
TechRadar - Updated: PS Vita Review

It's an absolutely brilliant handheld gaming console, held back from true greatness by a few small niggles. Said niggles will no doubt become less of a big deal over time - and the likes of Amazon are already selling the console for less than its list price.

Hardcore gamers with cash to spend should snap this monster up and fire up the big launch games with great haste.

For anyone else, it's a case of working out if you think it's worth it. If you just want to play 99p puzzle games, by all means stick to your mobile phone or tablet. But don't be fooled into thinking that your iPod is anywhere near capable of what the Vita can offer, because it's not. Vita is one of a kind.

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badz1494484d ago

the latest and the best unbiased review for the Vita. very detail and well explained!

Snookies124484d ago

True, this seems to hit all the right points. ^^ Can't wait to get a hold of mine tomorrow morning!

ziggurcat4484d ago

people overreacting because they don't know what the word "niggles" means in 3... 2... 1...

Torkith4484d ago

I just received mine today and the only thing that I'm still getting used to the is analog sticks. They're just a tad weird for me. I'm pretty sure I was the same way when I get the PSP for the first time. Other than that it's pretty awesome.

svoulis4484d ago (Edited 4484d ago )

I agree, the analog sticks took a few days to get use to mainly because i often find myself trying to move them around more, they are very limited in motion but accurate at the same time so it never really feels sluggish.

guitar_nerd_234484d ago (Edited 4484d ago )

Seconded, I had turn the sensitivity right up in the Uncharted demo.

The use of the motion for shooting I've actually found really useful (for once)- like I aim and track enemies with the right stick but do the final tweak into position by moving the whole screen- it really works a treat!

Happy Vita launch day. :D

edit: You played with the microphone game on Welcome Park? That thing had me in stitches for ages it's hilarious fun!

svoulis4484d ago

Yea I got all the trophies in that Welcome Park madness. Seriously some of the damn things are hard like solving a 15 piece slide puzzle in 50 seconds..I got it in 32!

Add me if you want my PSN is


Akiba964484d ago

What the hell is a niggle?

ziggurcat4484d ago

niggle [ˈnɪgəl]
1. (intr) to find fault continually
2. (intr) to be preoccupied with details; fuss
3. (tr) to irritate; worry
1. a slight or trivial objection or complaint
2. a slight feeling as of misgiving, uncertainty, etc.


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