
Runic Games vs. Blizzard Entertainment: The Battle for Best Action RPG of 2012?

"As of late, we’ve all been hearing about Diablo III and everything associated with it, but what you probably haven’t heard may sway you away from the next upcoming game by Blizzard Entertainment. The real company that has Diablo and Diablo II on their resume is respectively known as Runic Games. Runic Games consists of the brotherly duo Max and Erich Schaefer, the original co-founders of Condor, later to be bought out and labeled Blizzard North. They are the masterminds behind our favored dungeon crawler series Diablo, excluding the new adaptation coming out this year and the expansion Lords of Destruction."

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MrGunny944477d ago

Blizzard...no doubt...lol...

Relientk774477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

I completely agree, not that Runic Games is bad or anything, but I love the Diablo series and they're my fav PC games.

Relientk774477d ago

Finally Diablo III is coming out after over a decade. Day one period. Will be playing this for a LONG time

maawdawg4477d ago

Both games are going to be good. I played the heck out of Fate and Torchlight and even moreso D1 and D2. I am testing in the D3 beta now and it is going to be solid, but I am definitely excited for Torchlight as well. It will probably come out at $20, has a higher co-op cap, won't require and always on online connection, will allow modding, etc. It definitely has some things going for it.

I definitely think there is a place for both in the PC ARPG market. I will be buying both on their respective launch days and expect them to both sell tons. 100% day 1 on both for me.

Adorkably4477d ago

I also would like to hear your thoughts on the beta for D3 as compared to the way D2 was played, since the system is vastly different.

maawdawg4477d ago (Edited 4477d ago )

Diablo 3 is definitely a step in a different direction in mechanics but that is to be expected when you go a decade without a game in a franchise and basically the entire team making it is different people, from the top down. A lot of the mechanics have been streamlined and simplified, which has positives and negatives. They went with a lot of new ideas and with the last handful of beta patches have been slowly carving them all out. No more on field item breakdown, no more rune drops, putting town portal back in the game, removing the enchanter, etc.

It is hard to judge how the final game will be when the beta is basically the equivalent of a "Blood Raven run" in D2, a run to an easy boss through some simple mobs on the easiest difficulty.

I do like the new game and it does have that "Diablo look and feel" but some of the changes have taken some customization and depth out of the game. The rune drops would have been really interesting for hunting and trading but now they have taken out the 5 rarity levels and tied them to open at levelups. I also miss the control of stats and tree skills, which have also been tied directly to apply/open on levelup. That said the new combat system with the handful active skills feels light years ahead of the F-key right/left click system of D2. It is far more fluid and responsive.

With the ability to change anything with your skills and runes on the fly (outside of a 30 skill use cooldown) you will no longer need multiple characters of classes, you can just change whenever you want. The addition of checkpoints also changes the dynamic of dying, no more death running to get your loot (I think, there is really no way to die in the beta unless you actively try)

While the loot experience and feel are largely the same I have a hard time believing this game will get the hours that D2 has seen over a decade. Unless you are playing hardcore you will only ever need 5 characters to do everything you want with each class. They will sell millions and millions of copies and the game will be readily accessible and understandable to even new ARPG players, but I definitely feel like they are losing depth as far as the high end players who love to min/max and have control over every aspect of their character.

Adorkably4477d ago

Mawwdawg is completely right. Torchlight will be coming out at 20 dollars. The reason I had posted this article was mainly because the hype behind D3, while it is going to be part of the series we all grew to love, is not made by the people who made the originals as epic as they are. Don't get me wrong, I will be buying D3 and I will be buying Torchlight 2, I just hope that with a completely different team working on D3, the game still comes out with the same feel as it's predecessors. Torchlight 2, on the other hand, should be a very great game, as the masters of D1 and D2 themselves are working on it. I'm excited for Runic Games to start working on their MMO version of Torchlight though! I feel like it could really take off if they create it the way they said they would!

closnyc4477d ago

haha those saying diablo are those blind fanboys that dont see how blizzard has destroyed this IP. I am in the beta, and i can gladly say i will not be purchasing this POS game. Completley unplayable on a US server, with 30/30 mb connection. Lag spikes, noob friendly to the extreme, crappy graphics. No doubt there is console in mind for this game. That auction house is an insult as well, totally breaking the loot in diablo which is very important and crucial as part of the game. Way to go blizzard. Going with runic this time to enjoy both lan and online experience.

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Activision Blizzard Faces $23.4M Fine for Patent Infringement

Activision Blizzard ordered to pay $23.4M for patent infringement involving popular games.

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Skuletor21d ago

Another L for Xbox, when are they going to have good news?

MrDead21d ago

I would read the article but the giant pop-ups from the top and bottom of the screen made me close it.

Without reading $23.4 million isn't a deterrent for a company that size.

peppeaccardo21d ago

Boss: Let's fire a few people to recoup on that loss.
Slave: Cortana has decided to get rid of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks.
Boss: Let's get those Firing Letters "Copilot Approved" and send them through the power of the cloud.
Slave: Long Live Phil !!!
ALL in the room: LONG LIVE PHIL !!!!

rlow121d ago

Well another troll company with a patent trying to extort money out of companies. Seems like they’re going to try and sue everyone.


Not enough drain them for more, fuck Blizzard POS company.


An Update on This Year’s BlizzCon and Blizzard’s 2024 Live Events

Blizzard writes: "After careful consideration over the last year, we at Blizzard have made the decision not to hold BlizzCon in 2024. This decision was not made lightly as BlizzCon remains a very special event for all of us, and we know many of you look forward to it. While we’re approaching this year differently and as we have explored different event formats in the past, rest assured that we are just as excited as ever to bring BlizzCon back in future years."

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How about you not hold Blizzcon anymore period. You fucking POS company. I really hope Blizzard would just die.


Microsoft has ‘let Blizzard be Blizzard’ following its acquisition, studio says

Microsoft has 'let Blizzard be Blizzard' following the acquisition of the veteran developer according to World of Warcraft's executive producer.

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Kaii44d ago

Diablo 4 storefront being a cash grabbing shitshow does unironically attest to that, kudos.

kythlyn43d ago

Microsoft needs to be guiding Blizzard to be what it USED to be, not allowing it to continue to be the greedy bastardization of itself that it has become.

XiNatsuDragnel44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Okay i will be interested if they become old Blizzard but might as well be dead.

Rynxie43d ago

They will never be old blizzard. Most of all the OG's left from developers to those on the top (even some decision making folks left).

Vits44d ago

Shame most of the people that made Blizzard what they were, have already left a while ago.

ApocalypseShadow44d ago

I was about to say this. How can they be blizzard when they're no longer blizzard from yesteryear?

blacktiger44d ago

Rare was the thing I lost heart

victorMaje43d ago

Exactly. Blizzard hasn’t been Blizzard for a long time.
Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Knightofelemia44d ago

Blizzard is not the same Blizzard like it use to be.

PassNextquestion44d ago

Were you expecting Microsoft to hire everyone that had left Blizzard long before they purchased the company...

Microsoft has let the Blizzard company they purchased continue to be the Blizzard company they purchased.

thesoftware73043d ago

Wow, PassNextquestion,

You fully understand what that saying means, unlike some people on here who just have to say negative garbage talk.

When someone says, "Just let *blank* be *blank*, "they are just letting them operate how they operate.

It's pretty much how Sony "let Bungie be Bungie."

This comment section is full of outright haters, but you have to "let N4G be N4G"

GamerRN43d ago

This site leans so heavily in one direction...


I don't think people commenting are necessarily blaming MS for anything here, this is just collective longing for what Blizzard/Vivendi was before Activision's meddling.

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