
PlayStation 4 is "Essentially a PC" in Terms of Tech

GR - "Tucked away behind a registration wall, Digital Foundry's Richard Leadbetter has heard from what he claims to be a reputable source that the upcoming Sony console—the PlayStation 4—is "essentially a PC" in terms of its technological make-up."

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reynod4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

Its a PC with no BC.

People say console gaming is supposed to be cheap. Its funny people fail to calculate all the games they purchased this gen may not work next gen. Imo that alone is a loss worth thousands of USDs. Even if console gamers disregard the fast that every game bought on PC is eachper.

Imo current Mid range PC owners might not even have to upgrade to match or exceed the performance of upcoming consoles.

All of a sudden console gaming looks expensive. I guess ill be laughing at the people buying HD remakes just to get some BC back.

edit: If it really is based on X86 it just means emulating PS4 will be all the more easier on a PC. Hence this may not be a good move. Good for me though, id personally buy the software play it on a PC.


Well with dumping Cell and going X86, getting BC will be a nightmare unless they decide to include the PS3 hardware in the box, which defeats the point of making the system cost effective.

I personally play my old games on the PC too. I still play alot of CS, Warcraft 3 (Dota), id kill a kitten if i was told those games would no longer work on my next build. Great to be a PC gamer 1000's of games on my catalog and growing everyday. Its cool starting another gen with all my lib, oh wait we dont have gens lol.

fluffydelusions4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

No one knows if it will or won't have BC yet. No point in really talking about that yet. That said, that is the good thing about PC in that you don't have to really worry about BC. I'm still playing games from over a decade ago no problem. Also, Steam deals ah gotta love them. Can't get anything like them on console sadly. I mean where else can you get Fallout NV + all DLC for $7?

T9004477d ago

"Its a PC with no BC."

Let me correct that a bit

Its a PC with:

Limited functionality
Locked down
Expensive accessories
Limited upgrade path
Royalties on every game bought
Has its controls in the hands of the maker.

List goes on.

sikbeta4477d ago

PS4 better has loads of games on launch day if there is no BC for it, the fact that I'll not be able to play GT5 annoys me the most, GT6 on launch day!

Honestly, if they don't have a great launch lineup, I'll not buy a damn!

ApplEaglElephant4477d ago

Whether its close to PC or not, console will be WAY more efficient. Thats just the nature of it.

Devs will be able to make games way more efficient to the hardware cause everyone has the same. Even if it gets out speced by PC, it will easily outperform still.

Sorry to break it to ya, but BC is still very possible with addition to few hardware. and from way Sony is going with VIta, i would say it would happen.

anyway, it will have amazing exclusives that will destroy Xbox and PC anyways, and thats what matters the most.

firelogic4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

@sikbeta, hey genius, how about playing that copy of GT5 on the machine it was made for? You know, that PS3 thing you have sitting by your TV. If playing GT5 is THAT important to you, don't buy a PS4. It's as simple as that.

SilentNegotiator4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )


Uh, I think he meant that the CPU, GPU are more akin to what you find in a PC, and less like the cell.

No need to go on an elitist rage because hardware was compared to being typical hardware.

Oh stop trolling. You wouldn't buy a playstation product if it dispensed money and horny sexy people.

Boody-Bandit4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

Here we go again. The next Playstation hasn't even officially been announced and people are speculating it's impending doom. If you have a plethora of PS3 titles then you obviously have a PS3 console.

There is no need for backwards compatibility any more. We don't live in an age where displays only have 1 or 2 video inputs. Most displays today have several and that was the single biggest concern from previous generations. Having to disconnect one console to connect another because of limited inputs on your display.

That is no longer the case so there is no reason why anyone should use this as a strike against a console for any reason. Besides the biggest reason, The damn system hasn't officially been announced and NOBODY knows it's TRUE specs yet.

jthamind4477d ago

yeah, it's essentially a PC that will be outdated when it hits the market. in addition to everything T900 pointed out.

DigitalxPiracy4477d ago


So what you're saying is that it's like a PC but not really? :) I'm done with consoles.

AngryTypingGuy4476d ago

In other words, the PS4 will feature cross-game chat.

Muerte24944476d ago (Edited 4476d ago )

I highly doubt that Sony is abandoning the Cell for this simple reason. Even til this day is still one of the fastest processors out there. If you also look at the Piledriver from amd and Ivybridge from Intel, their essentially setting themselves up to be like the Cell. It's much more cost effective then outsorcing it.

Regarding the statement about the ps4 being more like a PC. I would like to go and correct them a bit. PS3 still has a GPU and CPU. Sony just partially achieved what Intel was trying to do with the Larabee. Why abandon something thousands of developer have spent time optimizing coding for it.

Sorry for it being so long but that's my two cents.

@AngryTypingGuy, it had nothing to do with the Cell or RSX, it came down to just not having enough RAM.

MaxXAttaxX4476d ago

There are some games(such as PS3 games) that no matter how hard you try or how much you pay for tech, you won't be able to play on PC.

People have friends on PSN. There's an existing community.

You people believe that simply gaming on PC automatically means better graphics/performace. The average PC owner doesn't even have a "high end" PC.
Where as all console owners get an equal experience.

The people who care the most about how "outdated" console hardware is/will be are PC fanboys.

ChiVoLok04476d ago

It's probably a combination of a PC and a Playstation so maybe they should call it PC4 instead os PS4? Jk that would sound dumb

Oner4476d ago (Edited 4476d ago )

@ Brutallyhonest ~ "Here we go again. The next Playstation hasn't even officially been announced and people are speculating it's impending doom."

Nothing different from what has been said in the media (and N4G) since 06/07 or so....(quoted for absolute and complete TRUTH).



Edit: Oh, almost forgot (gotta save them "bubbles" ya know lol)...there is nothing more to say than that to prove *some* others wrong here (like a few below) because they can't even admit the truth when proven WRONG with complete confirm-able proof.


BattleAxe4476d ago (Edited 4476d ago )

I was a PS2 owner, I currently own a 60 GB PS3 that I bought in Sept 2007, I also own a 120 GB Slim PS3 that I upgraded to a 500 GB HDD, and I own a PSP 2000. Currently I own around 22 or 23 full games that I've downloaded from the PSN. I can say for certain, that if SONY doesn't bring full Backwards Compatibility to the PS4, then I won't be buying any next generation console. If BC isn't a feature on the PS4, then I would probably just buy another PS3 if the two that I own ever decide to up and quit on me.

I've also been the proud owner of a Dell Studio XPS 9000 for the past 2 1/2 years. Over the past 2 years, I have become a major fan of STEAM, so I wouldn't have any problem whatsoever just sticking with my PC for all my gaming needs. I have to say however, that there is a chance that I would pick up a PS VITA, but only if they add HDMI Out.

AngryTypingGuy4476d ago (Edited 4476d ago )

What, you "people" disagree with me? How much you wanna bet that the PS4 has cross-game chat? ;-D

Sarcasm folks, sarcasm.

F7U124476d ago (Edited 4476d ago )


And for all those reasons you listed and more are why I will never go back to consoles for my gaming needs. The cost for games at the moment on consoles is just to damn high!


I don't even want to think about my fellow gamers that have to pay just so that they can game online...poor bastards!

<3 Steam

RufustheKing4476d ago

Playstation will be doomed for the fisrt 3 years if they make the same mistakes as they did with the PS3. affordable price, Good launch titles.

also throw in a mic into the box as well. one thing PS suffered from more than anything was MP with no one talking or planning attacks.

Army_of_Darkness4476d ago (Edited 4476d ago )

I have a solution although its a little crazy, but how about just keeping your ps3?!?! Maybe Sony is letting us know this ahead of time so we don't end up trading or selling our consoles?? Just saying... I can't help but notice how pc fanboys are the ones mainly complaining about this, like as if they were gonna buy one in the first place. They just scared that consoles are gonna eventually be almost, if not as powerful as PCs soon. Lol! Btw, games on consoles are actually pretty cheap, if your willing to wait 6-12 months later after a new released game. From $60 to $20/$30 in a price drop less than a year isn't to shabby if you ask me.

Jobesy4476d ago

@ Reynod, "People say console gaming is supposed to be cheap. Its funny people fail to calculate all the games they purchased this gen may not work next gen. Imo that alone is a loss worth thousands of USDs. Even if console gamers disregard the fast that every game bought on PC is eachper."

1. Hmmm, you can't Gamefly/Blockbuster/Redbox PC games...just saying. Gaming is only expensive if you want it to be. I've played EVERY single game this gen that I've wanted to for a very minimal amount of money. See, us console gamers aren't forced to purchase games at retail in order to play them. If we do choose to buy them we can easily sell them for 75% of it's value within a couple months.

2. I wasn't aware that when a new console releases all the games I currently have will stop working! Damn, who knew discs had expiration dates on them!

Gamer19824476d ago

Like a PC first and foremost will solve PS3 game development issues. Remember 360 getting exclusives and games early as it was almost a pc? So therefore easier to port/develop for? This is a good move for Sony.

Dee_914476d ago

for someone that knows nothing about anything some of you sure have a lot to say.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 4476d ago
Ariadeno4477d ago

You're wrong about the ps4 easily being emulated. The first Xbox is based on x86 too, but a working xbox emulator has yet to come.

reynod4477d ago

I didnt say easily emulated. I did say Easier. Check CXBX its an emulator for the original Xbox. Sure it doesnt run many games however it is there.

There wasnt much incentive to Emulate the Xbox 1 to begin with because most of its games were out on the PC anyways. Cell was simply too complicated to emulate. In comparison an X86 CPU will be much easier.

Baka-akaB4477d ago

there were plenty incentive and exclusive actually . They just couldnt do it for a long long while , and still can't do it properly

hellvaguy4476d ago

"but a working xbox emulator has yet to come"

Um hate to break it to you but 90-95% of the xbox games are already compatible on the 360, so there wouldnt be much profit in making an emulator.


Ariadeno4476d ago


Dear friend we're talking about an emulator on pc, not an xbox emulator on 360.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4476d ago
Ariadeno4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

Yeah, the emulator is there but you forgot that the best you can get out of it is a roughly 6 frames per second even on a high end pc. Okay youre saying easier, but the ps2 had a more complex architecture than xbox too. The ps2 emulator wound up having much much better results than the xbox emulator despite the complex architecture. Besides that, the xbox had windows as its OS and did use the directx library which is also not that difficult to emulate. I agree that x86 is easier than any other arch to emulate on a pc, but even if it is slightly easier we won't see a PS4 emulator. It isn't just simply the architecture. A lot of reverse engineering needs to be done.

Baka-akaB4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

I dont even see that many people claim that console gaming is cheaper actually . Hell almost never .

People argue only about the initial cost of the machines . And despite constant posts telling otherwise , the initial cost of a good gaming pc is higher .

Now of course you'd wanna factor later in the cost of the game , always higher on consoles , not to mention dlcs .

But pc fanatics are every bit as bad as consoles fanboy when it comes to fudging numbers . They love to pretend they'd buy a a flat 300 dollar rate machine to play everything in high settings , whatever the year , or they'd out of the blue factor in the cost of tvs when it comes to consoles ... as if you didnt buy screens for pc neither .

You make a good point about old games , but even then , you kinda forget that BC has been a part of consoles gaming for years now , be it fully or partially . Or that at some point the old machines gets incredibly cheaper .

It wasnt that long ago that the ps2 and dreamcast got well emulated , and depending on games there were (and still are) a few bugs and kinks to iron out or requiring some high end specs at first . Meanwhile new and used ps2 have been available still in masses for dirt cheap .

petereater4477d ago

pc is cheaper in the long run even if you pay $1000 for new hardware the direct download titles are usually $40 instead of the console average $60 price tag

that $20 adds way up in the long run

OpenGL4477d ago

Well console gaming definitely is not cheaper in the long run, but as a PC gamer I can understand why some prefer it as there is a certain amount of convenience to console gaming, and some titles you simply cannot get on the PC.

n4f4477d ago

why they have to compare it to pc, i thought pc was suppose to be dying!/s
does that mean that it will be dead on arrival?!1
any way i love my asus no complain about that but why do sony have to compare and put so much in there products. ps3 was suppose to be 4dimention where the eff is that.

ChrisW4477d ago

I guess comparing it to a PC is better than saying it's a multimedia-entertainment-Blu-R ay player.

sikbeta4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

It's because of the nature of the CPU, the chips used in consoles are closed or something like that while PCs no way, that's why the comparison and they don't have any problem with the console being a multimedia device, in fact that's one of the selling points :P

BubloZX4476d ago

where in hell did sony state the ps3 would be 4 dimensional?

Laika4477d ago

not all pc games play so easily. I have multiple old games on steam that I can't get to work. I eventually gave up on them. also people seem to forget that just because a new Gen starts that doesn't mean you have to ditch your old system. lastly i hate when people say pc games are so cheap. just about every big must have AAA title has been 60

ps i heart dota :)

TitanUp4477d ago

its because of sales,daily deals,weekend deals,mac monday,holiday sales all from digital services

steam right now,jurasic park 66% 10.19

ass creed rev 24.99$

gamersgate crysis complete pack 23.96

greenmangaming borderlands 4.99

impulse wheelman 2.49 and there is a few more good services out there with more sales and some weekend deals are going to be showing up.

Highlife4477d ago

"People say console gaming is supposed to be cheap. Its funny people fail to calculate all the games they purchased this gen may not work next gen. Imo that alone is a loss worth thousands of USDs."

No one says that you have to ditch your ps3!

HappyGaming4477d ago

If you have thousands of games for your 360 or PS3 it means you have a flipping 360 or PS3 who is stopping you from playing those games on your console if you cant play them on the next gen console?

xflo3604477d ago

No offence but you come across as bein a complete nob.

gypsygib4477d ago

@ reynod

If you have a bunch of PS3 games, I'm assuming you have a PS3 too....just keep that and problem solved.

I still have my PS1 and PS2 (and their boxes) because I'm not giving away my system that I paid 300-400 dollars for to EB Games for $40. I rather just keep it, and if they're worth so little I rather just treat it like a collectors item.

Who knows, in 20 years you may be able to sell the entire Playstation family on EBay to a collector for $1000.

I don't know why people place so much importance on BC when they'll spend 90%+ of their time playing new beautiful PS4 games.

ProjectVulcan4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

Yep, i believe it is better to keep the original machine in the case of PS3 it will difficult to emulate or expensive to include PS3's chipset in a new machine. I personally don't need or want it, if i already have a PS3.

It isn't such a big deal, it never used to be until a few generations ago. In reality i doubt it is now just because of the amount of people that still bought a PS3 knowing it couldn't play PS2 games.

specialguest4476d ago

I also don't get why BC is being blown out of propotion and made into this huge issue. Every past consoles that used cartridge except Atari 2600-7800 did not have BC and no one ever complained. Like what many have already stated, if they truely need to play their last gen games again, just play it on the original console they own.

Arksine4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

It sounds to me like Leadbetter has heard that Sony will be using an AMD APU for their next console, and from that he is extrapolating that it will be "essentially a PC."

It sounds very much like the AMD part could be true, and if that is the case I do think it will include their fusion technology. That said, I don't think it would be one if their standard off the shelf x86 processors. It would be a fusion product tweaked for a console environment.

If Sony wanted to with off the shelf x86, it would make more sense to go with Intel. They are the ones getting ready to deploy 22nm technology, and their x86 architecture is currently the best performance wise.

If these rumors are true, AMD must have shown Sony something behind closed doors that really blew their socks off. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense to just abandon the Cell, and it wouldn't make sense to choose AMD over Intel.

ProjectVulcan4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

An AMD APU essentially means that it can never be the absolute cutting edge of videogame technology and performance.

Using one single die, one chip, with a CPU and a GPU integrated together means you will get memory bus bandwidth and latency advantages.

But it isn't nearly enough to compensate for the fact neither chip can be massive and thus at the cutting edge of performance because they are sharing space.

They will only ever be at least 1 whole generation behind the fastest graphics processors around in terms of top end performance.

It is clear AMD's CPUs are inferior to Intel's, but of course their graphics technology is far more advanced. Sony probably shopped around for designs and an AMD APU would have been attractive for the cost and simplicity of design.

Choosing that means you reject the cost and complexity of multiple chips. You give up performance but really i think maximum outright speed is no longer a goal for consoles. Especially after seeing Wii's success.

All this generation developers have complained about the rising cost of their trade. Sony would be very smart if they delivered a very simple but powerful platform and fantastic set of devtools.

Being attractive to developers is always a great thing and ensures your machine always gets the talent it deserves working with it.

Silly gameAr4477d ago

When did BC become so important that it would make or break a system. Aren't new systems supposed to have their own games?

ThatArtGuy4477d ago

It's because it's Sony. No one talks BC when it comes to other consoles.

SkyGamer4477d ago

For a long time it didn't matter. We were fine with the Atari, Nintendo and Sega eras. Then came in playstation and they were the ones that touted bc as such an important feature. MS tried to keep up but with different chipsets, it was impossible to have 100%. Nintendo did with Wii but essentially Wii is an enhanced Gamecube with same architecture.

GraveLord4477d ago

All the games I purchased for my PS3 will still work next gen. Why? I'm keeping my PS3.

About you playing your old games on PC......Windows Vista says hi. You know that wasn't very compatible with old games.

caboose324477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

Good Old Games says HI.

A website used exclusively for selling OLD pc games compatible with new systems.

raytraceme4477d ago

Sony owns the cell plant why the f would they not use the cell??? Also amd bulldozer is a fail that i accidently purchased. AMD has shitty processors so why use them for both?

Nes_Daze4477d ago

Obviously you're a pc gamer, I have no interest in playing on a piece of hardware that practically has no online community. Only reason I'd stick to building a complicated rig and slouching over my computer desk would be a very good mmo, which I haven't found yet..

annus4476d ago

You know you're a console gamer when you think PC has no online community. WoW still has over 10million active subscribers, that's not just people who bought the game, they are still paying the ~$12 a month to play it. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe any console has even close to that many people still playing any game, infact I doubt there is any game that still even has 2 million active players. PC community obviously is non existent.

360ICE4477d ago

It's a PC with games :P
No, but can we stop talking trash about each others platforms? Are you trying to convince others their choice is irrational? Let me be the first to say, it doesn't work that way. Personally I wouldn't play games with a mouse and keyboard if I was payed to do it - and I have all the understanding in the world for people who would rather burn a controller than use it to play video games. People's choice of platform is about the little things. That game you played as a kid is on that platform, it's nice having split-screen or it's nice being able to keep work and play on one machine. It's not about rationality, and neither should it be so let's all live happily alongside each other.

wicko4477d ago

You realize the PS2 shipped with PSX hardware, and PS3 shipped with PS2 hardware? It is far from a given that PS4 won't play PS3 games.

stuna14476d ago

Just for argument sake there is no b/c for ps3 game the ps4! That does not change the fact for those of us gamers, myself included who have spent countless dollars on gaming will still possess a ps3 when the ps4 does come out!

In this day and age, one would be hard pressed to find a one console individual. Just saying!

JsonHenry4476d ago

I've read reports from actual tech sites and most of which seem to agree they are going with and AMD Fusion GPU/CPU style setup in their next console.

If so that could be really be really big for multiplats next gen as the PS4 will be easier to code for by a large margin than the current generation PS3.

THESONYPS34476d ago (Edited 4476d ago )

PS4, sounds dreamy, doesn't it?

THESONYPS34476d ago

Dont worry we have everything under controll ;)

MysticStrummer4476d ago

What?!? An article about a console or it's games is being trolled by PC fans? Shocking. How about this idea... wait until the thing actually exists before you start running it down. Maybe you can use the time in between now and then to play all those amazing PC games we keep hearing about. You know... the games that should be keeping you busy right now but aren't...?

hellvaguy4476d ago

If you buy digital copies, you dont have to worry about bc.

gaden_malak4476d ago (Edited 4476d ago )

I didn't know my PS3 would disappear the moment I got a PS4.

Oh wait it doesn't. If I want to play a PS3 game I will play it on a PS3.

The point of a console is to play current-gen games, not old ones.

Tsar4ever014476d ago (Edited 4476d ago )

"PlayStation 4 is "Essentially a PC" in Terms of Tech" Hmm, I remember ways back when K. Kutaragi promo-ed the PS3 "Essentially a super computer" ways back......

Another AMD/ATI built in the PS4 thingy again. Man, all this time I was "tech dreaming" the specs for the ps4 like,


Then months after that, New article comes to N4G, "Sony buy Toshiba Cell plant, will be using cell for the PS4",

Damn, had to re dream spec this over again....

CPU: CELL BE2, DUAL CORE PPE, 16SPE 32mns, 3.8Ghz

Turns out that the "PowerVR GPU for next PS" articles were not for the ps4, but the GPU for the PSvita.

Few months after that. New post shows up on N4G. "Game devs demands MORE SYSTEM MEMORY on next gen consoles" Crytek devs want to see at least 8GB, Epic, Bethesda & Dice also want LOTS MORE RAM. J. Carmack want to see more CORES in next gen consoles.

Ok, now again,
CPU: CELL2, QUAD CORE PPE, 28SPE, 3.8Ghz, 32nm

Now, "Rumor SONY's dropping the CELL, AMD/ATI will be making GPU for PS4"

!!!!???? Doh!!!

Now do I have to start tech dreaming an AMD fusion
APU/Radeon specs now?

Hayabusa 1174476d ago

And the moral of the story is...don't rely on N4G for your info (although some of those rumours might actually be true ;))

andibandit4476d ago (Edited 4476d ago )


I used to be a PC gamer, but i got tired of all the aimbot wallhacker stuff.

I also tired of having to search forums to figure out why X game crashed during Y sequence on my pc.

I also got tired of when getting beat, thinking maybe it's because the opponent has a faster PC, hence i must start thinking about upgrading.

i also tired of:
Updates for windows, updates for antivirus, update for flash, updates for internet explorer, updates for uTorrent, updates for java, update for messenger, defragging, find drivers, clean registry, uninstall some freaking toolbar i didnt want......list is endless.

nowadays i just come home, turn on one of the consoles, sit in my sofa, light a cigarette, kick back and relax.
And when there is an update for one of the consoles, i get a little bit excited.

Akin04476d ago (Edited 4476d ago )

Cell is already emulated on x86 architecture. You can download a cell emulator and write programs on your linux pc to run on the cell emulator. No doubt Sony already has an RSX emulator. So this go around BC is not a technical decision its a business one.

As I said below IBM screwed over Sony by reusing the Cell core in Xenon, so no surprise Sony is going with AMD. Without Cell there is no Xenon and no Xbox360.

zero_cool4476d ago

Science is unique in that its methods demand not only that the ideas proposed be tested and replicated, but everything science comes up with is also inherently falsifiable. In other words, unlike religion and politics, science has no ego, and everything it suggests accepts the possibility of being proven wrong eventually. It holds on to nothing and evolves constantly.”

Cheers Gamers & Happy Gaming!

Hayabusa 1174476d ago

FFS! I'm tired of people moaning about BC. Why would you need it? If you want to hold to your old games and still play them, then keep your PS3/360. And I'm perfetly happy leaving old games behind to play new ones. Sure, I still play old games I enjoy, but if I can't play them any more, too bad, I'll miss 'em, but I'll also move on and play something else. It's part of life FFS.

Ever heard of a game called Otogi on the Xbox? One of my favourite games of all time. It isn't BC on the 360 because it isn't well known. If I want to play it, I'll stick it in my original XBox and turn it on. Simple.

And console gamers don't waste 1000 USD on games, because they played them when they came out and enjoyed them. At the end of the day, if people want to play a old game for the rest of eternity they can, they don't need new hardware that's BC to do that :P

2pacalypsenow4476d ago

I have a Gaming PC with SLI GTX580's and i still enjoy console gaming more

+ Show (29) more repliesLast reply 4476d ago
fluffydelusions4477d ago

Good if true...that means easier for devs to work with

DA_SHREDDER4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

Not only easier to work with, but also open source, like how the ps3 already implements certain aspects from Steam. The ps3 uses open source code already, so this is really no surprise.

Edit: I see fluffy, but you get what I'm saying, Steam already works on ps3 through the software, so I would imagine the ps4 will beable to do more than what the ps3 is already doing.

fluffydelusions4477d ago

Using opensource code and being opensource is completely different. OSX/iOS uses opensource code but is far from OSS...same with PS3.

AmaZinG4477d ago

i think Sony is going the right way because Xbox got alot of support because it was easy and similiar to a pc to develop...

Titanz4477d ago

Anything that makes life easier for 3rd party developers, should always be considered.

arnyftw4477d ago

Yes this is good news, devs can just make the game on one console or PC and then port it over to everything easily. This would also mean that if the nextbox and ps4 have similar CPU and GPU, games will be exactly the same and have the same bugs etc. Actually if the specs are very similar both the consoles will have exactly the same version of games.

bubwright4477d ago

didnt they say this about PS3 before that come out?

Megaman_nerd4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

Sony said the PS3 would have PC functionalities (because of the Linux OS) but what Digital Foundry is saying is that the PS4 set-up from a hardware perspective will be a exactly as a PC. Essentially a proprietary PC.

Remember that the PS3 has Cell that runs on a PPE with 8 Spe's. Not very PC like.

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Forget Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim Can Easily Be Made Into A Next-Gen Game

ScreenRant's Stephen Tang writes, "The Elder Scrolls 6 won't be releasing for a while, and in the meantime, the modding community has been making Skyrim into a next-gen game."

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The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

Sony owns a fair few iconic franchises - many dating right back to the original PlayStation. But while we’re pretty familiar with the likes of ongoing series such as God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo, there are plenty of PlayStation franchises that haven’t seen the light of day in a long time. So in this video, we’re going to be taking a look at the status of PlayStation’s many IPs, and checking in on when we last heard from them.

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Skuletor8h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde4h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast4h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows3h ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

I_am_Batman2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

When new IPs start looking like Concord, you can't blame people for wanting another Resistance or Killzone instead.

anast1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

J&D and Resistance are good ones. As much as I love these, though, I'm not sure they would payoff without an enormous marketing push. Younger gamers today do not have taste and the older gamers that would appreciate these might not be enough. But yeah, I would day 1 Resistance.

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Hotpot46m ago

Well that’s just the consequence of consistently producing new IPs isn’t it. Not all studios can be or want to be like polyphony digital who made gran turismo all the time.

Abear212h ago

Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.


All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.