragon Age: Dreadwolf at the Summer Game Fest in June.

If the recently posted job offering for a temporary development manager is any indication, BioWare could have yet another surprise up its sleeve for when Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf are nearing completion. This mystery BioWare video game could truly be anything, from another spin-off of its two major properties to something entirely new. All there is to go on at the moment is a vague mention in the job posting, and it might still be some time before BioWare is ready to confirm any new games in its pipeline.

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just_looken60d ago

So a studio that spent years on anthem then this dragon age thing is now also working on another ip along with mass effect,

You think they would be worried that there brand has been on 3 major screw ups

Dragon age 3 launched broken with the frostbite engine yes its a good game but you can see in the late game how rough it was


Mass effect 4 well that dev team was fired so yeah.....

They should make sure this new dragon age is a goat instead of putting more work on the table

bababooiy59d ago

Bioware today is like 150 poeple i dont see how they are seemingly working on all these projects at the same time.

Michiel198959d ago

Inquisition wasn't broken, it just had some flaws and on the contrary it also had some strengths. If you call inquisition a major screw up then idk what to say.

That said with what happened to the study since then and now, I'm not really confident that their next game will be any good.

just_looken59d ago

If you played it fully to get plat like me back in its novemeber launch window you had that castle with empty area's endgame missions not there or working and a mp that was made around loot box grind like the mass effect mp.

Its hard to explain to those that played it years later after they tossed out the dlc/patch's

Michiel198959d ago

entitled much? I played it at launch too. Why you even platted it if it was a "major screw up"?
It was good enough for you to sink 100 hours in but also a complete fuckup at the same time, make up your mind.
So either you like shitty games or you're just talking out of your ass.

RaidenBlack59d ago

Well just wanna say, Archetype Entertainment is the new BioWare, composed of mainly ex-BioWare vets.
And they're developing Exodus (starring Matthew McConaughey), a new sci-fi RPG (spiritual successor to Mass Effect, dare I say?)

CantThinkOfAUsername59d ago

I hope it's a single player game with Anthem's gameplay mechanics.

Becuzisaid59d ago

They're owned by EA. What makes you think that they wouldn't publish for PS5? Shoot, if your fridge could connect to your bank account EA would try to release it for that if they could!

Double_O_Revan60d ago

How about they focus on those games and not over extend themselves? We don't need another Anthem.

Becuzisaid59d ago

Bioware died after Inquisition (some would even argue after ME3). They are no longer the same company.

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Mass Effect 3's Ending for Javik Misses the Forest for the Trees

Based on one narratively fitting ending in Mass Effect 3, Prothean squadmate Javik is highly unlikely to return in the next Mass Effect game.

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anast87d ago

He was one of my least favorite characters. I wish they would have done the Proths different.


Mass Effect Writer Reveals Why He Left BioWare

During a part of his interview with Minnmax, Mac Walters gave details of why he chose to leave BioWare.

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